Monday, December 16, 2019

European Union
                                                                                        Europe which was once dominating over the world through their Colonialism is on declining side. It was  once said ' The Sun never set in the British Empire' but it appears that it is on the verge of setting for Europe.  France, Dutch, Portugal, Spain and other European countries prospered through sucking the natural resources of their colonies. Besides that the European industrial revolution also helped them to create a wealth in Europe at the cost of their colonies. The same Europe started feeling pinch of the freedom  movements in their colonies.  Consequently they lost the control over trade of the world.
                                Thereafter European countries started thinking protecting their trade interest by creating European Union which became  very strong trade based unions. However in the process the some of the members of the union started feeling that they are loosing their identity. Besides that strong members of union like Germany, France, Italy ,and England also tried to dominate over other members.

                                   England ultimately decided to get out of European Union in order to protect their Trade interest and Identity.  The public opinion of England is divided and they were in dilemma. i.e. How to get out of European Union with least damage.  The recent election result shows that' English people are now reconciled to exit from European Union.

                                   There is a difference opinion among members of European Union over immigrants from Middle East and Other Countries. The East European countries are not willing to admit immigrants to their countries.  The terrorism  is the major problem in Europe and there is  lots of heart burning  thereon.
                                   Europe is depending on fuel supplied from Russia and they want to develop close relation with Russia. While East European countries are opposing the said idea because they had very bad experience with Russia.

                                    The American President Donald  Trump has also added fuel to fire telling that Europe should contribute more funds in running the 'NATO' and UNO which were formed at the end of the World War. It  appears America which is  one of the strongest allies of European Union is differing with it on many issues.  All these things have change the circumstances and political relationship with USA.
                                    In view of above the European Union is very much in stress and strain. The exit of England will  create more pressure on the European Union. All these developments shows that Europe is loosing its political luster and some of the countries of Asia i.e.  China , Japan, South Korea, India and Indonesia will have a better  development future in time to come. All these development is encouraging for the creation  of '  North and South East Asia Union'.
                                   The time always change its course and this is one of the living example.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Rape and Domestic Violence On Women
                                                                          The Rape and Crime against Women are on increasing side all over world. It has become a hot topic of discussion in India due to Several cases of recent Gang Rapes. i.e.  Nirbhaya Case, Unava Rape Case and very recent Rape Case of Doctor  at Hyderabad. It has created strong waves of anger among the people.
                                                                           There are people who wants to see that those culprits are prosecuted in the fast track courts and should be hang to death on conviction while some are for mob lunching and encounter on the spot. However the rule of law has to be followed in each and every case because that is the constitutional way to deal with said matter. 
                                                                          The world is conscious about increasing crimes against women. Therefore 25 th November is being observed as 'Anti Domestic Violence Day'( i.e. Orange color day) Against Women' in Europe.  Besides that 8th March is also being observed as a 'International Women Day' in order to  empower women. However it has not made much difference in the crime rate against women.

