Tuesday, December 19, 2017

God and Faith
                                                                              Faith  is very important aspect in life. One should never do anything wherein one do not have faith. Besides that faith creates conviction  which turns into strength.  The majority people leave their lives on faith but some section of society question the faith on basis of logic and reasoning or on the scientific ground. However they forget that big religious books like Bible, Koran, and Gita does not have signatures of writer thereon. Those books are being followed by masses on basis of mere faith.

                                                                               It is said that when faith enters in anything than  it becomes most pious thing in the world.  The Food served in Gurudwara becomes very Pious. Similarly Sweets distributed in Temples becomes so pious that it is sought after by all worshipers.  Even water become pious when offered to God. The faith is behind all those beliefs.

                                                                              One Travels to the places of worship  than that  becomes pilgrimage. The pilgrimage becomes pious because one goes their by conviction and faith. One can enjoy songs in anyway he likes but when it is sang in Worshiping God then it becomes  Kirtan or Sufi Songs. It carries Spiritual and Religious values as it is being sang in a different spirit.
                                                                               There is a peace of mind and good feeling  as soon as one enter in to house where  idol is installed. They call it as a Temple as people  carries complete faith in the Idol therein. The same type of feelings one  find when you enter houses which are  known as Mosque   and Church.

                                                                                Hence anything can become a pleasant  if people attach their faith there on. There are people who are questioning the existence of God on logic and reasoning as one cannot See, Touch, Smell and Talk to God.  But one can experience God by having Faith.  God exist in faith when one understand his/her limitations which cannot be overcomed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Senior Citizens- Health Care
                                                                  It is observed that Senior Citizens are facing some of the  common problems in their lives. The loss of Memory or Knees problems or  Frailer of some of the faculties.  However overall weakness is the the Major problem which leads to falling and braking of bones. The recovery from such old age  mishap becomes fatal or  it makes them disables. Therefore necessary precautionary measure has to be taken in this regard.

                                                                  Senior Citizen has to be careful when they climb staircase. They should hold railing firmly when they climb. They should warm of their body before doing following  activities.
1) when they twist their head
2) when they intend to touch their toes
3) when they do their exercise

                                                                  It is better to wear pant while sitting down in order to avoid fall. Besides that when one gets up from bed they should sit up from Left hand side or Right hand side of Body. Some time Senior tries to show their fitness by walking backward. It can cause grave injuries. It is advisable to bend knees when one lift heavy weight.

                                                                  Some Seniors gets up immediately from the bed which may cause certain type of Physical problem. However it  is  advisable to wait few minutes before getting up from bed.  It is also observed that in majority cases Senior slip in the Bathroom. Therefore bathroom should be equipped with railing suitable for senior and disable.

                                                                  The difference between Young and Old is found in Spirit and Attitudes towards life. Seniors can cross those barriers by living  Positive and Active life.  It is also a way of  Happiness.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

                                                                               Colombia is one of the Latin American Countries which is known for its  strong drug Mafias. Besides that it is the third largest country in the Latin America.
                              It's GDP was 4.8% in year 2015 and considered to be good for doing business.
Meanwhile Civil War has also ended which have brought stability in its economy.  It is very rich in coal reserve and stands third regarding the same in the Latin America. There are lots incentives for foreign investments and more than 200 foreign companies have entered in the last five years.  Colombia is producing very large quantity palm oil and stand 4th in the world. It intends to further improve the infrastructure by spending by 50 Billion Dollars.

                             There is a sound fiscal management in order to further improve its economy. World Bank reported that Middle Class of Colombia has increased by 50% in the last decades. Middle class form the 27% of Colombian population. All these factors are increasing the marketability of Colombian Economy. Hence there is good market for  assembly and manufacturing  of vehicles, trucks, buses and automotive components. There are free trade zones which further encourages the foreign companies. Besides that the aggressive campaign against drug lords have further improve the image of the Colombia in the world.

