Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Difference Between Outlook 

                                 There is a difference between faith and trust and similarly, there is a difference between knowledge and digestion thereon. One may have faith in somebody but may not have trust. It is strange but sometimes it becomes fact. 

                                  There are instances where you can find clear differences between them. Once there was a very great Artist who used to walk on the rope with his own baby son in his hands. It was a very thrilling show wherein people used to enjoy.  One day he requested his audience to offer one of their babies to exhibit his skill. He waited for a considerable time but nobody came forward from the audience to comply with his request. He was not happy but he told them that they have faith in his skill but have no trust in me. This instance shows the clear difference between faith and trust. 

                                    Arjun was very unhappy after the end of the Mahabharata War as he lost his Dearest son Abhimanyu.  Lord Krishna was observing that his friend Arjun was not happy while all were celebrating victory.  He advised him to come with him on pilgrimage to reduce his grief. They saw on the way a big crowd gathered around the body of one young man. Lord Krishna inquiries what happen?  Somebody from the crowd replied 'He died because of a serpent bite and added he was the only son of his parent. Therefore nobody is ready to convey this tragic news to his parent'.  Lord Krishna told Arjun' Let us do this difficult work of conveying this tragic news to his Parent'.

                                     Lord Krishna told Arjun' You have to do this work. They went to the Parent's place to inform them that their only son has died. First of the father of that young man came out ' Arjun told him that his son has died due to serpent's bite.' Old father stared at him and told 'He was a very good son and very popular among people for his good work. It is a God desire we can't help it.'  Arjun was shocked looking at the reaction father. Lord Krishna then said let go in the house and inform his mother. Arjun also gave the same sad news to his mother. Mother was seemed a little bit shocked but she said ' He was my most loving son. He used to give the best services to both of us. We will miss him but what to do. Nothing is our hand.' Arjun was disgusted with the Parent' reactions to the death of their only young son.  He told Lord Krishna 'Let us leave from here I cannot stand here.'

                                     Lord Krishna then took  Arjuna out and said  ' I had conveyed you 'Gita' for several days during the war of Mahabharat' but you have not digested.  While these old parents have digested the philosophy of Gita truly in their lives.

                            This shows the difference between knowledge and its digestion.


Friday, December 17, 2021

The Key Of Success- Diplomacy
                                                                          Success also depends upon how you deal with the problem.  The sometimes complicated issue can be solved diplomatically instead of wasting energy and effort.  Even the use of rationalism or intelligence does not work in certain circumstances. 
                                                              There is one example where how diplomatically the difficult issue was made smooth and in one advantage. It is related to one intelligent Russian Jew who made one complicated issue in his favor that to by handling it very smartly.
                                                            Russian Jews are permitted to immigrate to Israel if they desire. One of the Jews who was immigrating to Israel wanted to carry along with him some of his wealth.  He got it made a small golden statue of Lenin to carry along with him. 

                                                            Russian Custom found a golden statue of Lenin in his baggage and they asked him 'What is this? He replied ' This is the wrong question. You should have asked Who is he? This is Comrade Lenin who laid the foundation of Socialism. He had created the future prosperity of Russia. I am taking this small statue with me as the memory of dear Hiro.' Russian Customs officer let him go. 
                                                          At Tel Aviv Airport the Israeli Customs officer asked him ' What is this?' He replied' Wrong question Sir. You should be asking " Who is this?" This is Lenin the bastard who cause me, a jew to leave Russia. I take this statue with me so I can curse him every day.'  Israel officer apologized and said 'Sir you are cleared to go.'
                                                            In his new home, one of his friends asked him "who is this?" He replied 'Wrong question'. You should have asked 'what is this?'  This is 10-kilogram solid gold that I managed to bring with me without paying any Customs Duty and Tax'.
                                                            In short, telling the same thing diplomatically in a different manner in different circumstances allows one to look good in every way.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Why China After Taiwan?

                                                   Taiwan is a well-developed country under the guidance and protection of America.  However, once upon a time, Taiwan was under Kamunting China but America stop Communist China to take over it during the communist revolution under Mao Tse-tung. Thereafter with help of America, Taiwan has been able to maintain its independence. But it is under constant threat from China.

