Thursday, September 5, 2019

Parliamentary Democracy - Mahatma Gandhi
                                                                                           Mahatma Gandhi  has written very clearly  in his book 'Hind Swaraj' regarding the Indian Government  after the Independence. He also mentioned therein  his expectation from citizens of Independent India.  He was very clear that independence has no meaning without Swaraj. i.e.There should  good Government along with responsible Citizens thereon.  He was not for Parliamentary Democracy but preferred People ruled Government  up to village level. He wanted the  Government with  maximum participation of people from urban and rural areas. He was very much inspired of the Ancient Indian system of the village level rule.
                                                                                              He was not happy with English Parliamentary System.  He believed that English Parliamentary system is not doing any good work for the people. He observed that the members of the parliament are hypocrites and selfish.  Sometime they sleep  when the  important matters are being discussed on the floor.  Besides that they vote  their party in parliament without thinking. He further observed we can do better for good and needy people rather than spending time and wasting money in parliamentary system. Sometime parliament becomes toy of the people wherein lots of money is being spent. It is believed that people are electing the good people for the parliament but some time they are not of people's expectations. He concluded that if India is going to adopt English Parliamentary Democracy than it will be  disastrous.
                                                                                           In short Mahatma Gandhi was for Democracy wherein  people have maximum voice from Rural to Urban Areas and that too Decentralization of maximum  powers  up to bottom. He also wanted Indian Citizens should be conscious of their rights along with their obligations towards the country.

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