Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Where Is God?

                                                          The wast majority of people in this world are God-fearing and they believe in God  However the people who believe in God and who do not believe are asking where is God? The people who believe in God search Thy in Temple, Church, and Mosque, while people who do not believe say there is no God. Those people who do not believe in God say we get everything because of our hard work, intelligence, and efficiency. 

                               However, those who believe in God are afraid of God and they think twice before doing anything while on the other side who do not believe in God are sometimes reckless or rebel and do not afraid of doing wrong things. i.e. Sometimes they become outlaws.

                                There is a rational and logical question is where is God ? and if it exists then where one can find him in physical form. However, the great Saints and Thinkers have said God is in an abstract form one can't see touch, and feel but it can be realized. It is very difficult to digest the same by ordinary people. Hence for convincing them  Temples, Mosques, and Churches are there wherein they can go and have faith that God can be therein.

                                    However, in this scientific and modern world, people are still facing several limitations.  There are certain things where mankind has not been able to control. i.e. Death, Nature, and Certain events in this world.  Therein God comes into the picture. Those who believe in such limitations start believing in the existence of God accordingly. But the existence of God is a controversial subject for a long. 

                                   One believes or not there is a power that controls the limitations in this world. It is being identified as a God. The power of nature which creates calamities and destructions can be identified as the power of abstract forms of God. Therefore one may not believe in the personalized form of God but one can't ignore the certain power of nature on which mankind has no control. Hence one has to recognize those power. Once one recognizes those power directly or indirectly lead to believing in God.

                                   One Poet has reflected the same thing as under-

Who was doing?

The rain was pouring like hell

The river was running like a bull

The wind was blowing very wild

The lightning was striking here and there

It was a nature of  furry

Who was doing?

 Trees were shaking like a oldmen

Windows were making terrible noises

Ignorant did not know who is creating trouble

Enlightened knew who control those problems.

Who was doing?

Bharat Desai.

                            I hope this gives the answer where is God?


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