Sunday, November 7, 2021


Late Sushant Singh Rajput- Indian Actor

                                                         Many artists in the world are enlightened and think of contributing something for the Needy, Society, and Country. Some of them we can find in Hollywood. Among them, glaring examples are Renold Regan, a former President of America, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California.

                                                          You will rarely find such types of actors in  Bollywood who are service-minded, enlightened, and intelligent. They're generally qualified through handsome looks and how they swiftly move around trees and beautiful actresses.  Some of them of course doing some public service through their personal foundation but they are exceptions. Sushant Singh Rajput was academically well qualified, handsome, and intelligent actor. Besides that, he was a very popular rising star in Bollywood. His death is still a mystery and under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation, India.

                                                         However, he left his deep insight into the technological development of India. He invested about 20 crores in the development of the Digital Technology of  India through one of the woman entrepreneurs of India. His address to the people on that occasion was intellectually Memorable. These types of celebrities leave a long-lasting impression on the people and even motivate them. He was not only an actor but a great visionary. 



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