                                                  Taiwan has also made good progress in the field of high-tech. Besides that, it is one of the well-governed countries in the world. It has also the set best record in controlling the Covid -19 in the World. Taiwan has a Democratic system of government against the Communist system of China which is Dictatorial. Hence there is a natural competition between the two systems.

                                                  Taiwan is ahead of manufacturing silicon chips in a world which are used in Mobile, Computers, Missiles, Defence, Airconditioning, Fighter Planes, Breweries, and the Internet.  'Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company' is worth 500 Billion Dollars and controls 50% of the world Market. It also controls 90% of the advanced processors market in the world. In short, Taiwan can adversely affect the high-tech industries in the world if anything goes wrong.

                                              China has invested 300 Billion Dollars in the Semiconductor Industries but the result is not favorable. America has also decided to invest 100 Billion Dollars in the Semiconductor Industry. However, Taiwan has an undisputed monopoly in the manufacturing of silicon chips which is a lifeline of the world.

                          This may be one of the Reasons 'Why China is in  hurry to grab Taiwan?' 




Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Positive Attitude - Key To Success and Happiness  
                                                                                               Most people are all the while thinking about happiness and success in their lives. In the process, they neglect their health. However one has to fix their specific goals in life and have to make attempt to achieve them. But it is not necessary one to die for those illusory, impractical, and wrong goals.   In short  'Make sure that what one chase in life is worth dying for.' 
                                                                        People are more thinking about the achievement of others and forgetting where they stand.  These create lots of competition and create Jealousy and Heartburn. Instead of that, one must try to create its own unique image than others. This is the easiest way to get success and recognition. It can lead one as a role model for others. Trying to imitate others only creat competition with others and it is a waste of energy. Why to become a competitor of others instead of creating an image in which others may start competing. 
                                                                        Sometimes in the rat race of life one neglects the nearest one and forgets to reciprocate their feelings, love, and affection. One also forgets that he is struggling for benefit of those people. In the process at last one lose the feeling of a loved one. What is the use of losing what is real?

                                                                       All are with one when he is doing well and can share something with them. Some people let lost in such a comfortable time on illusory behaviour of others.
But the real test of life starts on one hard time.  It is said that the best lesson one gets is when one is broke, failed and had heartbreak.
                                                                       It is observed that only money and wealth does not give happiness in life. Once Health, Relatives, Friends and even Wealth can also bother and can create problems. But ultimately happiness depends upon how is one attitude towards those problems. A positive attitude is very important for achieving happiness for all you have.

                                                                      There are three types of people in the world. One who wants to happen which they want.  The second one wishes that it would happen. The third one will see that it will happen. The last one is who gets success and happiness in the world.
                                                                     Failure should not become a burden on one life it should be taken as a key to success. Besides that behind every Success and Happiness, there is always an attitude to take Risks, Self-discipline, Sacrifice, and Action.


Friday, November 12, 2021


China Within

                                                  There is a lot of talk and discussions regarding china trying to become a world power through its military and economic power. China has disputes regarding its borders around 18 countries which also reflects its expansionist bullying attitudes. 

                                                However, nobody knows what is going on within China due to its iron curtain around.  President Xi Jinping wants to get his term of president extended for a further period of five years. It requires an amendment of the constitution with the approval of the Polite Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party.  It appears that it will be done smoothly but Xi Jinping intends to grab the presidentship of china for a lifetime. 

                                            In that context, the propaganda is going on through government machinery and govt control Chinese media. President Xi Jinping has given a  slogan 'Common Prosperity '  similar to the 'Cultural Revolution' of Mao Zedong. Besides that Xi Jinping is the most powerful Chinese leader after Mao Zedong a leader of the Chinese revolution.

                                               Under the program of 'Common Prosperity' Chines president has started taking action against the Capitalist, Descendents, and powerful Real Estate Developers.  The 1% of people in China control 30% of Household Income. Therefore it is also crystal clear that China is facing the problem of inequality of income like its Counterpart Western Countries.