                            In view of above the  Colombia has become the better place for doing Business and have acquired  now 34th place in the world for doing business. Therefore it is one of the rising economies in the world.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Facts about Indian Economy
                                                  ' Moody' the International Agency has put Indian Economy from Stable to Positive. This is on account of comprehensive reforms taken up by Indian government under Narendra Modi.  The Introduction of 'GST' including Introducing the ' Aadhaar Bio metric Account System'. It has also helped the direct benefit Transfer Schemes. The Government has also taken up steps regarding  addressing the bad loans of Banks. It has given boost to the Indian Share Market.
                                                   Modi government  is under fire from opposition on two accounts i.e, 'Demonetization' and introduction of GST in Haphazard manner.  The Demonetization has brought down the 'GDP' by 2 points and brought recession in small and medium Businesses/ Industries. The Unemployment have increased along with Inflation.  The Export have also gone down. The Medium and Small Businesses have suffered due to  high tax rates of 'GST'. However Government has rectified the high rates of GST which created dissatisfaction among Business Communities and Industries. It is a on going process. Besides that Government thinks that all those initial problems will be solved and all those measures will be advantageous in long run.  The American Think Tank Research Center reported that  Narendra Modi is  still most popular leader in India with 88% people fevouring him.
                                                   Besides that Government objectives were to control Black Money, and to bring more people in to Tax Net with the measures like Demonetization. The Demonetization has brought out 3 Lakhs benami Companies which were closed. 40000 fakes 'NGO' were also closed. 12 Crores additional people were brought in to Tax Net. The All Types of Tax collections have also increased considerably. The Banks liquidity have also increased as they were flooded with additional funds.  In addition to that  3 Crores benami 'LPG cards' and 195000 Ration Cards were cancelled by Government. It can be seen from above measures that some of the sections of society may be not happy  with Government.  However it is for people to judge about the Merit and Demerit in the matter.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Reflection of Time
                                                                               People has to change with the time and it has to reflects in their Life Style. In this connection one has to analyse the Time as below-
  Now and Then
  Morning people use to Chant prayers
  Along with  conentrated meditation
  But Now they are hurry to go office
  Forgetting all those Healthy rituals 
 Now and Then
 They use to work very  hard 
 With sparing little bit for needy one
 Now they rot whole life for money
 To accumulate wealth for themselves
 Now and Then
 The Ladies were use to be Respected
 But now they are made Showpiece
 It was a time when parent were  Respected 
 Now it is a time when parent has to obey children
Now and Then
People are Agitated and Unhappy with Change
 But are not ready to change with the time .
Now  and Then
                                                    People are Restless and Unhappy in spite of changing  their  Clothes, House, Friends and Relationship.  But they overlook one problem that they are not ready to change with the Time and Circumstances.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Home Land of Christopher Columbus- Spain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Spain is very much in News because of the Catalonia demanding Independence. Catalina is one of the richest provinces of Spain who is struggling for independence since long time. However Spain has its maritime history wherein person like Christopher Columbus traveled lot and discovered the continent of America then. He was in search of India then on the entirely new Route  but accidentally he came across  America. Therefore he called the natives of America Indian thinking that he had reached to India. However Spain Monarchy then established many colonies in Latin America. American people wants to remove the Statue of Christopher Columbus from their land treating him as one of the Exploiters.

                                                                                          However even to day Spain is very important Country in the South Western part of Europe. It is a member of European Union. Even  European Union does not want the the division of Spain on  the economical reason. The Spain is a develop Country with Services being main sector in its economic development. Its GDP is increasing and it is expected to reach 3.1% in 2017. It has mixed Capitalist Economy and it is is open for the foreign investments. It has also booming Tourism Industry. It has highly skilled worker to Boom its Industrial Base. There are about  9000 Foreign  Companies in Spain.

                                                                                           The focus areas for  investment are in Aerospace, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals and Automotive components.  It also produce the Highest i.e. 44% of world Olive Oil. Spain is also highest manufacturer of Industrial Vehicles in Europe. It has highest speed Rail Lines.  Spain has become Entry Route to Latin American Countries as Spanish language is  mostly spoken language in  Latin America. However English is accepted as a Business language in the Spain. Spain is a very promising country with  64000  KM  Fiber Optic Cable Network. Catalonia or without Catalonia Spain will remain promising Country in the world to Come.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

