Saturday, September 9, 2017

Where is God?
                                                                  There are different opinions regarding existence of God. Some people are having very bad experiences in their lives and they suffer lot.  Those type of people loose  faith in God and become non believer. Some of the intellectuals sees God in every thing while some people have a blind faith in  worshiping . It appears that each one in this world believes in existence of God or Non existence according to their life experiences.
                                                                   However one thing is certain that there is a power which is abstract one and which cannot be seen or touched. But it is power on which we have no control. Besides that for some people God is a role model. They derives inspiration to improve themselves. That means for them God is a perfect form of human being.
                                                                   Some people have grievance that sometime God is not kind to Good people and showers all Happiness on bad and evil elements. However Goodness and Badness are the relative terms i.e.  Something good for one is bad for other. Many writers, poets, and intellectuals, have commented adversely on the justice of God and that has also led to the question regarding  existence of  God.  Gita which emphasis more on  good karmas explain it very tactfully. It says that happening of Good  and Bad things in one life is addition and subtraction of good and bad karmas during previous and present life. It is philosophical and very difficult to digest. There is a instance after Mahabharata war wherein Krishna tried to show that even Arjuna also could not fully digest Gita.

                                                                     The stone idols and other types of means created for praying to God are only symbolic for people. However there is a power which has created limitations for most intelligent  Human Race. One fails to achieve his goal in spite of that he work sincerely and intelligently. Why? That is a question which point out  the limitation in human life. Besides that there is no control over one Death. It come as and when it destined in life. That is also one of the limitations which human race has failed to overcome. In such circumstances the existence of some power has to be presumed.
                                                                     There is no control over natural calamities which brings total disaster  on the lives of people. Therefore a power on which people have no control and which creates limitation has to be named and recognized. Its recognition can be in any form for different people. But one poet says i.e. 'God' -

 Who is There?
 Oceans mighty waves who is there
 Who creates those Icy peaks Everywhere
 The Water of those long Rivers who carries
 The Vibrations of Earthquakes comes from where
 The loud Sounds of Thunderbolt who creates
 Heavily pouring water through rains, where it comes
 The Enlighten souls  knows about all these dramas
 The Things may be different but Creator is one
                                       Hence one understand and recognize God in his own way. That is a crust of  Matter.


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