Third World War -Bells Are Ringing
The situation in the world is worsening day by day and it seems we are heading towards the Third world war. It may be fought on Religious Grounds on Economic Ideologies or on the Personal ambitions of political leaders. The Second World War was fought on world supremacy which was based on the political ambitions of the heads of those states.. i.e. Germany, Italy, and Japan against the whole world. it is believed that they wanted to share world to share economical and political powers over their allotted world map. i.e. With the understanding that Germany would take over Europe/Other Western Countries, Italy would rule over Africa and Japan would Control Asia.
However, whatever happening now is very unpredictable on a wider aspect. Russia wants to annex Ukraine and war is going on between those countries. On another side, Israel is fighting against Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran on religious grounds i.e. Muslims and Yahudis. Bangladesh is burning and being destroyed by Muslim extremists. There is a revolt going on in Myanmar against military rule. Pakistan is facing violence and attacks from the Afghan Taliban and Baluchi Liberation Front. In short, war is going on for one or another reason in Europe/Russia, in Asia, and in the Middle East. The picture appears to be very clumsy. The world war can take place between two powerful blocks.
One thing is clear there are three Alliances at present in the World. i.e. One is America/Europe/ Japan/South Korea and another one is Russia/China / North Korea which is opposing the American Alliances. Some Countries are Neutral based on their National Interests. However, it is becoming clear that Regional conflict is now heading toward an Alliance Basis. American Alliance is supporting Ukraine while another Alliance is supporting Russia. It is observed that Russia/China is supporting Iran/Syria/Middle East Muslim Countries while America is fully backing Israel
These developments are very grave and they may lead to total conflict between two powerful alliances. Therefore it appears that a third world war can start at any time. sometimes small conflict can turn into total war. People with wisdom should make the best efforts to stop it otherwise it will bring total disaster for the world with those atomic and chemical weapons in the world. we are also well aware that both sides own such deadly weapons which can bring disaster to the world.
It is not too late as only Bells are ringing for the world war which can be stopped in time.
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