Saturday, February 8, 2025

 Materialism- Gift of Morden Age.

                                                                      Materialism has reached our blood, making people's lives very fast, and competitive. It is done in the name of living a better and more comfortable. It is also observed that when one makes material progress one becomes more detached to value and morality in life.                                           

                                                  It can be also observed from the life we are living and compared with our ancestors we may find that they had less material Gain, less Money in their possession, and the least comfort in their lives. But they were living healthier lives with more values and emotional attachment to their folk.

                                                   Nowadays Success and Material gain are more important to Humanity. It amounts to an increase of Human  Population without much Humanity. 

                                                  Rich are living life lavishly in big houses with several rooms along with few children while the poor have more children in small places. 

                                                 In modern times we are living in the age of smartphones which bring us near to people living far but it has also created distance from our close ones.  

                                                Sometimes we are very active on Facebook but do not have time to read Holy and good books that give noble messages.

                                                In the present life, we have lost huge contact but our relationship is becoming poor day by day.

                                                  The most important thing is in the race of the good living we have forgotten to live the good life.

                                                  These are the all strange things happening around us which are gifts of materialism and modern progressive life.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

 Politics with Business 

                                                    Donald Trump has been making sensational announcements since he became President of America. He has taken several steps regarding imposing tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China, Illegal Immigrants, Canceling Citizenship by Birth, and Reducing Federal Employees/ Federal Expenses. All such measures have kept him very much in the news and controversies. These are all measures taken as per his promise during the election.

                                                   However, Donald Trump has now come out with a plan to develop Gaza strips with its developments. It will also create lots of employment. He also offered to send the American Army to Gaza. It appears he made the announce after conferring with the Israel priminister.  He also advised people to move out of Gaza because of its destruction.

                                                 It has created resentment among the Muslim world including Palestine. The said plan has come as Donald Trump may be thinking that in present conditions Gaza is not in living condition for people. Besides that, it is the business mind of Donald Trump who thinks that American companies will get very good opportunities to make money in rebuilding the Gaza Strip and can be saved from terrorism.  

                                                   Similarly, Donald Trump has also offered to continue the military aid to  Ukraine with the condition that Ukraine is ready to supply all precious metals to America with lower Prices.

                                                    He warned  NATO countries to reduce their duty on American goods otherwise they may have to face heavy tariffs on their goods. In this regard, even India is also no exception.

                                                        Given the above, even Donald Trump's business mind is also playing a major role. After all, he has been a successful businessman.   He is also playing Politics along with business. 




Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Human  Hair Industries and World Market

                                                                                  Surprisingly, human hair can create an industrial base and become a source of employment in one country. 

                                                             In the Hindu family system when an elder dies then all their male children are supposed to clean save their head to show respect and to mourn his death.  It also identifies that the family has lost their elder one. This is also one of the rituals which accumulate lots of human hair at pious places.

                                                           Some of the temples carry lakhs of followers who offer their hair for  God's favor. Tirupati Temples of Lord Venkateshwar in Andra Pradesh, India is considered to be an avatar of 'Vishnu' the supreme 'GOD'  of Hindu Religion. Lakhs of people at said Temple save their heads for Lord Venkateshwar's favor. It is reported that 1.2 Million people are saving their heads per year at Tirupati Temple. In the year 2019, Temple auctioned the 157 Tons of Hair and earned $1.6 Million.

                                                       West Bengal is one of the Indian States where human hair is being sorted out and various sizes of wigs are being prepared for the market. It is also reported in an American survey that the world market of wigs has reached 5.3 Billion Dollars in the year 2021. In the year 2021, the Indian government exported $770 Million worth of human hair.  Human hair is also being seized which were smuggled. This shows how much the demand for Human hair is in the World market. 

                                                       It shows Human Hair Trade is very much in demand because of lots of Profit Margins. India can become one of the leading exporters of human hair if its trade is properly supervised and handled.


Saturday, January 18, 2025


Health And  Cold Season

                                                       The general health conditions of people depend upon the immunity of persons. Hence, it is important to see a person's body condition.  It is observed that the cold season is good for people but some people can't bear the cold. They have to protect themselves by wearing heavy woolen clothes while some people enjoy the seasons without much heavy clothes.

                                                       It is a question why some people can't bear the moderate cold? It is related to body deficiencies.  The digestion system is more important for Health. Some people are suffering from Indigestion, Constipation, and Acidity. Those types of people cannot bear the slightest cold.

                                                       People who have muscular body they can bear any type of cold. It is observed that men can bear more cold than women as men's muscles are thick. sometimes even men with thin in the body will also face problems in cold weather.

                                                       Besides that circulation of blood can create problems for people in the cold season.  People who are suffering from high or low blood pressure can not face the cold and they may become uncomfortable.

                                                       People who are suffering from Thyroid or Imbalance Hormones can also lose the capacity to bear cold.

                                                      Two things can increase the capacity to face the cold Season i.e. By getting sufficient sleep and taking B-12 which can increase the energy level to face the cold season.



