Friday, July 12, 2019

Nature's Furry Against Human Autocracy
                                                                     Human Race has created mess in this world by ill treating the Nature. People are throwing thousands of tons solid waste and poisonous water in to Sea. It is destroying various water living Spices. The Concrete Garden in the Cities have created the greatest danger for the mankind. It has destroyed the major portion of greenery from the Earth. It has also destroyed  sources of oxygen and increased carbon in the atmosphere.All these have changed the weather and increased the heat in the atmosphere. One has to see the Nature's furry in the context of above.

                                                                     The Icy Greenland in North pole has started melting and the sea level is increasing. It is said that by 2100 the Sea level will rise by 1.4 meter and there will be danger of existence for Island countries like Maldive and Tuvalu. It will  become reality if ice in Greenland goes on melting accordingly.  It is to be noted that the temperature in the Greenland  has  increased from Minus degree to  14 degree.  There will be total destruction of the world if Ice lying in Greenland entirely  gets melted. This is one of examples of danger which earth is facing due to imbalance in the weather of  the world.

                                                                    Besides that all shorts of  Nature furry  are to be viewed in this context. The continuous food and cyclone in America,  The  Heavy Rains in China and Philippines, and Land sidings in Himalaya are the signals of those danger which world is facing today. One can see the furry of nature in the videos of those natural calamities.

                                                                  It is a call of the time to protect the nature  by increasing the greenery, reducing the carbon in the atmosphere and to find right system to eliminate poisonous Waste.  The attack on nature in the name of development has to be stopped. The future generation will have to pay very heavily if we will fail to suitable measures in the matter.

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