Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Love and Emotion
                                                                       Love and Emotion are common in human life. But very few knows how to communicate them effectively. Some people are  Noble, Human and Loving but are being misunderstood due to lack of expressions and communications. It is also observed that some people  are Dry, Rigid, and Cunning are more successful because they are apparently good at the skill of communication of so called emotion and love. 
                                                                     What is a art of communication? One has to be sympathetic and to care  about others.  It can happen if one  is sentimental about all. Besides that one has be careful when express something. It is better to listen others instead of giving own reaction on the subject under discussion. In some cases it is better to keep silence than talking. It will help one to express or reflect once  love and emotion in better manner.

                                                                     This is because the burst out of emotions through sharp expression become the reason for violent conflict and it spoil the peaceful and loving atmosphere. Some time it create permanent damage in human relationship. The sarcastic and vicarious burst out of Draupadi for Duryadhan( i.e. 'Blind like his Father' when he slipped in Pandava's Palace) had created the great war of  Mahabharata.
                                                                      Any how the love is created out of positive emotions and it is very powerful instrument. It can change the situation and people thereon. However love reflect in many forms which brings Peace, Prosperity and happiness in this world.  However sometime love create pain which is described in the poem below.

                                                 The love can reflect in many forms
                                                 But most supreme is parent's one
                                                 They bear with misconduct of children
                                                 Without complaining and blaming anyone
                                                 The love of friends is quite different
                                                 Which sometime brings lots of pain
                                                 Those pain cannot be shared with people
                                                 And being absorbed within without telling anyone
                                                 The love of lovers is unique one
                                                  Everything is  fair in love and war
                                                  They kenaive at the fault of each other
                                                  Even it harms the nearest one
                                                  The last love reflect in married one
                                                  They enjoy or suffer for whole life
                                                  The suffering is creation of their own faults
                                                   But they goes on blaming surrounding one
                                                     Bharat Desai.

                                                                             However Joy and Pain in Love has created history in the Mankind.  That is why it is very important factor in human lives.

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