Sunday, December 17, 2023

Foreign Investments -India

                                              The trade war is going on between China and America and it has indirectly helped India in respect of Manufacturing and in foreign investments. 

                                              There are so many industrially developing Asian Countries but why India is getting the advantage of the same? There are many reasons for natural advantage. India has the fastest developing economy with a fast emerging Market. Besides that, it has cheap lebour with plenty of high-tech young people.  It is also reported that India has more than 65% young population.  while the USA, Japan, and  China are suffering on account of the increased aging population. Even the Birth rate of those countries has also gone down. Indian government policies are also encouraging foreign investments. 

                                                It is also reported that 11000 foreign companies entered India between 2014 to 2021. Several foreign companies are affiliated with Indian companies that are doing good business in India. The prominent among them are Abbott India, Honeywell Automation, 3M India, ABB India, Maruti Suzuki India, Pfizer, BASF India, Nestle India, Hindustan Unilever, and Sanofi India. All those companies doing well and paying 10% to 30% return to their shareholders.  Besides that, Hyundai of South Korea, and Honda of Japan also entered India.  Apple has also started manufacturing of iPhone in India. Besides that, the Vesta of Denmark and Senvion of Germany are producing wind turbines in India. Tesla is also in the process of entering to manufacturing of Electric Cars in India.

                                               Google, Meta, and Black Rock have also invested Billions of Dollars in India through Reliance Industries Ltd. Amazon and Walmart have a good amount of stake in India.

                                                  This seems to be the beginning of foreign investment in India and will reach pick when the investment starts in Defence, Pharmaceutical, and Health Care. This is to show nobody can stop India from becoming one of the Superpowers in the world.






Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Health and Water

                                           Water can be very helpful in maintaining one's health if it is taken systematically under the advice of a doctor. The shortage of water in the body can create dehydration and can be the cause of many diseases.

                                         Two or three glasses of water in the morning with an empty stomach can help to avoid constipation and help one to clear their stomach. It is observed that some people are in the habit of taking enema with water in the morning to clear their stomach.   Drinking one glass of water before a meal can make one digestive system more active.

                                            It is also reported that drinking one glass of water before a bath can keep blood pressure low. Besides that taking one glass of water before bed can reduce the possibility of a heart attack and it also reduces muscle and vein problems.

                                          Some people do not drink water before going to bed to avoid going to the bathroom frequently which disturbs sleep. However, the lack of water in the body can create some other side effects of which they may not be aware.

                            In short, water is very much essential for the health of a person.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Russia-Ukraine War- Reason

                                                                       Russia- Ukraine war has been going on for a long time and Ukraine has suffered very badly financially and in infrastructure. Ukraine is a very small country in comparison with mighty Russia but Ukraine is resisting Russia with its full strength. The resisting force of Ukraine is mainly based on the financial and military support of Western Countries i.e. America, the UK, and the European Union.

                                                       Ukraine was once a part of Russia but it separated and became an independent sovereign country during the dissolution of the former soviet union.  It appears Russia has been feeling the pinch of losing one of the best wheat-growing and Industrial parts of the country. Therefore it has sharp eyes on it and its political movements. Ukraine has been moving near to Western powers. It may be due to the insecurity of Russia. The Ukraine doubt was confirmed when Russia took over Crimea the most important part of Ukraine. Thereafter Russia made full-fledged aggression on Ukraine. 

                                                    Why Russia should be hostile to a small country like Ukraine? The reason is Ukraine has a border with Russia and it has applied the membership in 'NATO'( i.e. North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Ukraine's membership in 'NATO' will further encircle Russia and it can bring 'NATO 'very near to the Russian Door. In short, it is the military insecurity of Russia. The 'NATO' which considers an attack on any one of its members will be an attack on itself and all its members will join to face the aggression. This is the main cause of the Russian-Ukraine conflict.  There may be a ceasefire in the Russia- Ukraine war if 'NATO' gives the guarantee that it will not admit Ukraine. 