 Events Change Once Life
                                                    This a  story of no other than the Satya Nadella, CEO of 'Microsoft'. His son 'Zain' was born when he was Twenty Nine Year old . His son 'Zain' was then born with some disabilities wherein he has to use 'Wheel Chair' and to depend upon his parent due to Severe Cerebral Palsy. However Satya Nadella wife 'Anu' gave him full support  with full understanding that' It is not wrong with them but Zain do requires help due to his Disabilities. That was a turning point in the life of Satya Nadella which has shaped the life what he is Today.
                                                     It shaped the personal passion for Satya Nadella connecting new ideas to Apathy for others. It started the process of Hiring people with disabilities through 'Autism Hiring Program'.  Thus it helped to empower Billions of People with Disabilities.
                                                     Thereafter the Eye Control features were introduced in window -10  which empowered people with disabilities to operate Mouse and Keyboard. The eye gaze wheelchair program produced by 'Hachton Team' allows to drive wheelchair with only the movement of eyes as he looks at the control of his surface.
                                                      Another 'Seeing Al Program' empowers Visually Impaired People and it makes those people more connected to the world.
                                                     ' Hearing Tools Program' Empower 'Children Dyslexia'. It also assist to improve the reading and writing experience for 'Dyslexia Student'
                                                       The Crust of the Article that one has to be sorry for something terrible happens in once  life but sometime it turns into advantage for so many suffering people in this World. Hence Gita also says that 'whatever Good or Bad happens in life is to be treated for Good'.
          (This is Extract from the Article written in 'Linked' by Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft.)

Friday, October 13, 2017

                                                                               India is known for Dynastic Rules since thousands of years. There were several foreign Dynasty  who ruled over India. It ended with the British imperial Rule. India is independent since 1947 with democratic system but it is observed that Nehru family have been ruling for majority period. The root cause of problem is that Indian people have still not come out of Hero Worshiping and Sycophancy  for Power and Wealth.  Hence Dynasty rule  flourished. Rahul Gandhi also accepted in the lighter way that Dynasty system are prevailing in India in Politics,Business,Trade and Industries.
                                                                            However the the first Prime minister of India, Jawaherlal Nehru also directly or indirectly became the victim of the same doctrine. He might have been inspired to make Indira Gandhi his daughter as a Prime Minister of India i.e. From the instance like  Shrimivo Bandernaik becoming Prime Minister of  Sri Lanka.

                                                                                He has to do lots of manipulations to install Indira Gandhi by removing then Senior leader like Morarji Desai from seat of power. It is reported that he used Kamraj and his plan to clear the way for his daughter.  He first tried to peruse Morarji Desai personally in his life time for giving way to the Indira Gandhi but he failed. Morarji Desai opposed the  proposal on the ground that he can not appoint any body as PM  in Democratic system. He also challenged him that he will be a first person to contest against her if she stands for election.
                                                                                 It is then history that Lal Bahadur Shastri was promoted to become PM with understanding that he will vacate the seat of PM after six month in the fevour of Indira Gandhi.   In the process Lal Bahadur Shastri could become PM only after the death of Nehru and that too with the help of Kamraj and Others.  Thereafter Lal Bahadur became very popular in Indo- Pak war and was not inclined to  give up Prime Minister ship in the fevour of Indira Gandhi.  However situation once again took turned in the fevour of Indira Gandhi on the sudden death of Lal Bahadur Shashtri.  The question then arised again regarding electing the Prime Minister.  Morarji Desai  challenged the Indira Gandhi wherein he was defeated.  However Morarji Desai got considerable votes of congress members of the parliament. Hence Indira Gandhi was compelled to induct Morarji Desai as a Deputy Prime Minister of India.  Thereafter Indira Gandhi got rid of Morarji Desai  after the split in Congress over the controversy of Presidential Candidate. That event helped Indira Gandhi to get complete control over Government and Congress party. In short all those manipulations were only to establish Nehru Dynasty.  Thereafter it is a history that Rajiv become Prime Minister. Nehru Dynasty still continues with Sonia and Rahul Gandhi.

