The Obesity has its own History. In the old age those who use to live physically inactive life with lots of comforts were suffering from obesity. Besides that majority people were then use to be saved from the same as they use to live active and manual life. We are well aware that some of the communities who are doing business but not active physically are suffering from the obesity. The mechanized system has also reduced the manual labour in day to day life. It indirectly encourages the obesity.
The people are now very much conscious regarding the shape of body. Therefore obesity it is now recognized as Major decease. However much is required to be done regarding the same as it is spreading like wild fire.
In the USA about 20% people are suffering from the Obesity. It is also spreading very fast in younger generation. Besides that in some of the states of USA has 34% obesity rate which is very alarming figure.
I had observed once that husband was caring his disabled wife on wheel chair as she was suffering from obesity. Subsequently the same person gradually started suffering from the obesity. Thus both husband and wife became disabled and became miserable.
The young boys and even girls are also sometime finding it difficult to breath and to walk due to their bulky bodies. However when more and more young people are seen with heavy bodies then it is very bad picture. The Education department USA has also taken steps to see that the free food given to the school children are also modified accordingly in order to control the obesity.
The obesity also encourages several deceases and brings pressure on health care system. Besides that it also makes health care system more and more expensive.
The most important reason for obesity lies in the food. Some people takes lot of Sugar, Cheese, Butter, Ice Cream, Chocolates etc. The children are generally more fond of those food items. The excess eating of non veg food also put extra weight on the body. Hence voluntary food control is required to be enforced. The people should be also educated to moderately consume such products for healthy life.
The regular Walk, Yoga, and Vigorous physical exercises are also essential in order to control the obesity. The educating the people regarding obesity is necessity of the hour. This is very much important for making our future generation Healthy.
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