                                                                        The crime rate against women are on high side  even in  develop and rich countries.  The crime rate against women are high in the all  rich Scandinavian Countries and Europe.  The 30 % crimes against women are only reported in European Countries. It is a wrong presumption that crime rate against women are high in the under develop and poor countries.
                                                                        The crime against women are based on the sick mental attitudes of men which is required to be rectified through positive education by their Parents. The increase of crimes against women also shows that deterrent laws against those crimes are  not effective.   Therefore  men have to stop thinking in the terms of women being instrument of enjoying their wicked instincts.  The positive  inner development and cultural education can only effectively improve the situation.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Happy and Healthy Life
                                                                              There are some measures which keeps one hearty and healthy. it is said that good health is one of the first signs of happiness.
                                Besides that some of the organs of body which are very important and vital for  the  health. i.e. Eyes,Kidney, Heart  Brain etc.
                                Eyes are to be gated  checked regularly and  preferably every year. This is required strict check up as failure of eyes will affects one health and happiness.
                                One must drink about 65 ounce of water per day because it clean your kidney and system. the body is made of 3/4 of water which is very important for body. the sufficient input of water also keep kidney healthy.
                               The excess input of  salt and sugar are harmful for the heart. Besides that fatty substances can easily block the delicate vain of heart which is very harmful for the healthy functioning of heart.
                                The brain is the organ which continuously requires sharpening otherwise it will become weak.  It can be sharpened by playing game and solving puzzle. Beside that one has to develop hobby of writing, reading and dancing which keeps brain active. These are all measures which are required for keeping  the main organs healthy but one has to also keep the over all body in tact.
                                The input of  Dairy products along with Vitamins-D can also help to build up once Bones. The sleep is also very important for keeping over all health good.  Besides that one must winding up with Music, TV, and Mobile  one hour before going to bed.  It will take one to sleep quickly. The regular Yoga, Mediation and physical  Exercise helps to  build up healthy body. one has to improve food habit by taking fresh food.
                     All above measures can keep one happy, healthy and life worth living.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru- 130th Birth Anniversary
                                                                                    Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of  India was  born on 14th November 1889 . He was  very charming and  popular political leader in the post independence era. He remained Prime Minister for 17 years and ruled the India with his own style, ideology and doctrine.  His good friend Ram Manoher Lohia, Socialist Leader use to tell him a great Mogul. i.e. Looking at his style.
                                                                                   Nehru was ideologically more impressed with the industrial revolution of Europe as he studies and lived in London for considerable time. While his mentor Mahatmas Gandhi was for Rural Upliftment. Hence they differed on major issues but were carrying a great respect and love for each other. Nehru said once  'He is Hindu by birth but Muslim by Culture. He accepted frankly that he does not know much about Hinduism. Mahatma Gandhi had a great faith in Hindu philosophy. There one can find the difference between Gandhi and Nehru. However all those difference of opinion  does not came in their personal relationship.
                                                                                    The greatest achievements of Nehru was that he established the healthy democracy in India along with forming the Non Aligned policy for the Country.  In short he proved him self to be a great Democrat.  He was emotional and idealist rather than having a  practical approach.  In this matter Sardar Patel was a perfect politician and strong administrator.

                                                                                   One can say that Nehru gave a strong democratic secular India and Sardar gave very strong Untied India by merging the more than five hundred Indian Native States in  Indian Union . Sardar solved problems of  Gunaghad and  Hyderabad  Highhandedly. while the question of Kashmir was made complicated and remained  unsolved because of mishandling by Nehru.  India is still paying the heavy prize for  those omission on the part of Nehru. However even Nehru worst critics will not question his patriotism and loyalty to India. One can say that his nature was not made to face those type of  Crocked and Cunning People.
                                                                                    It will be a Great Tribute to Jawaherlal Nehru by maintaining the  Democratic and Secular Nature of India.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

 Success Through Talent
                                                                                         (Ranu Mandall)                                               
                                                                                               The Talented person should not be disheartened for setback because  talent may turn into big success in time to come.  However for success  talent has to be in the right hand, time and place.
                                                                  We heard the story of friendship between  Sudamaa and Krishna. How Krishna change the life fortune of his learned  friend with his own skill. Karna in Mahabharata was a Great Worrier but was orphan  He was brought up by ordinary person.  His life fortune was overnight change by his powerful friend Duryodhan. He made him a King of Anga Desh.  These are all instances from Mythology but same things are being happening in the Modern Age.
                                                       (Video Relating To  Ranu Mandall)
                                                                                  This is a true story of one begging woman singing at the Railway Station.  Her name is Ranu Mandall. She has reached to the level of play back singer in Bollywood. She is considered to be Lata Maneshkar Part-2 in the Film world.  She was living a life of  unknown person without any documents. Her husband is already dead and was living very poor  life.  The famous Music Director and Film Star Himesh Reshamia has already recorded her one song ' Teri Meri Kahani'.  This is one of the glaring and true examples of right talent in the hands of right person. Anyway it will change her life  and proves that talent  always meet success. It is a matter of time only.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