                                                  America and 'NATO' countries have not shown any inclination to deny membership of Ukraine in 'NATO' but on the contrary, Western Powers are giving financial and military aid to Ukraine to face Russian Aggression. It amounts to the proxy war of Western Powers against Russia.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Indian Economy

                                                                         India has the fastest-developing economy in the world. It is observed that when the world is suffering from the insecurity of recession while India's GDP is nearly 7%.  It is also reported that the Indian economy has reached to Four Trillion which can soon surpass the Economy of Japan. It may very soon become the fourth-biggest Economy in the world. 

                                                                       India is the country that manufactures the highest cell phones in the world. Samsung, Apple and so many other companies have their plants in India. India has also implemented and adopted digital systems successfully for day-to-day use. 

                                                                      India has a large generation of cash in the economy through efficient collection of income tax and collection of GST tax. The GST collection has gone up gradually to lakhs of crores. This is also a sign of the increasing prosperity of the country.  The income gap is also being reduced between the various classes of people. The sale of automobiles and two-wheelers is going up because of the above economic development.  The lower middle class has come up and some part of the lower class has also come up. In short, the class gap is reduced due to speedy economic development.

                                                                    Besides that, the Rich class of Billionaires is now rising in India as the economy is bubbling with the generation of cash.  There are about 1319  Rich Men worth about and more than 120 million Dollars. Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani are on top of the list Worth 98 Billion Dollars and Dollars 57.5 billion respectively. There are other Billionaires in India like Cyrus Poonawalla, Shivnadar, Gopichand Hinduja, Dilip Shanghvi, L N Mittal, Radhakrishnan Damani, Kumar Mangalam Birla and Niraj Bajaj. 

                                                                  All this shows that India is becoming a developed economy which will lead to it to one of the superpowers in the world. 


Monday, November 13, 2023


The Latest Focus On War - Jews

                                                          There are two wars that are going on in the world which can turn into a world war. One is fought in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine and another one is between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The common factor in those wars is Western Powers. i.e. America and NATO countries of Europe.  In both wars, America and some of the NATO countries of Europe are actively helping economically and miitarily Ukraine and Israel.

                                                        It is also reported that there is another common factor which is Jews. i.e. Jewish State Israel is fighting against Hamas a Muslim Terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.  Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenky of the Ukraine is also Jewish. Besides that large number of Jewish-origin soldiers are also fighting in the Ukraine Army against Russia. The grave of Brasov who founded one of the branches of the Judith Sect( i.e. of Jews)  is also lying at Uuman in Ukraine. Many Russian Jews also visit the said grave to pay respect. Hence Ukraine is also very much involved with the Jewish community.  In short, Jews are the focus point in the above wars. 

                                                    The Jewish community is a very powerful community in the world.  There are several Nobel prize winners from the Jewish community. This shows their intellectual power.  They are also dominating in Science, Culture, Art,   Politics, Wall Street, and Hollywood. Albert Einstein and Ludwig Wittgenstein are the famous Jews. Jews suffered very badly at the hands of the German Nazy party during the Second World War. Thereafter in  1948, America curved out Israel's state for  Jews around Jerusalem which was protested by all Muslim States around.  Israel still faces the hostility of all those Muslim states.  


                                                     In spite of all odds, Israel is now the most developed and powerful State. The credit goes to the high morale, sincerity, patriotism, and intellectual contribution of the Jewish people. It has a population of 9.6 million people out of which 7 million are Jewish. Jewish people are ready to go up to any extent to protect their country.  They have also the solid support of America and the most powerful Countries in Europe.  Hence we do not know when the war against Jews can turn into a world War.



Friday, November 10, 2023

Health Care- Minimum

                                                         There are several organs of the body that play a very important role in keeping one Healthy.  Those organs are looked after through minimum care then they remain overall Healthy. It does not require much effort but a very practical approach towards them.