                                             The Chinese government has already started attacking the big tycoons of china. The government blocked the public issue of 'Ant Group'  which is affiliated with Alibaba a Tech Giant. It destroyed the wealth of Alibaba amounting to $ 2 trillion. 'Didi' a ride facilitator company is fined for listing its share in the American Market.'  Evergrande'  a property developer is now on the verge of a defaulter. The cryptocurrency exchange is being banned. Children's Games is being discouraged by fixing limited hours for children. The abortin is being curbed to increase the population. Population control has adversely affected China. They want Celebrities should behave in a patriotic manner. All these measures are to control the powerful people and to get popular among the Masses. All these measures make business more difficult and without much profit. It will further also encourage State-Owned Businesses.

                                           The government has appointed a 'Moral Council' in a Rural Area and in the Urban Area every business is having an Advisory Council of government-appointed members. It reflects that ' Xi Jinping authoritarian rule is prevailing everywhere in China'.

                                            It appears that oppression is the compromise for the failing system in China and an attempt to cement the authoritarian power of Xi Jinping.







Sunday, November 7, 2021


Late Sushant Singh Rajput- Indian Actor

                                                         Many artists in the world are enlightened and think of contributing something for the Needy, Society, and Country. Some of them we can find in Hollywood. Among them, glaring examples are Renold Regan, a former President of America, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California.

                                                          You will rarely find such types of actors in  Bollywood who are service-minded, enlightened, and intelligent. They're generally qualified through handsome looks and how they swiftly move around trees and beautiful actresses.  Some of them of course doing some public service through their personal foundation but they are exceptions. Sushant Singh Rajput was academically well qualified, handsome, and intelligent actor. Besides that, he was a very popular rising star in Bollywood. His death is still a mystery and under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation, India.

                                                         However, he left his deep insight into the technological development of India. He invested about 20 crores in the development of the Digital Technology of  India through one of the woman entrepreneurs of India. His address to the people on that occasion was intellectually Memorable. These types of celebrities leave a long-lasting impression on the people and even motivate them. He was not only an actor but a great visionary. 



Friday, October 22, 2021

Elderly Fallings

                                                    It is generally observed that Seniors are victims of falls at an advanced age. Sometimes the fall of Seniors becomes the reason for the deterioration of their health which leads to death. It is also reported that fall has become the seventh cause of death for Seniors. Besides that 'US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reported in their report of 2018  that' The 30%of Seniors age 65 and above have died and become victims of falls. 

                                                     Seniors become miserable because of falls and they become weak and their balances become poorer. They also get afraid of moving. Seniors even leave doing the thing which can prevent further fall. The chronic conditions at the age of 80 and above also make them unsteady if they survive. 

                                                    The excess use of Medication may be one of the reasons for falls of Seniors. The drug which makes an impact on the central nervous system may also make an effect on their Steadiness. Besides that age-related changes in Vision, Muscle Strength, etc also increase balance risk.

                                                   Suitable Exercises, Drug Regiments, and Fixing of Vision problems can also reduce the risk of falls. The removal of hazardous types of Rugs and fixing of Grab Bars in the Bathroom and next to the Toilet can reduce the risk of falling for Seniors. 

                                                   The use of hi-tech can also help seniors to increase self-awareness regarding falls. The web-based patient electronic health records can also help to measure the fall risk factor of concerned seniors.  The' Apple' is also introducing ' Walking Steadiness' which can measure Walking Speed, Step Length, Step Symmetry, and  Showing of Shuffling. 

                           We hope all these measures can help seniors to reach on safer footing.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Bull Fight 

                                    There is a fight going on among world power for the supremacy of the world. It can be said that it is a fight between the two Bull. However, in the process, other Countries will have to choose the side. 

                         Who are those Bulls? One is America and another one China. America is already a world Power but American supremacy has been challenged by China.  China has created an axis of north Korea, and Pakistan. While America has strong Major allies like European Block, UK, India, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. Besides that, it is reported that China is the villain to spread covid -19 in the world. It has also created world opinion against  China which has further strengthen the American blog in the world.

