Sunday, December 18, 2022

Swastik and Hindu philosophy

                                                      There is a misunderstanding regarding the symbol of the Nazi party and the  Hindu symbol of Swastik. The symbol of the Nazi party differs as it goes up and down from then the Indian Swastik Symbol.

                                                      Nazi party never followed the philosophy of the Swastik Symbol. The only similarity is that the Nazi party believed that Germans are superior Aryans.  They also considered Indians to belong to the same Aryan Race. The assumption might have been based on historical facts that Aryans were living in Central Asia and out of that one group had migrated to Europe and another group to south Asia. i.e. India.

                                                        However, the Indian symbol of Swastik carries deep rational and philosophical meaning related to the practical life of human beings.  

                                                      The main four pillars of the symbol give emphasize the Observance of Dharma,  Achieving Moksha, Controlling Moha i.e. Kam, and the Urge for wealth. i.e. Arth.

                                                      It also gives messages of keeping Unity, Liberation from wrong Instincts, To maintain fellowship and friendship. 

                                                      Besides that, it conveys through its four top curves to achieve happiness in life by controlling the mind, desire, and ego. Wisdom is the most important to achieve those results.

                                                     All those messages caring one to the center of the Swastik which is Brahma. i.e. The ultimate goal of life which is absolute truth.

                  In short, Swastik gives significant guidance to achieve perfection in life.




Monday, December 12, 2022


Twitter  And  Its New Look

                                                      Elon  Musk is a very adventurous genius.  Some people think that Elon Musk has played a big gamble by taking over 'Twitter'. However, whenever Elon Musk does anything thing he always plans in advance which other thinks is impossible. Besides, Musk's action of acquiring 'Twitter 'was also considered strange as it is not doing well at present.

                                                       Elon Musk has already fired, Directors, Top Officials, and Several Thousand Employees of 'Twitter' as soon as he had taken over the company. He also warned employees who do not want to work hard. In short Musk up to some extent an admirer of the Chinese working force.

                                                        Elon Musk believes in giving more Freedom and facilities to its user. Twitter had no Editing facilities for users so they can change their posting if necessary. He has now started Editing buttons for 'Blue Tik' users on Twitter. But in time to come, he intends to give such facilities to all users.

                                                         Besides that now users have Photo and GIF facilities while posting. That means one more file can be attached to the posting. These are new facilities that Twitter is giving to users.

                                                        Elon Musk also believes that everyone should have the right to express their views freely. Therefore he has started again those accounts that were blocked. i.e. Including of Donald Trump's Account. But he made sure that he would not tolerate fake accounts.

                                                         Elon musk also intends to collect charges from 'Blue Tik ' users but will simplify the verification process.

                                                         Besides that Elon Musk plan to make Twitter like' All on one platform. i.e. Including Payment, E-Commerce.

                                                      Elon Musk has removed the Indian-origin CEO Parag Agrawal from Twitter but he has already taken prominent Indian-origin high-tech engineers couple Sri Ram Krishnan and his wife Arati Ramamurthy as advisers.  Ram Krishnan is considered to be the future CEO of Twitter.  Elon Musk is very much impressed with Sriram Krishnan / Arati's  Podcast App 'Club House'.

                      Given the above that the face of Twitter will be changed by Musk very soon.




Sunday, December 4, 2022


America Supremacy - Challenge Thereof 

                                                                      American supremacy is already challenged by countries like Russia, China, and South Korea. Besides that, they are trying to form a new world order against the domination of American supremacy. There are also a few reasons which weaken American supremacy from within.

                                                               Therefore  America has to further strengthen its economy and administration from within to fight against those outside forces. America has even lost the solid support of some of its European Allies. They are putting their national interest first against their long friendship with America.

                                                                  In view of the above America has to strengthen its economy and administration in order to face those powerful challenges to its supremacy. The income gap between rich and poor is increasing in America which requires to be taken care of. Besides that, the internal administration has to be strengthened in various fields in order further strengthen its position.

                                                                  There are certain fields that can be given due attention. US postal services which started in 1775 are now not doing well. SSI which was Established in 1938 is now facing funds problems. Medicare and Medicaid which started in 1965 require urgent corrective measures regarding their funding. The USA is still depending upon the import of oil which is to be reduced. There are severe problems of shelterless /Homeless and Illegal Immigrants. It has to be brought under control. The worse problem in America is high inflation which has reached its highest in the last forty years.