                            The Brain is the most important organ of the body which is very active and controls the body's all movements. However, it also requires rest and that can be sound sleep. The brain gets more rest during sleep and it can recoup more energy to work efficiently. Therefore to keep the brain healthy it requires a minimum of eight hours of sound sleep.

                         The eyes are also the more delicate part of the body and if it becomes weak then one loses much efficiency in the movement. Hence it has to be taken care of by massaging before going to bed.

                         The stomach is another organ that looks after the digestion of food. Hence its working has to be efficient otherwise it will become a root cause of deadly deceases. Simply one must avoid consuming cold things including very cold water.

                         The lungs are the most essential part of the body which filter the air. The smoking of cigarettes should be avoided and the consumption of fast food should be reduced.

                         The black chili is the most effective to clear the throat. The bad throat makes life very uncomfortable.

                         The kidney is also one of the most delicate organs of the body the failure of which can make one very sick. It is better to take sufficient water per day and have a habit of clearing the bladder before one goes to bed.

                         The Phuddino and Mint can keep the Nose Healthy. It may help to clear the stuffing of the Nose.

                        The Heart is the most important organ of the body which keeps the body alive. However, it is said that excess input of salt damages the Heart. 

            In short, if we take minimum care of all organs of the body then it helps to keep one Healthy.



Friday, October 27, 2023

 Diversification of Funds - Middle East and Gulf Area

                                                                                                       Most of the Middle Eastern Countries depend upon Oil Money.  Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Abu Dhabi have a good income from the Oil. However, they have now started diverting their resources to various other Technological and Real Estate Sectors. This is mainly due to a gradual decrease in their oil resources and even the use of oil may decrease with time to come.

                                                                                Some of enlightened Rulers in those Countries have the foresight and they have started taking firm action in this direction. 

                                                                               Saudi Arabia wants to go actively to develop tourism in their country. They are building a One Trillion-Dollar Worth pair of 120 km long skyscrapers in the desert.  Dubai spent 12 Billion Dollars building an Archipelago shaped like a Palm. Abu Dhabi's research institute has already released the Falcon 180 B Model regarding Artificial Intelligence. Besides that Qatar has built a 220 Billion Dollars Football Stadium to host the Football World Cup.

                                                                               Abu Dhabi is going to float a big Government-supported AI Company even though it may face stiff competition from other AI Companies. The Technology Innovation Institute of Abu Dhabi employs 800 staff 0f about 74 Countries. They are working on Biotechnology, Robotics, and Quantum Computing. They intend to make the model applicable to medicine and law. Abu Dhabi has also sovereign funds amounting to 1.5 Trillion Dollars which can fund several high-tech projects.

                                                                               All these efforts of Gulf Countries can also help to have alternatives in the long term when oil demands decline. This is a good beginning for the Middle East and Gulf Area Countries.




Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Broken Countries In The World

                                                         There are many countries in the world that are suffering from instability and and lack of proper systems.  Such a condition leads to some types of chaotic situations. The bad law and order along with worsening financial conditions always leads to a broken state.   Besides that even People also become unhappy.  They want to have a separate independent state for a better life. Such conditions make those countries a Broken State.

                                           In a broken state, there is no patriotism or nationalism. There is total instability in every field of life. All systems in the country get broken. 

                                          The politicians, Bureaucracy, and Military authorities also become corrupt and loot the wealth of the country. Those people in power and the wealthy become richer and richer while the majority of people become poorer. It also increases the gap between the rich and poor. Many countries in Africa are on the verge of breaking up or broken. Besides that the conditions of Pakistan is also showing a sign of a broken State.

                                         Every Country should develop high morals, and patriotism,  in order to develop and prosper.  The prosperity of the country is the only guarantee to stop the condition of a broken state.




