Where the world is Heading
The human race has become very ambitious to conquer Every Thing. They want to conquer certain things which are controlled by Nature. They will even try to take control over the Birth and Death if they are allowed to do so. However Nature is not allowing to fall such things in the hands of Human Race. Besises that Nature is resisting such moves and expressing its displeasure in the forms of furies i.e. In the forms of severe cold and hot summer or In forms of flooding, Heavy Rains and Horrible Storms. However Mankind's fight against nature is continuous.
We had---
We had a walk over moon
and preparing to take round around sun
we want to conquer all plenets
for relieving the selves from their adverse effect
We had---
We are wondering deep below the ocean
In search of secrets lying below
We would like to suck everything lying their
including Gold, Pearls, and Precious Stones thereon
We had---
We are fighting against deadly deceases
Including Aid and Cancer
We do not know where all Ambitions will end
Including conquering the factors which brings lives to end
We had---
Bharat Desai.
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