National Anthem
                                                                                                 Some time people do not try to find out why and for which reasons the National Anthem of the Country is being played at the very important national program. It is played to  show the respect to the County on  whose soil one live, one progress, and prosper thereon. The National Anthem reflects the  Patriotism and Loyalty to the country .
                                   However proper decorum and discipline has to be observed when national anthem is being played. One has to be in attention position without making any moments when National Anthem is being played. Some people do not know how to stand and stop making movement when the National Anthem is on.  Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany recently visited India. she had back problem and cannot stand for long time.  German government officially requested Indian government to exempt her from standing when the National Anthem is being played i.e. On Health Ground. It shows how much importance is being carried by the  National Anthems.

                                  Every Independent Country has its own National Anthem which describes the glory and greatness of concerned country. The Indian National Anthem is written by Ravindranath  Tagore.  Once Balraj Sahani, Film Star asked Ravindranath Tagore to write  Anthem for the Universe and he  replied that ' Guru Nanakdevji  has already written the same'. Ravindranath Tagore translated the same in Bengali.  Guru Nanakdevji described therein the beauty and glory of Universe and its Creator. It was written when he visited Temple of Jagannath at Puri,Orissa.   Following is the extract of it.

"The sky is your Platter
 The Sun and Moon are the Lamp
 Stars in the Galaxy are the Pearls
 The Essence of the Sandalwood
 Is the fragrance that the Wind propels
The whole Forest is your Banquet of flower
You are a Destroyer of fear
The Sound of your Name
 Which is so Subtle
That it goes unheard, resounds endlessly
You have a thousands Eyes, Forms, Feet, Noses
 You have none  I am Charmed.
Your  light enlighten us All"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Love and Emotion
                                                                       Love and Emotion are common in human life. But very few knows how to communicate them effectively. Some people are  Noble, Human and Loving but are being misunderstood due to lack of expressions and communications. It is also observed that some people  are Dry, Rigid, and Cunning are more successful because they are apparently good at the skill of communication of so called emotion and love. 
                                                                     What is a art of communication? One has to be sympathetic and to care  about others.  It can happen if one  is sentimental about all. Besides that one has be careful when express something. It is better to listen others instead of giving own reaction on the subject under discussion. In some cases it is better to keep silence than talking. It will help one to express or reflect once  love and emotion in better manner.

                                                                     This is because the burst out of emotions through sharp expression become the reason for violent conflict and it spoil the peaceful and loving atmosphere. Some time it create permanent damage in human relationship. The sarcastic and vicarious burst out of Draupadi for Duryadhan( i.e. 'Blind like his Father' when he slipped in Pandava's Palace) had created the great war of  Mahabharata.
                                                                      Any how the love is created out of positive emotions and it is very powerful instrument. It can change the situation and people thereon. However love reflect in many forms which brings Peace, Prosperity and happiness in this world.  However sometime love create pain which is described in the poem below.

                                                 The love can reflect in many forms
                                                 But most supreme is parent's one
                                                 They bear with misconduct of children
                                                 Without complaining and blaming anyone
                                                 The love of friends is quite different
                                                 Which sometime brings lots of pain
                                                 Those pain cannot be shared with people
                                                 And being absorbed within without telling anyone
                                                 The love of lovers is unique one
                                                  Everything is  fair in love and war
                                                  They kenaive at the fault of each other
                                                  Even it harms the nearest one
                                                  The last love reflect in married one
                                                  They enjoy or suffer for whole life
                                                  The suffering is creation of their own faults
                                                   But they goes on blaming surrounding one
                                                     Bharat Desai.