                                                                 In short, America has to also strengthen all aspects of its weak points within also in order to face the challenge of its supremacy from the outside. 




Monday, November 21, 2022



                                               Women form about 50% population of the World. In a democracy, they play a crucial role in creating the government of the Country. Besides, they have qualities far superior to men, i.e. Sacrifice, Flexibility, Patience, Mercy,  Concentration, Intelligence, Unity, and  Long-term Planning. All these qualities have taken women ahead wherever they get opportunities.

                                               The highest IQ record in History also belongs to women.  It is reported that women speak about 20000 words in the day in comparison to 7000 utterances spoken by men. This shows women are more vocal and expressive than men. It is said that US  women earn $18 trillion and they spend $28 trillion worldwide. Therefore world economy is flourishing on the purchasing power of women.

                                             Women are Biologically sensitive to high pitch noises. They can hear the crying offspring even when they are sleeping. Hence they are more efficient in raising a child than men folk. They have obtained 60% of college degrees in America, enabling them to get lucrative jobs in the market. 

                                          Women have an advantage in many physical things. They have a better sense of smell than men. Girls' brains are generally maturing earlier than boys. Women are more rational than men. It is reported that American women live 2 to 8 years more than men. The first computer project was started by a woman named 'Ada Lovelace'. It shows that women are more intelligent which can add to the prosperity of the economy i.e. If gender equality is properly observed in workplaces. Besides that, they have higher immune systems than menfolk. It was observed during the Corona pandemic.

                                            However, it is observed that women get drunk earlier than men because they have less water in their tissues. They are more emotional than men which is one of their weaknesses. Women may be superior intellectually but weak in heavy manual work.

                                           Women are now coming up in leadership level more than a decade ago which is being confirmed by Forbes Megezine of USA. But they are still fighting against gender discrimination in the men-dominated world.



Sunday, November 13, 2022


Old Age

                                                  It is observed that many people have very glamorous ideas about retirement and old age. They think that they will have a free and easy life and all hurdles of normal life will disappear. That means they will be able to do anything they like. 

                                                There are several Hassard in old age.  The authority in family life even declines. Social life becomes slow as one starts losing some strength at a professional level.  One gradually starts losing identity, friends, and associates. Sometimes it brings loneliness.  In short, all these natural problems of retirement and old age are being ignored prior to retirement and old age. Therefore it is necessary to plan retirement well in advance and to be choked out systematically. Otherwise, sometimes retirement and age become a burden. 

                                                   Simple planning is to make a list of things that one likes and could not do in one's normal life. It will help one to pass his old age time constructively and smoothly. Hobbies are always helpful in such matters. One can go for hobbies like traveling, reading, music, dance, writing, and meeting old friends who are out of touch.  

                                                       It is also advisable to mix with next-generation i.e. Young people instead of keeping yourself with your own old generation or circle. That can give opportunities to learn new things which are coming up. It can eliminate loneliness and keep old people busy in a positive manner. Besides that old people generally talk about their own past experiences which can be staled in present time. This is only to make old age more purposeful.

                                                    It is also reported that in some cases old people are feeling lousy.  They feel they are useless and carry no value in society around them. They can not go out and are not comfortable in the home. They are also craving respect. The tragedy is that they cannot eat what they like it. They feel their own house like others.  There is nobody to hear them and can't hear what others say. They can't sit with others and even others are also not willing to be with them. sometimes they do not get sleep. They do not want to hear any advice from others. This is a very pitiable condition as they have not planned their old age suitably.

                                                       In short, it is to be noted that old and retired age is very difficult than normal life. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022


Russian Ukraine War- Effect on Europe

                                                                       America has imposed economic sanctions on Russia after it invaded Ukraine. 'NATO' means all significant countries of Europe also joined with America and imposed sanctions in order to support Ukraine. However, in the process, the European economy is suffering as Russia is supplying them with energy i.e. Gas and Petrol. Russian supply of energy is stopped or reduced and due to that inflation is rising all over Europe.

                                                                       The people of Europe are on the street protesting against high prices, unemployment, etc. There is political turmoil in Britain where PM has to resign due to Economical crisis. Besides that, it is expected that Europe is going to shiver due to a lack of energy in the cold seasons to come. Hence the US proxy war with Russia has put Europe in a very tight economic position.