                                                                  However it appears  that Nehru family has hidden grievances against Gujarat, and its leadership.  It may be because first of  all Mahatma Gandhi dominated the Indian political scene and then Sardar Patel.  Morarji Desai former Prime Minster was another Gujarati Leader who opposed the Nehru Dynasty.  Incidentally Narendra Modi, the present Prime Minister and a prominent Gujarati  Leader  is also opposing the Nehru Dynasty.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Revelation Of Secrets After Demonetization.
                                                                                                                   The opposition parties have very good tool to attack Indian Government for  Demonetization. They alleges that it has damaged the economy of India. The GDP has gone down to 2 points. It  has adversely effected Trade, Industries and Export. The inflation has gone up and unemployment is also on high side.  They are showing figures to substantiate their contentions.They are trying to prove that it was a  faulty decision. They believe that main objective of Demonetization  was to detect  Black Money which has failed.
                                                                    However Government may be having limitation to show some  extraneous reasons for which demonetization  was executed. It can be seen from the result that  the thousands of crores of Black Money were deposited in the  Stagnant/Dormant  Bank Accounts. The Banks are flooded with money and they have improved their liquidity. It has also helped government to identify Benami and the Money laundering Accounts. In short Government got list of those companies to proceed further. The Indian Government has sealed about One Lakh Fifty Thousand Benami/ Money laundering companies and has also disqualified about Three Lakhs Directors thereon. It has also helped to identifies the Benami Properties of people in order to seize them. The Government action in the matter may have antagonized the concerned people.

                                                                  The Indian Government has already declared that Collection  of Income Tax has increased considerably. It is reported that under Income Tax Declaration Scheme Government has collected about 50000 Crore Rupees. It is also reported that out of which  about 5000 Crore Rupees are declared in Mumbai.  The Income Tax Department is also trying to bring Maximum Number of people in  Tax Net.  It is now reported that Income Tax had raided 200 Eateries in Mumbai. One Pav Bhaji/ Jallebi seller has declared 50 Crores of Properties. One Juice Center had declared 5 Crores Cash  and Properties under 'IDS' . Some Road Side Eateries have declared 25 Lakhs to 2 Crore Rupees. There are so many who wants to declare but they are hesitating keeping in view of future harassment.  The Government has to find ways and means when only 3% of population are paying Tax in India while it is reported that in USA 97% people are paying Tax. Hence it is a major work for the Indian Government to bring maximum people in to Tax Net. It appears that the majority people are avoiding or concealing the income looking at the  cash generation and cash financial activities in Indian Business/Trade.
                                                                     There are post adverse effect of Demonetization on Economy but it may be Temporary or  may be Advantageous on Long run. Hope for the Best.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Tycoon Also Thinks Like Saint
                                                                Krishna says in Gita that you may live worldly life but keep your mind  with me. There are several instances of very rich persons who practice such life.  In this connection one may not compare with  experiences of rich individual with saintly person but at the end it amounts to it through their action and thinking.

                                                              The former Chairman of '  Tata Sons ' Ratan Tata  has to say  that" Do not Educate your children to be Rich. Educate them to be happy so when they grow up they know the value of things not the price." While once Buddha said  "The money is the worst discovery of human life but it is the most trusted material to test human nature."It means money is not the sole instrument to achieve happiness but value in life is important.

