Nation and its Foundation
Some time nations are created on the name of Religion or Tribe or Cast, or Language or Ideology. However people do not learn from the history that those types of Nations get brake in due course of time. No one can keep people togather on wrong considerations for long time because basic needs of people are Food, Clothes, Housing, Employment and Education. People gets dilution if they do not get those things for long time. In short people do not eat Capitalism or Socialism or Religion or Language. They eat food only as it it is very much essential for their survival.
Tyrant rulers, or Religious Fanatics tries to convert people from one Religion to another or One to other ideology but that does not remain permanent. We have seen before our own eyes the partition of our country on the basis of religion but it has failed. Similaraly we created languastic provinices but they are also broken. The communism in Russia has meet his own end. Even Capitalism also requires measures as per the requirements of the Country.
Besides that some fantatics thought that they can elimnate people of other relgion but it has also failed. Even in India Hindu and Muslim has to stay to gather on several considerations.
Besides that if one refer history than can find that Shivaj's some of the Generals were Muslim even though he was fighting against tyrant Muslim Mogul Empire. Aurangzeb was very fanatic Muslim Mogul Emperor but he found him self lonely and was destroyed at the end. The success of Akbar was due to his Broad outlook. Hence the nation cannot be created with narrow vision.
The USA is very successful Nation because builders of America were having very Broad visions. It is a nation based on Equality, Liberty, Fellowship Among all Aommunities. Americans consider Religion as the personal way of life. The most important matter is Nationalism/Patriotism for Americans. Therefore America is the most prosperious country in the world with different Religions, Languages, Cast and Creed. However the nationalism is above all those fectors. The most of the problems of the world canbe settled if those narrow considertions are given up for the welfare of people.
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