Sunday, September 3, 2023

 Artificial Intelligence and IQ

                                                    Chat GPT is a product of Artificial Intelligence.  It has humanlike skills like writing Essays, and Poems, telling Jokes and Fairy Tales.  Besides that, it can draw nice Pictures and Fashion and Design-based things.   It can also explain scientific phenomena and can compose computer Code.

                                                   One asks some questions to said chat box like What is the meaning of Gadgets? "The answer will be mobile. " It can also describe that it is a device for a specific purpose." In such cases, Chat GPT will get full credit.  Chat Bots can also give some answers regarding General knowledge.

                                                   It is reported that Despite the high IQ of Chat GPT it can fail regarding human-like reasoning or understanding of the physical and social world. Sometimes it answers ' I am sorry I cannot answer this question. I do not have much context to identify which thing you are referring to.

                                                   The Chat GPT IQ is 155 while the score among college-educated Students is 113. Only 5% can score 132 0r higher.  However, it raises the question that some of the aspects of intelligence can not be measured by IQ by looking at the failure of Chat GPT in certain aspects.  

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