                          China had displayed its Military Power in the Parade of  ' One Hundred Years Celebrations' of the Communist Regime in China. It was a grand display of military power that has shaken up the world. China had presented the most sophisticated high-tech military arms therein. They displayed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with a range of 9000 miles with the speed of three times of sound. It can carry six nuclear arms to reach America in thirty minutes. There were the latest strategic Jet Bombers.  Besides that, there were supersonic combat drones that can strike on the Giant Aircraft Carrier. It is to be noted that China has the biggest Military in the world with more than Two Million. All this shows that China is well prepared to face the American Military power. Even in Trade, China is a manufacturing Hub with a waste surplus in trade.

                      America with super military power has also started cornering China around its Borders in Asia. America has recently signed the' AUKUS 'Agreement with UK and Australia wherein America has agreed to supply six nuclear-powered submarines to Australia. This development has further disturbed China. It will give high-tech Navel Nuclear Arms to  Australia to face China in the Pacific and the South China Sea. America has also supplied high-tech Appeach Helicopters to face China in the Himalayan region Borders of India. Besides that, there is a military agreement between India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and America in order to help each other in case of Chinese Aggression. Taiwan has also received the latest Jet Fighters from America for facing the Aggression of hostile China. Vietnam and Laos, Cambodia, Brunei are already close to America as Allies. This shows that America is tightening its rope along with Chinese Borders.

                   All these developments can lead to the greatest show of the World i.e.' Bull Fight'. It can start at Any time if China misbehaves with its expansionist policy.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Where Is God?

                                                          The wast majority of people in this world are God-fearing and they believe in God  However the people who believe in God and who do not believe are asking where is God? The people who believe in God search Thy in Temple, Church, and Mosque, while people who do not believe say there is no God. Those people who do not believe in God say we get everything because of our hard work, intelligence, and efficiency. 

                               However, those who believe in God are afraid of God and they think twice before doing anything while on the other side who do not believe in God are sometimes reckless or rebel and do not afraid of doing wrong things. i.e. Sometimes they become outlaws.

                                There is a rational and logical question is where is God ? and if it exists then where one can find him in physical form. However, the great Saints and Thinkers have said God is in an abstract form one can't see touch, and feel but it can be realized. It is very difficult to digest the same by ordinary people. Hence for convincing them  Temples, Mosques, and Churches are there wherein they can go and have faith that God can be therein.

                                    However, in this scientific and modern world, people are still facing several limitations.  There are certain things where mankind has not been able to control. i.e. Death, Nature, and Certain events in this world.  Therein God comes into the picture. Those who believe in such limitations start believing in the existence of God accordingly. But the existence of God is a controversial subject for a long. 

                                   One believes or not there is a power that controls the limitations in this world. It is being identified as a God. The power of nature which creates calamities and destructions can be identified as the power of abstract forms of God. Therefore one may not believe in the personalized form of God but one can't ignore the certain power of nature on which mankind has no control. Hence one has to recognize those power. Once one recognizes those power directly or indirectly lead to believing in God.

                                   One Poet has reflected the same thing as under-

Who was doing?

The rain was pouring like hell

The river was running like a bull

The wind was blowing very wild

The lightning was striking here and there

It was a nature of  furry

Who was doing?

 Trees were shaking like a oldmen

Windows were making terrible noises

Ignorant did not know who is creating trouble

Enlightened knew who control those problems.

Who was doing?

Bharat Desai.

                            I hope this gives the answer where is God?


Tuesday, September 21, 2021



                                                                 The takes over of Afghanistan by the Taliban has become a matter of concern for the whole world. It is the same Taliban regime that once sheltered and supported Al Qaida and Usma Bin Laden. Usama Bin Laden directed the Terror attack on World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. 

                          It was America who directed its Military Forces to clear out Afghanistan from the Taliban regime who was harboring the Terrorist activities of Al Qaeda and Usma Bin Ladan.  America and its allies were successful in defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan but the defeated Taliban withdrew and hide in remote and mountainous areas of Afghanistan.