                                                               Ratan Tata  had also said that " The one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are one hundred reasons to give up, He/She will find one reason to hold on". This is because one think people will not like one's action and they may leave him. In short some time one is driven by others. However Buddha was very clear on this matter. he advised on this subject in different manner but amount to same. Buddha was of opinion that " You are the driver of your life. Do not let any one steal your seat."
                                                               Ratan Tata is of opinion that "There are lots of difference between human being and being human. A few understand." Gandhiji was once pointed out the weaknesses of his some of the followers but  he replied " I am human being  with lots of weaknesses. How can  find fault with the weaknesses of other human being."
                                                                    This shows that there are people who live in this world but think keeping God in  mind.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Third World War?
                                                                            There is a grave situation developing between America and North Korea which may led to World War.
                                        North Korea has done several missiles test which had  crossed the Japan and fell in the Pacific Ocean. Japan and South Korea are very much agitated for the same. North Korea has also tested 'Hydrogen Bomb' i.e. Underground test which had created Earth Quakes of very large Scale. It has disturbed all surrounding Countries who are close Allies of America. Besides that even 'UNO' has also imposed several strict international restrictions on North Korea in order to bring it in discipline. But there is no effect on North Korea and it is going head as per their agenda.
                                        The American President Donald Trump has already warn North Korea that' It will have to pay very heavy price if it takes action against our Allies'. Donald Trump has also described the North Korean activities as ' Suicidal Mission.
                                        North Korea is using very abusive language against the American President. Norh Korean Ruler Kim Jon said ' Donald Trump is a bad guy and who is fond of playing with fire.' Besides that Foreign Minister of North Korea has gone up to describing Donald Trump's warning to North Korea with ' Barking Dog'.
                                         Hence it can be seen that situation very tense and which can flare up at any time. However the question arise that' On whose support North Korea has become so insolent? It is very clear that China and  Russia  axis is behind the North Korea  who are questioning the Supremacy of America.China and Russian are soft towards North Korea. China can easily cut the supply line of North Korea in order to control it. Besides that it is reported that Pakistan has also given Atomic Secret to North Korea. All these factors are responsible for the present situation.
                                        America and South Korea have already started doing Bombing Exercises along the Border of North Korea. But North Korea is still  adamant on its plan. Hence it appears that we are at present on the thrash hold of 'Third World War'.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Where is God?
                                                                  There are different opinions regarding existence of God. Some people are having very bad experiences in their lives and they suffer lot.  Those type of people loose  faith in God and become non believer. Some of the intellectuals sees God in every thing while some people have a blind faith in  worshiping . It appears that each one in this world believes in existence of God or Non existence according to their life experiences.
                                                                   However one thing is certain that there is a power which is abstract one and which cannot be seen or touched. But it is power on which we have no control. Besides that for some people God is a role model. They derives inspiration to improve themselves. That means for them God is a perfect form of human being.
                                                                   Some people have grievance that sometime God is not kind to Good people and showers all Happiness on bad and evil elements. However Goodness and Badness are the relative terms i.e.  Something good for one is bad for other. Many writers, poets, and intellectuals, have commented adversely on the justice of God and that has also led to the question regarding  existence of  God.  Gita which emphasis more on  good karmas explain it very tactfully. It says that happening of Good  and Bad things in one life is addition and subtraction of good and bad karmas during previous and present life. It is philosophical and very difficult to digest. There is a instance after Mahabharata war wherein Krishna tried to show that even Arjuna also could not fully digest Gita.

                                                                     The stone idols and other types of means created for praying to God are only symbolic for people. However there is a power which has created limitations for most intelligent  Human Race. One fails to achieve his goal in spite of that he work sincerely and intelligently. Why? That is a question which point out  the limitation in human life. Besides that there is no control over one Death. It come as and when it destined in life. That is also one of the limitations which human race has failed to overcome. In such circumstances the existence of some power has to be presumed.
                                                                     There is no control over natural calamities which brings total disaster  on the lives of people. Therefore a power on which people have no control and which creates limitation has to be named and recognized. Its recognition can be in any form for different people. But one poet says i.e. 'God' -

 Who is There?
 Oceans mighty waves who is there
 Who creates those Icy peaks Everywhere
 The Water of those long Rivers who carries
 The Vibrations of Earthquakes comes from where
 The loud Sounds of Thunderbolt who creates
 Heavily pouring water through rains, where it comes
 The Enlighten souls  knows about all these dramas
 The Things may be different but Creator is one
                                       Hence one understand and recognize God in his own way. That is a crust of  Matter.


Monday, September 4, 2017

The Simplest and Easy Healthcare
                                                         ' Heath is Wealth'  slogan should be accepted  for happy and healthy life. What is use of being Billionaire if one cannot enjoy the Wealth due to bad Health?  Besides that it is said that Rich and busy people are not getting time to do Physical Exercises. That is the Crust of the problem. Once physician of  the Bill Clinton advised him for good health to take deep breath periodically during his busy Schedules. Hence it is absolutely necessary to give some exercise to body in order to keep it fit. However some people are struggling against time to keep their body fit.

                                                           Therefore least consuming time exercise is preferable. Hence it is advisable to at least walk for 30 minutes day anywhere i.e. Indoor  or Outdoor as per convenience. There are many advantage of walking 30 minutes a day. Even one can walk for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in evening  accordingly.  The 30 minutes walk per day-
1) Reduce the risk of stroke  and hypertension by 25% .
2) It reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and including the risk of breast cancer
3) The body heals faster by walking
4) It gives adverse effect to body by not walking
5) It also lowers the risk of  prostrate and colon cancer
6) It increase the blood circulation in the body.
7) It reduce the Bloodpressure.
8) It reduce the risk of Hip fracture.
9) It also reduce the risk of gall stone surgery.