                                                                             However Joy and Pain in Love has created history in the Mankind.  That is why it is very important factor in human lives.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

China- Its different Faces
                                                                                            China is not a same Country as  Moutse Tung left. i.e.  As a Revolutionary Marxist Communist Country. It has now different faces for different objectives and goals.
                                                                                               China is a Capitalist Country in case of Trade Practices but observing  Authoritarian and Communist system  for running its internal administration.  It is ready to adopt the Democracy in case of its expansion activities. Hongkong is a glaring example wherein China agreed to run its administration democratically for several decades. It was done only to annex Hongkong with it. China may happily accept the the democratic set up of Taiwan if Taiwan agree to annex with it.

                                                                                                  China is ruthlessly handling Terror activities in Xinjiang province which is Muslim dominated Region. However China is surprisingly  supporting and protracting  Pakistan for its Terror activities. It is one of the opportunistic policy of China. This is only to protect its financial and stigmatic interest with Pakistan. Hence China practices different practices and system for its various goals and objectives.
                                                                                                 It is very difficult to colonize the countries in the present time. But China  control and influence the countries through heavy finances.  Sri Lanka, Maldive, Pakistan and some of the developing African Countries are its Targets . It bargain for their Rich Mineral Resources,  and Strategic Ports for Military and Trade Routs. China has already extracted some of the strategic Areas of Pak occupied Kashmir.  The financially weak Pakistan owes the double  amount to China than  IMF. China may extract some more areas of Pakistan if Pakistan fails to pay its debt. This is also one of the faces of China for dominating over various countries.
                               (Chines Major Investment Project In  Pakistan- Gwadar Port  )

                                                                                                  In view of above China observes the different system for different objectives and that too which is in the best interest of it. Any particular Ideological system has nothing to do with China. However one thing is certain that China is a  expansionist Country with intention to extract maximum out of any convenient system. These are the different faces of China.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Humble Life of Dr K Sivan, Chairman 'ISRO'
                                                                                   Dr K Sivan has become one of the  celebrities of India  due to the Chandrayan-2 Project.  Chandrayan-2 had created the  great excitement among the Indian people.   The whole country watched the landing of 'Vikram Yan' on the Moon. Unfortunately the Vikram Yan lost the contact with the 'Control Center ' due to hard landing.  However 'ISRO'  has achieved the 95% of its objectives.  Besides that  it has made Dr K Sivan  a  great 'Hiro' among Indian people. Even Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India , was present to watch the landing 'Vikram Lander' over Moon. Dr K Sivan became Emotional for the lost of contact with the Vikram Lander. However  PM  consoled him for the same.

                                                                                   Thereafter once Dr K Sivan was  travelling in the Economic Class of one of the Airlines  like a ordinary Citizen.  However  crew members of plane  identified him and announced of his presence on the board. All traveling members thereon on stood up and gave standing ovation to their Hero.  The humble Dr Sivan waved at them and return their love and affection. This incidence shows that how the mood of Indian people are changing. They are now recognizing  their scientist.  There was a time when only top film star or cricketer only use to get such reception.

                                                                                   Dr K Sivan has come  from the poor farmer family of Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu.  He use to work barefoot on the mango orchard in order to help his father. He studied in the Tamil Medium Government school at his village. He has to take admission in the college which was very near to his village.  It was done in order to help his father in the field.  Those days his family use to be' Hand to Mouth'.  His brother and sister could not study due to poverty.