                            It is very difficult to completely conquer Afghanistan because of its geographical situation. Russia could not control Afghanistan with its 100000 Armies sent therein. Taliban made it hard for Russian to stay in Afghanistan and they were compelled to vacate the country.

                            The history is also repeated with Americans.  America has spent One Trillion Dollars and lost its 2500 Soldiers and 3800 persons who were working with American contractors in Afghanistan. Americans also have to leave Afghanistan with the above loss of money and men. Thus Taliban has taken over Afghanistan once again and it has come to the same position which was prevailing before 9/11 in Afghanistan.

                              Taliban are extremists and believe in establishing Islamic State wherein Women has to live within the Islamic Laws. They can not go to school or they have to wear Burkha and suppose to cover the whole body. Taliban will force single women and unmarried young girls to merry their Taliban soldiers.  Even Women can't work as an Anker on the TV.

                                  Taliban are very cruel in eliminating their descendants. They have killed one of the women Chief of police and killed the brother of one of the Vice Presidents of the past Regime. They have also removed women Anker from TV.  These are a few reported examples of their cruel acts. All these shows that it is very difficult to control the Taliban. They also want that Pakistan should be fully converted into Islamic State with Islamic Sheriat laws. Even Pakistan will have to face music instigated by the Taliban even though now it is taking vicarious pleasure in the establishment of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan,

                                      In the short world has to think about how to handle and control the Taliban regime before recognizing it and giving any type of Monetary aid. 


Sunday, September 12, 2021

 Hindu Philosophy And Epic of Mahabharat

                                                                            Mahabharat is a great epic of the world that reflects Hindu philosophy through various means. The 'Bhagavad Gita' is a great philosophical gift to Hindu Religion by Mahabharat. 

                                                                              Besides that, each and every Character in Mahabharat give some message to the people.  There was the total destruction of Kauravas which conveys that if stubborn and wrong attitudes have to be controlled in time otherwise it will ultimately lead to total destruction.

                                                                             Karna was a great warrior and can not be defeated. However, he was killed and defeated because he was supporting the wrong people. Even his Best Arms, Skill, and Blessing of Great also did not work.

                                                                             Aswasthamaa was the son of Great Guru Dronacharya from whom he got the best knowledge and skill of Warfare but he was so much Ambitious that he misuse all the knowledge given by his father. It is not good to be too much ambiguous.

                                                                             Bhismapitah was the eldest person in the Kauravas and Pandav families. He gave promise to his father that he will protect the thorn of Hastinapura without thinking about the consequences thereon. Kauravas were in charge of the thorn to whom he was compelled to support and protect despite that they were wrong and evil. Therefore it is necessary not to give any promise to anybody whereby you have to support and protect undesirable people.

                                                                            Duryodhan was completely destroyed in the war of Mahabharata because he misused Wealth, Strength, Power along with the support of bad and evil-minded people. These types of people always bring total destruction. 

                                                                            If you give power to a Blind, Self-Centered, Uneducated, Egoist, and to a person full of lust then he will lead only to total destruction.   Dhritarashtra was the type of person who brought total destruction to his own family in Mahabharat.

                                                                            One Can't win through fraud every time and in everything. Shakuni all the while played Fraud in the infighting of family. But ultimately he was exposed and failed. 

                                                                              Two characters in Mahabharata were admired very well. i.e. Yudhishthira and Arjun.  Arjuna's humbleness along with his skill and knowledge brought him victory. The victory of Pandavas in Mahabharat was also due to the right guiding principles of Yudhishthira.  Yudhishthira observed values and karma successfully in his life which lead him to final victory. 

                                                                        The Epic of Mahabharata Conveys some wisdom for day-to-day problems and the difficult struggles of life.