                                                            In view of above why not to spend 30 minutes of the day for walking?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mischief With  Nature
                                                                       It is observed that nature has become abnormal  and striking on the earth in one or other forms. Nature has a many weapons which can give lesson to mankind for playing mischief.

                                                                      The nature can strike on the earth in forms various calamities i.e. Like  Cyclone, Flood, Earthquake and Heavy heavy Rain. Human race being very intelligent  is continuously disturbing the nature. Following  way mankind has made Nature abnormal and destructive.
1) Many Industries are throwing  Carbon dioxide which  creates lots of Pollution in the atmosphere. It spoil the environment which worsen the climate
2) Some of the Chemical Industries throws poisonous gases which affects the climate. It also harm the people.
3) People are madly digging the earth for  getting valuable metals etc. which creates imbalance below the Earth. It can prone  the Earthquake.
4) The Ice on the mountains is abnormally get melt due to warm weather and rivers get flooded.
5) The Ice in the North and South Poles is also slowly getting  melt due  men made warm weather.
6) In  Industrial Developments Race have also damaged and Environment.

                                                                     These are some of the reasons which are damaging the environment in the world. The most developed and Super power america is also frequently suffering from severe Natural Calamities  The recent 'Harvey' Cyclone, Flood and Heavy rain in 'Huston', Texas is one of the  glaring example of the same.  China which is in race of superpower  is also facing Storm, Flood and Heavy Rains in its several Areas. It has destroyed the properties worth of Billions  Dollar and thousands of people were killed.

                                                                      The recent heavy rain which broke the all records have made the city of Mumbai completely flooded and paralyzed it for days to gather.  It has destroyed the thousand of working hours and damaged Billions of Dollar properties. The other states of India are also suffering due to heavy rain and flood.  It has destroyed the crops and properties. Besides that Crores of people have become Homeless. The effected states are Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar,  Assam, Rajasthan, Madya Pradesh and Gujarat . Hence it can be seen that 3/4 of India is victims of such Calamities.

                                                                      It clearly shows that nature is adversely reacting due to man made crisis.  It has to be tackled collectively at international level. Mankind has to sacrifice development up to some extent in order to set the thing right. It is said that Russian Oil Tanker has been successful in making way in Antarctica by cutting the 1.2 Meter thick Ice.  It may be good news commercial point of view but it is bad regarding Environment. It clearly shows that Ice layer in Antarctica is becoming thin and it can bring the sea level high. The high sea water level can flood many cities of the world and can bring tremendous destruction. Therefore it is better to stop mischief with nature and to take deterrent  and positive steps before it is too late.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mahatma Gandhi and his Family- Where About
                                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi had dedicated his whole life in freedom struggle of India. He believed that' His life is for the people of India and not for giving advantage his family members'. In the process there was lots of heart burning among some of the family members. His sons also served the people but they were having some personal ambitions and aspirations among them.

                                                                                       His eldest son Harilal revolted against the certain decisions of his father  and created lots of embarrassments for him.  Harilal may be right in his own way but it is always crime to be close relatives of  the Leader who is a man of principles and values. His another son Manilal and his family remained in South Africa.

                                                                                       There are lots of persons who have exploited there connections and good will of Mahatma Gandhi. Hence grievances of few members of Gandhi family are justified on merits  and in terms injustice done to them.  Nehru family also very much benefited by having surname Gandhi along with their name. while it is unfortunate that most of the Gandhi family are in wilderness at present.  Krishna Kulkarani the Great Grand Son of  Mahatma
Gandhi also adversely commented on the exploitation of Gandhi's Name for political purpose. He is a son of Sumitra Kulkarani, IAS who was Daughter of Ramdas Gandhi. Kanu Gandhi was also a son of Ramdas Gandhi who migrated to 'USA'. He returned to India on  retirement. However he met bad experience in India and lost some of his savings. He died miserably by moving place to place.

                                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi's another son  Devdas Gandhi was married to daughter of C Rajgopalchari, First Governor General of India.  Devdas two sons Rajmohan Gandhi and Gopal Gandhi came in  to lime lights on the account of their political activities. Gopal Gandhi, IAS, Former Governor of West Bengal and recent contestant of Vice President election is very much in limelight..  However Gopal Gandhi lost  the the Vice- Presidential election which was very much concluded in advance. In this case it appears that  Opposition including Congress wanted to use the name of Mahatma Gandhi.