                                                                                    He passed his 'Bsc' with Maths scoring 100% Marks. His father was impressed and pleased looking at his score.  He permitted him to go for higher study.  Dr Sivan  said that he started wearing the pant on his admission in the Aeronautical Engineering College. However he use to wore  'Dhoti'  during his under Graduation study of 'Bsc'. This shows how simple was his life during his college study. He joined  'Rocket  Programming Department, ISRO.'  in the year 1982. He has reached to the top by giving best to the work assigned to him.
                                          (South Pole Of  Moon Through Chandrayan-2)
                                                                                    He loves Tamil Musical Song and also loves to see good Hindi Movies. Besides that he loves Gardening.  However science is his first love. He lives very humble and simple life in spite of  being  celebrity.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inside Story of Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th Birth Anniversary
                                                                                                                  India is going to celebrate the 150 th Birth Anniversary of  Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2019.  He said 'His Life is Message'.  He was for Truth, Non- Violence,  Simplicity and Cleanliness. (i.e. For Outside and Within One Self) Therefore it will be the best tribute to him if his life message is being followed truly, sincerely and literally.
                                                                                                          Besides that  he  is  also made a  Scape Goat for many Chronic problems of India for which he was not responsible. He is blamed for the partition of the country which he deadly opposed it. The creation of Pakistan is the root cause of big Ego of Mohammad Ali  Jinnah. Therefore Gandhi wanted to make Jinnah as a  Prime Minister of Independent United India. He was sure that with passing of time Jinnah will have to fall in line.  But then  Most of his Congress leaders opposed his plea i.e.  Giving reason that 'Indian people will not accept it'. Hence he was very much dissatisfied with the Proposal of dividing the Country. He protested and left for the riot torn  Nauakhali Area of Bengal. He was among the riot effected Hindu Muslim people when partitioned India was celebrating its independence day. He could stop the division of India on the basis of 'Backward/Forward Community' but miserably failed in the case of  'Hindu/Muslim Community. He was pleading for soft approach towards Muslim in order to stop the division of India which Britishers desired then. However he was misunderstood and unfortunately killed for his soft political approach towards Muslim.   Gandhi's soft approach towards Muslim community then was to keep India one and to stop partition thereon.. 
                                                                          The partition  of India was the great mistake which was accepted by three most important persons involved therein. Lord Mountbatten, a last British Viceroy then accepted that he never knew that so much killing and misery will take place on  partition.  Mohammad Ali  Jinnah accepted before his death that' It was his great mistake in creating Pakistan'.  Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru first Prime Minister of Independent India said that ' We were compel to go for partition because our Senior leadership of Congress was not ready to wait further. i.e. For power.  All these facts shows that Gandhi was right but he was isolated.  We are still paying very high price for the division of India.
                                                                            Some people blame Gandhi for selecting Nehru as a First Prime Minister of India instead of Sardar  Patel. Gandhi was helpless in the matter as Nehru was not ready to work under Sardar  Patel and would have preferred to walk out of Congress.  Gandhi also knew that Sardar Patel will comply with his decision  but Nehru will revolt. Hence he selected the name of Nehru as a  first Prime Minister of Independent India. Besides that Gandhi and Sardar both were Gujarati that also went against the candidature of Sardar Patel. Gandhi never wanted him to be branded as Communal. Besides that Gandhi never wanted to split the congress at the eve of Independence. Therefore Gandhi prudently selected then Jawaherlal Nehru  as a First Prime Minister of India
                                                                          Gandhi who played major role in achieving the  freedom of India was isolated on so many other issues after Independence.  He was for simplicity and simple life for Ministers of independent India. He disliked the VIP culture. He suggested that Ministers should stay in Small Houses and to Draw Minimum pay of Rupees Five hundred per month. His own followers ridiculed him telling that he has lost his balance. This was also very unfortunate.  Gandhi wanted to leave Delhi after independence as he felt that he was not wanted by his own people. However one of his disciple told him that' People of India still needed him'  In short he was delusioned after the independence of India looking at the behavior of some of  his own congress people.
                                                                            Gandhi stood for cleanliness and he him self use to clean his own toilet etc. He also perused his wife Kasturba to do so who was not accustom to do such work. He use to allot the cleaning work to each and every member of  the  Ashram. He also believed that one must be clean within  before pointing fingers at others.  Once one of the Ashram members complain to him regarding drawbacks of his  colleges. He  replied him that ' I am also having some drawbacks than how can point a finger at others'. Thus he wanted that individual himself should find his own drawbacks first instead of looking at the drawbacks of others. That mean one has to be role model for others.
                                                                             Gandhi was for Prohibition in India in order to improve the conditions of poor but some of his own followers considered the prohibition as one of his fad. It is observed that some people even use  name of the Gandhi  for leap service and that too for their wasted interest. Gandhi is no more but 'Gandhism 'will be remembered for ever.



