Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Reflection of Time
                                                                               People has to change with the time and it has to reflects in their Life Style. In this connection one has to analyse the Time as below-
  Now and Then
  Morning people use to Chant prayers
  Along with  conentrated meditation
  But Now they are hurry to go office
  Forgetting all those Healthy rituals 
 Now and Then
 They use to work very  hard 
 With sparing little bit for needy one
 Now they rot whole life for money
 To accumulate wealth for themselves
 Now and Then
 The Ladies were use to be Respected
 But now they are made Showpiece
 It was a time when parent were  Respected 
 Now it is a time when parent has to obey children
Now and Then
People are Agitated and Unhappy with Change
 But are not ready to change with the time .
Now  and Then
                                                    People are Restless and Unhappy in spite of changing  their  Clothes, House, Friends and Relationship.  But they overlook one problem that they are not ready to change with the Time and Circumstances.

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