Sunday, October 8, 2023


Youth and Old age

                                         Youth is a stage when one gets drunk with the Spirit of Youth.  One starts thinking that he can do anything and sky is the limit. Sometimes one even forgets the law of limitation of Nature, Birth, and Death. One also stops thinking that everything has to end including the ultimate destination of death. The reality of life is always realized when one is near death. Therefore the great Alexander the Great went to his tomb showing his two empty hands. Meaning on death one carries nothing with him i.e. Not  Relatives,  Wealth, Power, and even his own Empire.  

                                          Besides that, some young people see an old person as a spent force and good for nothing forgetting that old age is always shadowing everyone.  It is a question of time only.  They also forget that it is those people who have contributed to the development of society and the country. The fruits of which they are enjoying in the present. 

                                          In this  context, it is said that-

                       "Youth sometimes shivers looking at old  people

                         Like a tree loses its beauty when its leaves start falling

                         Youth begins to Fear when it sees the shadow of old age

                         Thinking  that old age is going to be there in his lifetime

                         Youth  must know that what is today  is not going to be tomorrow

                         One forgets what is standing in the future while enjoying the youth at the present"

                                                                In short youth and old age should co-ordinate their experience and spirit for the development of society and country. It can give the best results in the interest of the people.


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