                                                                                       This shows that some people are still exploiting the name of Mahatma Gandhi but nobody appears to care about the welfare of Gandhi family. This mean some people have already exploited and some of them are still exploiting Name of Gandhi in their own interest without following and understanding his political philosophy.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Retirement and Old Age
                                                                People are struggling for whole life for their existence  and also giving security to their families. However in the process they get tired and crave for retired and peaceful lives . They do not  imagine that by the time they retire they will also become old which may makes them mentally and physically weak. Hence it may become the most difficult time of life if proper care are being not taken. Some time Retire and Old age makes a person more miserable then actual struggle of life.
                                                                It is very much necessary  to understand that Retire life means the change of activities and attitudes only. It does not mean that one has to stop all activities and pass time leisurely without doing anything. The absence of suitable activities and  proper approaches towards life can makes retired life horrible and it can becomes nuisance for others. Therefore  old age of a person and retirement are to be given serious considerations. In short retirement and old age has to be planed like important project.

                                                                One should never feel that one is old. Besides that one should have cheerful Attitudes in life.  It is necessary to have regular check up with prescribed  input of medicines for good health. Money is also important for maintenance of life. Therefore it is to be spent according to Means. Besides that one cannot take it granted  people regarding money.

                                                             The good Hobbies and Right Attitudes in old age can also bring Recreation and Relaxation in life. It is better to live in present in order  to live pleasant life.  The internal happiness is also very important in advanced age. The forgive and forget attitude is also good for health. One has to accept smoothly the changes which are coming in old life for its own happiness. It is observed that old people are scared of death and very much worried about the grief of their nearest one after their death, But one must understand that no one leave this world alive and grief of nearest one after death will not be permanent. Hence one should try to overcome the fear of death in old age. It will bring more peace and happiness in the life. These are the ways to live happy and healthy retired old age life.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Indian Banking System
                                                                         The  Reserve Bank of  India has observed in its 15 Th Financial Stability report of June 2017 that Indian Banking system is suffering from huge' Non Performing Assets' up to 10 Lakhs Crore of Rupees. The Non Performing Assets amounts to Bad Loans given by Banks which are not expected to be recovered. It comes to 9.6% of the loans given by the various government owned banks up to the year 2017.  But the figure may cross 10% in the year 2018. This show that 'NPA' positions of Banks have reached to very alarming Figure.
                                                                         We have to go in the background of Nationalization of 20 Big Private Banks in the the year 1969.  Indira Gandhi then Prime Minister wanted to Nationalize the Private Banks on the pretext that Private Banks are not giving enough finance to Common Men. But the main purpose for Nationalization of Banks was to Gain  Popularity and to create impression among people that she is very progressive leftist politician who wants help common men of India. Even Bank Employees were also behind her in order to get  total job security from Government. Besides that Indira Gandhi also wanted to use Bank funds for her political gain.

                                                                         However her then Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Morarji Desai was for open economy and  he was opposing Bank Nationalization on the Ground that 'It will stop competition among  Banks and its Services will be deteriorating. Besides that he believed that all funds of the Banks are already invested and Government will take simply the burden to runing  the same.  Therefore he introduced Social Control Order for the Banks  wherein Banks were asked the lend  40% of its deposits to  needy Common Men, Farmers, Small Scale Industries i.e. Priority Sector. It was working very well.  However Indira Gandhi took the advantage of Congress Split of 1968 and  took away the portfolio of Finance then from Morarji Desai, Deputy Prime Minister. Morarji Desai resigned and protested against her action. However thereafter she Nationalized  the 14 Private Banks for political reasons. India is still paying very heavily for that decisions.

                                                                       The present 'NPA' position  is created because of  loans given by  Corrupt Bank Officials in collaboration with  Capitalist and politicians.  The 'NPA' of big Industrial Houses are running  in Thousands of Crore Rupees. The Glaring examples are Mallya, Essar etc. The present position will go on deteriorating further if deterrent steps are not taken forthwith. Otherwise Government will be compelled to sell those Banks like 'Air India'. The Government cannot go on maintaining those Banks by giving Tax Money to them at the cost of National Development. It is observed that Private own Banks are running very well with better Customer Services. It is to be seen how government will handle the difficult problem of running the Banks with very high 'Non Performing Assets.