Monday, September 9, 2019

Angry Nature
                                                                                            Human Race has Cruelly and Ruthlessly  tortured Nature. They  are digging the Earth every where for Oil, Precious Stones and Metals etc. They are not even sparing rivers by digging out sands thereon.
                                                                                           They are cutting  trees on the name of development for their short term gain. The big and thick forest in America, Germany Russia and Brazil( i.e. Amazon)  and every where are getting fire due to negligence of Human Race. Thereby Billions of trees are being destroyed. The destruction of trees have reduced the sources of Oxygen and increased Carbon . Thus it has resulted in increasing the major deceases in the world.

                                                                                             Human race has even reach to North and South poles to dig the Icy layer of the earth for extracting  oil and other precious metals. It has created Havoc and now ice have started melting thereon.  Therefore now oceans  are overflowing with water and they are submerging  so many areas and cities around. The melting ice on  mountains are flooding  the rivers creating total disaster.

                                                                                            Besides that plenty of polluted Air and Water are being   released  by Industries . It is increasing the Heat along with  pollution in the air.  All these adverse  climatic conditions are the root cause of Cyclone,  Flood , Drought.  All these shows that nature is very angry and  its angers is reflecting in the various forms of natural disasters.    One can now Pray God to save the world from the Anger of  Nature.
                                                                                           One  Poet has rightly ask for the mercy of  God -
                            Oh  God Stop all these Disasters
                            One side is Flooded  while other side Drought.
                            Some places are being destroyed by Cyclones
                            While Somewhere  Cities are Flooded within
                            Oh God---
                            Somewhere Earth is shivering with the shocks
                            Thereby destroying the whole Localities.
                            It is happening because of our Faults
                            Hence pardon us for our Omission and Error
                             Oh God-
                            We exploited your beautiful Earth
                            That too Satisfy our greedy Instincts.
                            We are tend to commit error as being human
                            But as Almighty God you are tend to forgive us.
                             Oh God---


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Parliamentary Democracy - Mahatma Gandhi
                                                                                           Mahatma Gandhi  has written very clearly  in his book 'Hind Swaraj' regarding the Indian Government  after the Independence. He also mentioned therein  his expectation from citizens of Independent India.  He was very clear that independence has no meaning without Swaraj. i.e.There should  good Government along with responsible Citizens thereon.  He was not for Parliamentary Democracy but preferred People ruled Government  up to village level. He wanted the  Government with  maximum participation of people from urban and rural areas. He was very much inspired of the Ancient Indian system of the village level rule.
                                                                                              He was not happy with English Parliamentary System.  He believed that English Parliamentary system is not doing any good work for the people. He observed that the members of the parliament are hypocrites and selfish.  Sometime they sleep  when the  important matters are being discussed on the floor.  Besides that they vote  their party in parliament without thinking. He further observed we can do better for good and needy people rather than spending time and wasting money in parliamentary system. Sometime parliament becomes toy of the people wherein lots of money is being spent. It is believed that people are electing the good people for the parliament but some time they are not of people's expectations. He concluded that if India is going to adopt English Parliamentary Democracy than it will be  disastrous.
                                                                                           In short Mahatma Gandhi was for Democracy wherein  people have maximum voice from Rural to Urban Areas and that too Decentralization of maximum  powers  up to bottom. He also wanted Indian Citizens should be conscious of their rights along with their obligations towards the country.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Iran Crisis
                                                                                             In the year 2015 five permanent members  of the Security Council of  United Nations signed one treaty with Iran. It was regarding  restriction on  manufacturing nuclear arms by Iran  . Barrack Obama then president of America was  one of the leading signatories of the said treaty. 
                                                                                           However the things were change after election of Donald Trump as a president of America. Donald Trump believed that there  were many lieu poles in the Nuclear  Treaty signed with Iranian government.  He also believed that Iran was taking advantage of lenient provisions of said treaty and secretly building up its nuclear armaments. Therefore America withdrawn it self from the said treaty in the year 2018 and imposed certain sanction on the Iran.
                                                                                            It  increased the tension in the area and there was a time when USA was to attack Iran. However still the arm forces of both countries are very active in the surrounding areas of Iran i.e. Hormuz Area.  One must try to find out why America has become hostile towards Iran?   America has been always interested in the rich  oil resources of  middle east countries.  It is to be noted that Iran is one of those countries. Besides that America will not allow any country  in the middle east to become strong enough to challenge its super power.  It is also  known fact that Iran is very much hostile towards Israel and America has moral duty to protect the interest of Israel. 
                                                                                            The  American presidential elections are also playing very important role in this type of conflict. George Bush was very much in adverse conditions to get elected for second term. He raised then the question of ' Weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq.  The rest is the history. Donald Trump is  facing  the second term Presidential Election in year 1920.  He has a good cause to attack Iran.
                                                                                            Therefore let us wait and watch  how the Iranian crisis will end. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Scrapping Of Article 370 - Regarding Jammu / Kashmir
                                                                                                  Jammu/Kashmir is one of the states of India.  It was given temporary special status under article 370 at the time of its integration with India. It was a temporary special status which continued for 70 years for one or other reasons . i.e. Subsequent Indian government had no political will or had no sufficient majority in parliament to scrap it. However  Modi government has now  scrapped it for good.