Saturday, September 4, 2021



                                                                      Religions never teach Violence, Fraud, or any other things which are Undesirable for human lives. But human nature is such wherein some of the people who are at the top of religious institutions are misguiding and exploiting their followers for their wasted interest

                                  Christ had preached' Love Thy Neighbor.' Hindu philosophy says 'Let all become Happy'.  Buddha had said that ' Silence is the best answer to any abuses instead of Retaliation'. Jainism teaches 'Ask for forgiveness for any Wrongdoing'. Islam believed in the equality of all human beings' Hence religions are teaching the best of the world.

                                  However, the world is today suffering from violence, fraud, and misbehavior on account of people heading over the religions. There are religious heads who are caught in various types of crimes including violence, fraud, and rapes. Some of the religious heads are in jail on various criminal charges. some of the churches are on the verge of liquidations on account of the misbehavior of Priests. This problem is also being faced by the Vatican. Even Hindu Temples of many sects are also facing charges on account of fraud and misbehavior of some of the heads. It can be seen that various religions are facing serious problems because of some of the bad elements therein.

                                       The main reason behind all those religious problems is the lack of character in some of the religious heads. Besides, that blindfolded trust and belief in religious heads have also created a crisis in various religions. 

                                    In short, the level of character and values have to be brought among the preachers and followers thereon. 


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Democracy or Dictatorship

                                                In a Democracy, it is a rule by elected people with all human rights while in Dictatorship it is the rule of an individual or few individuals with restricted freedom. 

                                                 Democracy is very much in demand because it gives a free atmosphere for the development of the country. In most western countries democracy has developed with maturity while in some of the other countries it has become a mockery in the sense that people enjoy rights without responsibility and without much civic sense. In India, even parliament is standstill since several sessions and laws are passed without discussions.  The prominent people including eminent judges have also criticized about paralyzed parliament.  Sometimes people agitate on the issues in such a manner that it damages the economy of the country. Even some people do not obey traffic or health rules which create lots of Health and Traffic problems. These are a few examples of how Democracy is being exploited by wasted interest.  The democratic forces encouraged democracy in several countries but it failed and proved that dictators gave more stability and progress. Thus sometimes people's irresponsible behaviors and tendencies also become responsible for the failure of Democracy. Besides that in a democracy the progress is slow. Despite that 'Democracy' is the most popular system because freedom has no substitute in this world. 

                                           China, North Korea, are some of the countries where there is a dictatorship and human rights are encroached upon with personal freedom are also absent. In North Korea, all freedom is waived and people are brainwashed in favor of the ruler through media and school education. it is the close country for the world. Similarly, China is ruled by a dictatorial system and every citizen is under their surveillance. Even freedom of citizens is restricted in various ways. Tibet's culture is being suppressed and children are also brainwashed through the education system. They are also settling the Chines population of China in Tibet in order to bring Tibet's local population in minority.  They have also restricted the cultural activities of local people.  In Hongkong  China has broken its undertaking given to people and trying to established its dictatorial regime.  In Xinjiang province, China has put more than one Million Muslim population in the Camp on the excuse of educating them. It is a province wherein Muslims are in majority and China wants to restrict their religious activities and suppress them. thus dictatorial regime is wherein all human rights are being suspended.

                                             In view of one has to choose the system with knowing full rights and duty thereon. In short, Democracy is the best system if all rights are practice with knowing that which are the duties attached to it. The steady progress in democracy is good than losing rights and freedom in a dictatorial regime.  


Saturday, August 7, 2021


Health Care- Above Forty

                                             It is observed that when one reaches the age of forty health requires more care. One should try to reduce the consumption of high calories food and to do some suitable physical exercise.  The 30 minutes walk every day must be the regular program.

                                             There are certain food inputs like sugar that should be controlled. 2 to 4 spoons of sugar per day appears to be alright. The excess input of sugar leads one to decease like diabetes. It may also lead to liver, heart, and kidney problems.

                                              The consumption of 5-gram salt per day may be reasonable but excess inputs will lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, and stomach problems.

                                              Some people eat dry fruits as they enjoy them well.   The 8 Almonds, 2 Cashonut and 2 Walnuts per day may be reasonable input but the excess consumption of more than that may create  Heart, Stroke, and  Over Weight problems.

