The World is for Nonviolence but it is observed that tendency for violence is increasing.The unabated violence is going on in one or other forms.Therefore it is better to analyse the various reasons for the same .
The violence is encouraged in the children's Games,Videos and Movies.. Children are having very delicate mind and they are easily prone to the violence. Some time racial fights also takes place in the schools. There are instances wherein unstable students had kill several other school students that too with the weapon stolen from the home. Besides that domestic violence also has increased due to disturbed family life.
The religious violence is the most dangerous which is prevailing all over world. The Tribal fights also leads to violent massacres. The different ideologies also creates conflicts. Sometime the violence is also outcome of insecurity and sick mind.
The violent revolutions for the better of people are justified. The war between good and evil and between right and wrong are also Glorified. Hence we may divide the violence in two categories for good and bad. However it can be seen from the prevailing conditions in the world that violence is increasing for different reasons.
It is observed that ' From Pakistan to Palestine the main cause of violence is on religious ground i.e.Religious Terrorism. It is between Shea, and Sunni, or Ahmedia cast in Muslim with other Muslim sects etc. There was a violent conflict between Buddhist and Muslim in Myanmar. The riots between Muslim and Hindu are also occurring in India. The muslims in Russia and China are fighting violently for separation. The continuous bomb blasts are going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. India is facing another form of violence from Naxalite movement who are fighting on the name of liberating the downtrodden people.
USA whose majority population consist of immigrants facing the threat of internal violence. It occurs due to hate crime or because of sick mind. The mentally sick persons are killing in schools, colleges, theater, and religious places. The three bomb blast have taken place in New york in last 30 days.It shows that violence is increasing day by day.Besides that assault weapons are also freely available in the market.This is being justified in the name of self defence and insecurity. Some people are trying to have control over Gun but they are appears to be in minority. In the 1992 78% people in USA were supporting the Gun Control but in the 2012 it is reduced to 43%. Besides that the National Rifle Association who is for free gun right has also increased it membership from 25 lakhs to 43 lakhs i.e. from 1982 to present. It can be seen that violence is increasing everywhere from Developing to undeveloped Countries for one or other reasons
The individual efforts will not be effective for controlling the Violence but collective efforts of all nations and people are required. Christ, Buddha, Mahavir and Gandhi’s calls for non violence are appears to be vanishing from this world.
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