Sunday, October 8, 2023


Youth and Old age

                                         Youth is a stage when one gets drunk with the Spirit of Youth.  One starts thinking that he can do anything and sky is the limit. Sometimes one even forgets the law of limitation of Nature, Birth, and Death. One also stops thinking that everything has to end including the ultimate destination of death. The reality of life is always realized when one is near death. Therefore the great Alexander the Great went to his tomb showing his two empty hands. Meaning on death one carries nothing with him i.e. Not  Relatives,  Wealth, Power, and even his own Empire.  

                                          Besides that, some young people see an old person as a spent force and good for nothing forgetting that old age is always shadowing everyone.  It is a question of time only.  They also forget that it is those people who have contributed to the development of society and the country. The fruits of which they are enjoying in the present. 

                                          In this  context, it is said that-

                       "Youth sometimes shivers looking at old  people

                         Like a tree loses its beauty when its leaves start falling

                         Youth begins to Fear when it sees the shadow of old age

                         Thinking  that old age is going to be there in his lifetime

                         Youth  must know that what is today  is not going to be tomorrow

                         One forgets what is standing in the future while enjoying the youth at the present"

                                                                In short youth and old age should co-ordinate their experience and spirit for the development of society and country. It can give the best results in the interest of the people.


Saturday, September 23, 2023



                                                                   Depression comes when there is failure and frustration. One loses all expectation of happiness in life which leads to depression.

                                                                  What is depression and what are the signs of it? Depression sometimes brings all negative thoughts in life. Besides that one can not explain the reason for negativity.  One sometimes does not experience happiness even on good occasions. One also remains sad in happy events.

                                                                   One also loses peace of mind and happiness when one is depressed.  It is said that when one cries then one can recover from unhappiness. But when it does not happen then one falls into depression.  If one loses interest in life within and outside then it is a clear sign of depression.

                                                                  Sometimes one loses control over the mind and intelligence under depression and starts eating irresponsibly and excessively.  One looks very rundown and unable to make decisions in any matter which is also a sign of depression. Besides that under depression, one suffers from an inferiority complex and believes that the world has done injustice to him. 

                                                                   In short, failure has nothing to do with depression but it is a fact that if one does not come out of failure then it may lead to frustration.




Friday, September 15, 2023



                                           Nvidia was once in the business of video games but from chip-making of video games, it has become the One Trillion Doller company. It can now stand with some of the Giants of high-tech Industries. 

                                     It has started now on Artificial intelligence and MFG of the chips thereof. There are many companies that are in software and hardware that cover Artificial intelligence. However, it appears that Nvidia is ahead of them in making special chips for AI.

                                   Nvidia has also produced products with the use of AI which is absolutely new in the computing area.  In view of the above Nvidia's share value has also risen doubled. Its chip performance is very high. It holds more than 75% of the market share in Special Chips of AI  at present. It has also invested in advanced Networking as AI models are required. Besides that Nvidia has a strength in its software programming which is specialized under AI.

                                 It can also create more competitors if there is a very good profit in any sector. Therefore Nvidia has to be diligent in maintaining its present dominant position in the market.  Hence Nvidia has to be vigilant to maintain its vast customers. Amazon and Alphabet are some of its competitors which are also in the same field.

                                Nvidia has the advantage in its ability to provide Packages of Networking, Software, and Chips related to AI. 

                               This shows that Nvidia has a very bright future.





Sunday, September 3, 2023

 Artificial Intelligence and IQ

                                                    Chat GPT is a product of Artificial Intelligence.  It has humanlike skills like writing Essays, and Poems, telling Jokes and Fairy Tales.  Besides that, it can draw nice Pictures and Fashion and Design-based things.   It can also explain scientific phenomena and can compose computer Code.

                                                   One asks some questions to said chat box like What is the meaning of Gadgets? "The answer will be mobile. " It can also describe that it is a device for a specific purpose." In such cases, Chat GPT will get full credit.  Chat Bots can also give some answers regarding General knowledge.

                                                   It is reported that Despite the high IQ of Chat GPT it can fail regarding human-like reasoning or understanding of the physical and social world. Sometimes it answers ' I am sorry I cannot answer this question. I do not have much context to identify which thing you are referring to.