                                                                                                  The Article 370 was having following provisions.
- Jammu/Kashmir  Assembly was having six year term while all other Indian states are having five  year term.
-Jammu/Kashmir Citizen were having Duel Citizenship
- Jammu/Kashmir State had its own Flag along with Indian National Flag. The insult of Indian National Flag and other National symbols by Kashmiri Citizen was not considered to be crime.
-The Supreme Court of India had no jurisdiction over  Jammu/Kashmir State.
-Indian parliament represent the whole country. However it could pass laws regarding Jammu/Kashmir in limited spheres only.
-Outsider cannot purchase property in Jammu/Kashmir.
-Kashmiri girl lose her citizenship if she marries to Indian citizen. while she marry to Pakistani citizen she will not lose her Kashmir Citizenship and her husband can get Kashmir Citizenship
-The laws of 'Right to Information, Right to Education and Several other laws are not applicable to Jammu/ Kashmir State.
                                            All above provisions shows that Jammu/Kashmir State was a State within State and no Sovereign Nation of the world will tolerate such provisions. Therefore scrapping of Article 370 is the right decision of Narendra Modi Government.
                                          The decision of Scrapping of the above provisions deserves all support because it will bring prosperity and progress of Jammu/Kashmir State. Hearty congratulations to Narendra Modi and his Government .

