Thursday, December 19, 2024


Self-Introspection Is Key To All Problems

                                                                      People have many problems in their lives, which can lead to feelings of success and failure or happiness and unhappiness. In the process, people start blaming others without searching for their own faults. That means one problem is creating another problem in relationships with others.  It is a very vicious circle that leads to unpleasantness in the lives of so many people.

                                                                      Therefore the introspection of each and every person can show the solution or lessen the pain in life. However, the process of introspection is not easy and requires lots of effort and courage from within.

                                                                     In other words, it starts with genuine self-development of a person which is not easy for everyone. The person is required to dedicate himself in that direction. Besides that one has to proceed with great confidence and motivation to achieve the result. one has to ignore adverse factors and obstructions and discipline oneself to achieve the result. In short, one has to study oneself within to find his own weaknesses, faults, and prejudicial outlook.

                                                                       It is also necessary to see that one does not give more importance to self-respect which can indirectly pampered the once ego. One has to make efforts to control bad emotions which are the root cause of problems and evils. There is a very thin line between good and bad emotions which are to be recognized to improve within.

                                                                     The criticism has to be based on proper analysis which is based on merits and not on a prejudicial outlook.  The problems arise in life out of unnecessary criticism on various subjects. Hence criticism should be balanced and logical. The best approach is to appreciate more than overlook the adverse things. The appreciation of others can solve most of the problems in the world.

                                                                    All these efforts through introspection can also lead to self-realization which can make life smoother, happy, and peaceful.


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