                                                   The Chat GPT IQ is 155 while the score among college-educated Students is 113. Only 5% can score 132 0r higher.  However, it raises the question that some of the aspects of intelligence can not be measured by IQ by looking at the failure of Chat GPT in certain aspects.  

                                               ***************************                                         ' 



Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Indian Economy

                                     It appears that the Indian economy is more developing in the world in the shadow of recession. Besides that, it has become one of the fastest-developing economies in the world.

                                     America has been under the shadow of a recession and big American companies have already taken drastic steps to reduce their staff strength by lakhs. China's economy is down due to the effects of the coronavirus, and trade war with America. japan is suffering from stagnation and a more old population.  It has created a shortage of working force. While German economy is under stress and the shortage of gas/ petrol due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the position of all economies that are bigger than India at present. 

                                      India has a strategic advantage in the world due to its major young, educated, and cheap labor force. Besides that India has an intellectual high-tech working force in software. The Trade war between America and China has given an additional advantage to India regarding the transfer of manufacturing activities of America from China to India.  India is also one of the biggest consumer markets in the world. Therefore Indian economy is bubbling with faster development.

                                      Indian economy Ranks five at present among the biggest economies of the world and trying to reach the Third Rank in the next five years.  It is a realistic expectation in the context of Japanese and German Economies GDP rates  are at present 4410 and 4304 Billion Dollars respectively against the Indian GDP rate of 3750 Billion Dollars.  

              It can be seen from above that India has a capacity to become a superpower in few decades.




Saturday, August 12, 2023

Namaskar- Indian Culture

                                                               In Indian culture humble attitude is given more importance and it reflects in the various types of gestures. People who talk in a soft manner are always appreciated. Besides that greeting people with two folded hands called 'Namaskar' is more observed in Indian culture. 

                                                          Namaskar is a very graceful gesture to greet people in private and in public. It is a sign of humbleness.  It means in other words " Be Happy and " Always Remain Happy".

                                                            Besides that 'Namaskar' can give always security in the form of Blessings from all and including elders.  Once Bhismapitah decided to kill Pandavas in the war of Mahabharat. Draupadi when came to know about it went to Bhismapitah and offered Namaskar in return he gave a blessing  'Akhand Shobhagyavati  Bhav' ( i.e.I Bless that your husband will be protected). Thereafter Bhismapitamah realizes that he can't kill the Pandavas as he gave the blessing to their wife. This shows that humbleness always pays. It also teaches us that always respect our elders.

                                                         Namaskaar is a sign of good behavior. It is one of the best Thoughts, Signs of Humbleness including giving up Ego. It also reflects the high culture of a person. In short, it is a culture of India.


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Generation to Generation

                                                     There is a vast difference between the past and present which has led to a generation gap. The past which was somewhat slow with life and the present has made life very fast and competitive. The past was mainly based on manual work while the present is more or less mechanized. Hence there is a different picture today than past. This is called the generation gap.

                                   There was no  Cell Phone,  Internet, Computer,  Air conditioning, Radio, or TV. DVD, No Bike or Helmet, etc in the past. Schoolchildren use to play in meadows after school. Sometimes they use to draw water from the waterfall, People use to walk barefoot without shoes or chappals. Besides that no food supplementary was available. The black and white photos were there with colorful memories.

                                    We have today Mineral water, Bread, Pasta, and Fast food along with several friends i.e. School friends, College friends, professional friends, Social friends, and acquittances to enjoy thereon. But very few true friends can stand by in time of need. old time children use to make their own toys while now there are ready-made toys available in the market as per one test.

                                    One wonders why people are not happy with all luxuries in life. In the past people had fewer requirements, and life was hard. There were more values in life. The people were more passionate and honest and ever ready to help each other in case of need. That made them more satisfied and happy among them.