Monday, August 5, 2019

China- The Face Behind
                                                              There is no Democracy in China and it is a Autocratic State. China is a state wherein government guides how to behave and how one supposed to observe religion. There is no freedom of  speech and all  medias are being censored including Internet. All foreign companies have to fall in line with Chines government Policies. Besides that Chines  Citizens are under surveillance for all the time. The religion is not being encouraged as Chines government think that it may encourage decedents. Hence it is almost government guided and control state.  China has progressed economically at the cost of above factors. Hong Kong and Tibet are also victims of those policies.
                                                                However the most tragic example is the  Xingiang  province which is situated at far East /North of China. It is surrounded by Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia. There are One Crore  Uighur people who are observing Muslim religion. They have their roots with Turks who were residing in East and Central Asia. Uighur people are having constant friction with Chines Authorities. China is afraid that they can go to the Terrorism like other Muslim population. It can create great problem for China.
                                                               Therefore Uighur are being watch very closely. They are under surveillance and not  allowed to observe their Muslim practices. They are prohibited from observing ' 'Rojas'.  Uighur Ladies are not  allowed to ware 'Burka'.  Every day Uighur people are compel  to deposit  their ' Koran' and  'Carpet' with authority. This is only to control their religious activities.
                                                                In short Xingiang has become fully Chines control province.  This is also for crushing their independent movement. Besides that 10 lakhs  Uighur are being kept in the Camp on the name of educating them. They may be enlighten people who were guiding or were leading Uighur people
                                                           China is crushing the Uighur population with objective that they do not become tools in the hands of Terrorist movement.  Chines are indirectly supporting Terrorism of Pakistan in order to keep their Muslim dominated province clean from Terrorist activities.
                                                             Besides that China has also transfer its 'Han' population to Xingiang Province in order to reduce the the majority of Uighur people.  They have also  appointed 'Han' people on the Xingiang  Government in order  to  control the Uighur population. However it expose the hidden face of China which very few people know it from outside.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Charlie Chaplin
                                                                                       This is what Charlie Chaplin the great actor of the  time said in his  picture 'The Great Director'. He gave speech in the above film when the world was passing through bad time of Hitler and that too when  Democracy, Independence, and Value of Equality was in Great Danger. It was a very thought provoking speech of the time. This is a extract of his speech.
                                        .                                             "Forgive Me. I do not want to become Emperor. That is not my job. I do not want to rule over other or do not want to conquer any one.  I  am suppose to help people.  Yahudi , Non Yahudi, White and Black all wants to help each other. That is a usual nature of people. We want to see all happy. This world has a place for everyone and capable of giving their requirements. The normal way of life is independent and beautiful. However we are on wrong path.  Our greed have filled up our souls with Poison. It  has created hatred in this world. We are led to the path of bloody suffering. We have acquired speed in many field which has made us prisoner. Machines have given us many advantages but they have also increased our greed to acquire more and more.  The knowledge has made us unreliable. Our intelligence have made us more heartless and cruel. We think to much but we experience the least. People are more important than machines.
                                                                                    We are required to develop more Mercy and Nobility in our Heart. Our life will become more violent and everything will be destroyed in the absence of good virtues. Airplane and Radio have brought us very near and they  are demanding  to improve ourselves. They want universal brotherhood and  unity.
                                                                                      I appeal to people not to get dishearten.  We are suffering because of Greed.  We are going through bad time  and some people are very  much upset. However autocracy will end when hatred will disappear from this world. The strength of people will  ultimately return."
                                                                                    The above speech was given by Charlie Chaplin when the Hitler was on the pick of his time and no body dared to speak against his regime. It also reflect the stature of the great actor who used his celebrities status for the right cause of the people.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Nature's Furry Against Human Autocracy
                                                                     Human Race has created mess in this world by ill treating the Nature. People are throwing thousands of tons solid waste and poisonous water in to Sea. It is destroying various water living Spices. The Concrete Garden in the Cities have created the greatest danger for the mankind. It has destroyed the major portion of greenery from the Earth. It has also destroyed  sources of oxygen and increased carbon in the atmosphere.All these have changed the weather and increased the heat in the atmosphere. One has to see the Nature's furry in the context of above.

                                                                     The Icy Greenland in North pole has started melting and the sea level is increasing. It is said that by 2100 the Sea level will rise by 1.4 meter and there will be danger of existence for Island countries like Maldive and Tuvalu. It will  become reality if ice in Greenland goes on melting accordingly.  It is to be noted that the temperature in the Greenland  has  increased from Minus degree to  14 degree.  There will be total destruction of the world if Ice lying in Greenland entirely  gets melted. This is one of examples of danger which earth is facing due to imbalance in the weather of  the world.

                                                                    Besides that all shorts of  Nature furry  are to be viewed in this context. The continuous food and cyclone in America,  The  Heavy Rains in China and Philippines, and Land sidings in Himalaya are the signals of those danger which world is facing today. One can see the furry of nature in the videos of those natural calamities.

                                                                  It is a call of the time to protect the nature  by increasing the greenery, reducing the carbon in the atmosphere and to find right system to eliminate poisonous Waste.  The attack on nature in the name of development has to be stopped. The future generation will have to pay very heavily if we will fail to suitable measures in the matter.