Monday, January 13, 2025

Elon Musk

                                                                  Elon Musk is very much in the media nowadays. He openly supported Donald Trump in the recent American presidential election. In return, Donald Trump has given him the charge of his administration's Efficiency Department. He will see that unnecessary expenses and unwanted departments are eliminated in the American administration to save Billions of Dollars of Taxpayer Money. American government officials are under tension in this regard. In short, Elon Musk has become a very powerful person.

                                       Musk has a very strong Industrial Empire behind him. He prefers to be known as a technocrat rather than an industrialist. He is a very controversial person and always thinks about impossible things and after the most difficult goal. He has been successful in so many fields i.e. In High Tech, Media. Rocket, Space, and Automobile Industries. 

                                        His God-like Genetics along with unusual thinking have made him a unique and controversial person. His personal life was also very much remained disturbed which led to divorces. However, Elon Musk believes that personal displeasure has to be controlled as so many lives depend upon him in his Industrial fields. It is said that ' Most celebrities' and creators' lives are always disturbed one or other ways'.

                                       Musk has several children from different marriages but he feels uncomfortable without women in his big house so he always craves relationships with women. There may be ups and downs in Musk's Marriage or love life but he never stops working hard and continues to create new. It seems he does not allow his personal life to mix with his professional life. 

             In short, one has to go through  Pain at one end and to achieve pleasure on the other end.



Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Third World War -Bells Are Ringing 

                                                                 The situation in the world is worsening day by day and it seems we are heading towards the Third world war. It may be fought on Religious Grounds on Economic Ideologies or on the Personal ambitions of political leaders. The Second World War was fought on world supremacy which was based on the political ambitions of the heads of those states.. i.e. Germany, Italy, and Japan against the whole world. it is believed that they wanted to share world to share economical and political powers over their allotted world map. i.e. With the understanding that Germany would take over Europe/Other Western Countries, Italy would rule over Africa and Japan would Control Asia. 

                                                                 However, whatever happening now is very unpredictable on a wider aspect. Russia wants to annex Ukraine and war is going on between those countries. On another side, Israel is fighting against Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran on religious grounds i.e. Muslims and Yahudis. Bangladesh is burning and being destroyed by Muslim extremists. There is a revolt going on in Myanmar against military rule. Pakistan is facing violence and attacks from the Afghan Taliban and Baluchi Liberation Front. In short, war is going on for one or another reason in Europe/Russia, in Asia, and in the Middle East. The picture appears to be very clumsy. The world war can take place between two powerful blocks.

                                                               One thing is clear there are three Alliances at present in the World. i.e. One is America/Europe/ Japan/South Korea and another one is Russia/China / North Korea which is opposing the American Alliances. Some Countries are Neutral based on their National Interests. However, it is becoming clear that Regional conflict is now heading toward an Alliance Basis. American Alliance is supporting Ukraine while another Alliance is supporting Russia. It is observed that Russia/China is supporting Iran/Syria/Middle East Muslim Countries while America is fully backing Israel 

                                                            These developments are very grave and they may lead to total conflict between two powerful alliances.  Therefore it appears that a third world war can start at any time. sometimes small conflict can turn into total war. People with wisdom should make the best efforts to stop it otherwise it will bring total disaster for the world with those atomic and chemical weapons in the world. we are also well aware that both sides own such deadly weapons which can bring disaster to the world.

                                                          It is not too late as only Bells are ringing for the world war which can be stopped in time.


Thursday, December 19, 2024


Self-Introspection Is Key To All Problems

                                                                      People have many problems in their lives, which can lead to feelings of success and failure or happiness and unhappiness. In the process, people start blaming others without searching for their own faults. That means one problem is creating another problem in relationships with others.  It is a very vicious circle that leads to unpleasantness in the lives of so many people.

                                                                      Therefore the introspection of each and every person can show the solution or lessen the pain in life. However, the process of introspection is not easy and requires lots of effort and courage from within.

                                                                     In other words, it starts with genuine self-development of a person which is not easy for everyone. The person is required to dedicate himself in that direction. Besides that one has to proceed with great confidence and motivation to achieve the result. one has to ignore adverse factors and obstructions and discipline oneself to achieve the result. In short, one has to study oneself within to find his own weaknesses, faults, and prejudicial outlook.

                                                                       It is also necessary to see that one does not give more importance to self-respect which can indirectly pampered the once ego. One has to make efforts to control bad emotions which are the root cause of problems and evils. There is a very thin line between good and bad emotions which are to be recognized to improve within.

                                                                     The criticism has to be based on proper analysis which is based on merits and not on a prejudicial outlook.  The problems arise in life out of unnecessary criticism on various subjects. Hence criticism should be balanced and logical. The best approach is to appreciate more than overlook the adverse things. The appreciation of others can solve most of the problems in the world.

                                                                    All these efforts through introspection can also lead to self-realization which can make life smoother, happy, and peaceful.