                                         Therefore the truth of life is money and luxury can not give all happiness but it gives only comforts. However, few requirements, values, and humanity only give inner happiness in life.



Sunday, July 23, 2023


Loneliness And Mental Problems.

                                                     America is a superpower with prosperity and glamour. However, some people are suffering from mental diseases. Mental diseases are increasing the reckless shooting and crime thereon. It has come out in the survey certain facts which are moving on the Internet. We do not know to what extent such a survey has validity but at least it gives a fair idea about American lives. The survey gives the average time Americans spent on various activities. 

                                                  We start from the age of 15 wherein Americans spent an average of 262 minutes with family while 193 minutes alone which makes them lonely. As the age increase i.e.  at 25  they pass their average time of 121  minutes with their wives.  However, they spend average of 275 minutes alone.

                                                 American spend an average of 199 minutes with their children and an average of 184 minutes with their wives at the age of 45. but their lonely average time goes on increasing up to 309 minutes.

                                                However, at the retirement time of  65, they give an Average time of 243 minutes to their family and wives. while they spend average of 444 minutes alone.

                                                This shows that with advanced age their average time of loneliness goes on increasing. It is said that loneliness creates health problems at any age in spite of prosperity and rich lives. Hence several Americans are suffering from mental problems which lead to shootings and crime. 



Wednesday, July 12, 2023



                                                            Sixty years and above age is considered a Senior Age but upcoming changes in the world have compelled many countries in the world to extend the seniority age above Sixty years of Age. An industrially advanced country like Japan is facing an Economic crisis because the population of seniors is increasing which is adversely affecting the economy of the country. Many counties in the world have similar problems. i.e. How to increase the population of young people who can be more useful and energetic. 

                                    The improved healthcare system has increased the average life of citizens above 65 to 70 years of age.  In France, people were on the road to protest against increasing the retirement age. The pension payment burden to seniors is also increasing the financial burden of the state as longevity also increases. Therefore many countries are trying to increase the retirement age.

                                   These are all financial aspects of the economy regarding Seniors. However, Seniors are also facing Financial, Social, and Mental issues. Once one retires loose identity, Official Status, and even holds over family.

                                    Therefore Seniors have to be more practical and adjustable to the circumstances and situations. Besides that age is only in number but spirit has to be maintained of younger people. Seniors should dress up to date and colorful which can reflect their young spirit. Besides that, they should use their experience in a humble way with self-control in order to adjust to the upcoming generation. It is very much necessary for them to understand the next generation in order to adjust to them and to make themselves comfortable. Seniors should become a supporter of the next generation instead of asking for support from them. That is how they can become the inspiration for them.  

                                  In the process senior may not go on talking about their time and has to give up their ego too to suit the situation and circumstances. In short instead of pressing on your opinion try to adjust your opinion with time.

                  All these show that surviving in senior life is more difficult than regular life.  


Sunday, July 2, 2023



                                                                  Pranayama helps to increase Mental energy.  It cleans the blood and increases the circulation of blood thereon.  Deep breathing also improves the functioning of the Lungs.  Besides that, it also improves one foresight and intellect.

                                          There are three processes in Pranayama i.e. Deep Breathing, Controlling Breathing, and Taking Out of Air. All these activities are known as Purak, Kumbhak, and Rechak respectively in Sanskrit. 

                                          The sustaining of deep breathing is very important in Prayanama. It can be counted in seconds to minutes. But counting should not disturb your sustaining of deep breathing. Therefore it is better to count in numbers that are easy i.e. 123456. etc. It will also least disturb one mind which is very fluctuating while doing the Pranayama.

                                         Besides that Pranayam can cure some of the body's problems but that does not permit one to give up medication thereof.  Relative medication has to continue until the problems are solved by the process of  Pranayama.

                                             It is also observed that Counting time for controlling one Breathing is Automatically developed gradually by one. It can even replace counting by numbers at a later stage. 

                       This proves that Pranayama is very scientific and useful for the health of people.