                                              Even consumption of White Bread and Medo once or twice a week may be reasonable but excess inputs will increase Cholesterol.

                                             Fried food may be taken once in fifteen days.   Excess consumption may lead to Depression Heart disease or Cancer.

                                             The three cups of tea or coffee may be consumed for the day. The excess consumption of the same is not good for health. Some time coffee and tea may affect your sleep.

                                             The 30 Minutes Fast or Normal Walk per day or number of Minutes of breathing exercise is required solely depends upon the type of food inputs one takes.

                                              In short at the age of 40, one must start taking care of once inputs and the amount of exercise required thereon. 



Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Danger To The World Peace

                                                           Several countries in the world are dangerous to world Peace. Some of them are broken states of the world. A broken State means wherein political bodies have created conditions that the government no longer functions properly.

                                                       There is Three Country in the world which have an 'Axis of Evil'. i.e. China, Pakistan, and North Korea.

                                                       China is in the race of superpower with America and is now fully equipped with Nuclear Arms, Intercontinental Missiles, Submarines,  Latest Fighter Planes, and Aircraft Carriers. However, it is also an expansionist country that has borders disputes with 18 countries around it. China also supports and aligns with those countries which serve its purpose.  Thus has become a member of the 'Evil Axis'.

                                                      Pakistan has become the Hub of Terrorist activities with several Terrorist organizations supported by its Military and Intelligence agencies. The Haqqani Network which is operating in Pakistan is helping the Taliban organization of Afghanistan which is creating lots of violence and trying to grab political power in Afghanistan. Everything is not well in Pakistan and development is already at standstill.     Baluchistan and Sindh provinces are also asking for separation from Pakistan. However, Pakistan is well equipped with Nuclear Arms, Long-Range Missiles, Fighter Planes, and Submarines which can be a threat to world peace.  America has stopped all types of Aids including Arms Aid. However, China is now actively helping Pakistan Militarily / financially which is also a danger to world peace.

                                                  North Korea is also a Rough State with a strong Military Base.  Besides that North Korea is an Authoritarian Communist State. Kim Jong Un is a dictator of North Korea who rules the country in high handed manner.  North Korea is also having  60 Nuclear Weapons, Intercontinental Missiles, Nuclear Submarines which can deliver Missiles that could reach any city in the USA. China is the main supporter of the North Korean regime 

                                                     It can be seen from above that the Axis of China, Pakistan, and North Korea is very dangerous for world peace. 


Friday, July 23, 2021


The Great King of India- Ashoka

                                                               Ashoka is being given the title of ' Samrat '(i.e. King of the Kings) in the history of India. He ruled India for more than three decades. It was a period between 302 years to 232 years before Christ. 

                                                                It was a golden period of India and India was known as 'Soneki Chidia i.e. 'Known as a period of  Golden Sparrows '. He ruled from Afghanistan to Bangladesh including Nepal.  There were 23  well-known Universities in India which included 'Takshshila, Nalanda, Vikram Sheela, Gandhara. Even foreign students from China, Tibet, and Japan use to come to study therein. India was known as the 'World Guru'. Ashoka sent Buddhist monks to Tibet and China for spreading the Buddhist Religion. He also sent his sister Sangmitra to Sri Lanka.   Ashoka also built Highways like' G T Road' including hospitals for People and even for Animals.

                                                              The battle of Kalinga (Orissa) and massacred occurred therein change his heart and became very unhappy. Thereafter he became more religious and spiritual.  He built up so many Stumps where he gave religious and spiritual messages. One of such Sheela Lakhs(i.e. Message on Stone) is still there at Girnar, Gujarat State, India. He brought security, peace, and prosperity to India. That is how he became a great ' Samrat Ashok'.

                                                             The modern and independent  India has accepted some of the heritages of  Ashok in the administration of government. Ashoka's Four Mouth Lion' is adopted as a National Symbol. 'Ashok Chakra' is on the Indian National Flag and the Indian army gives the highest gallantry Award under the name ' Ashoka Chakra'.

                                                                 Ashoka was a great king but Indian history has not given its due to his rule which can be done now.