                                                                        The Industrial country Germany is suffering the worse due to the economic crisis thereon. The prices have inflated 10 times more than what they were two years ago. The manufacturing production has declined 2.5% and it may decline further next year.  It is reported that many companies are going bankrupt and insolvent. Some of the industries may be moved from Germany. Even retail trade is also very badly suffering. Hence there is a sentiment developing among Germans that more importance has to be given to national interest in order to stop the national economic decline. 

                                                                    It was also observed that so many European countries continued to buy petrol and gas from Russia even after imposing economic sanctions on it. It may be because of national interest.



Saturday, October 22, 2022


Bullet Train In Japan

                                       The bullet train was first started in Japan in the year 1964. It started running between Shin and Osaka at a speed of 187 miles per hour. The train is a very convenient and fast mode of transportation. However,

Japanese Engineers had no solution to its sonic boom. The biggest problem was Sonic tunnel booms. It has taken billions of passengers since its opening but was disturbing and annoying thousands of nearby residents due to its sonic boom when it came out of the tunnel.

                                         Ultimately Japanese government asked the director of technical development Nakatsu with others to find a solution for making a bullet train quiet from a sonic boom.  Nakatsu was not only an Engineer but was also a Bird Watcher. He was also a good observer. He was in search of a suitable front design for the bullet train so that problem of the sonic boom can be solved.

                                         He observed the bird Kingfisher diving from air to water without making splashes. He shows that the kingfisher can do that because of its streamlined shape long pointed wedge-shaped beak. Accordingly, Japanese Engineers also conducted various shapes of the design and finally they shaped a bullet train front design practically identified to a Kingfisher's beak.

                              Sometimes Nature also gives solutions to Human problems.



Tuesday, October 11, 2022


American Economy

                                             The Russian and Ukraine war has disturbed the economies of the world but America is no exception. America has imposed economic sanctions on Russia along with the European Union for its invasion of Ukraine. But it also has an adverse effect on the American economy. The oil prices are rising and the inflation rate is also on the high side in the USA. Besides that many counties of the world are buying cheap Russian oil and gas through the back door. i.e. Countries like China, India, and even some European Countries.   However American economy is doing well regarding the job market at present but big American companies are predicting a  recession next year in the USA.

                                               World powerful oil organization OPEC has recently announced to reduction the oil production which will further increase the oil price. It will also adversely affect the American economy. It is reported that Saudi Arabia is very much displeased with the USA regarding one of the cases which is going on in America in which the Saudi Crown prince is involved very much. This all shows that circumstances are adverse for world superpowers.

                                                Besides that, there are a few hidden reasons for the suffering of the American Economy. The income gap between the high and lowest is increasing in America. Rich people are becoming Richer.  The middle class is shrinking day by day. Millions of people are living in poverty. Besides that concentration of ownership is growing. The few large multi-corporations are controlling the production and their cost too.

                                               There are a few firms( i.e. Black Rock, State  Street, and Vanguard) on wall street which control assets of 20 Trillion. It amounts to the GDP of the USA.  Hence few Billionaires in America who have large power over the Economic life of the American people. 

                                              All those factors have to be considered to rectify in order to control the Economic evils of the American Economy.




Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 Brain Implant

                                                 Brain implant technology will make learning about it obsolete.  It is known as a Neural implant. The device is planted on the surface of the brain thereon.

                                                 The implant device can download information and communicate with the brain's neurons. Besides that, it can report the activities of Neurons. It can also control the neurons and see that they behave orderly.

                                                One of the most common applications is to stimulate the different areas of the brain where electrodes are implanted. It reduces the symptoms of brain-based disorders. 

                                                The implant device can also control the neurons of other body parts. Doctors are already using Neural implanting in order to stimulate spiral cords. It is also used for the person suffering from paralysis so that he can walk. It also enhances people's memory capacities through stimulated neurons using the implanted device.

                                                    In short, it is the latest brain-related technology that will bring revolutionary changes in ailments related to the Brain.




Thursday, September 29, 2022


Confucious-In Context Of Present-Day China

                                                                                Confucious was a great philosopher of China. He was also a political thinker and was for the self-development of humanity. Therefore he was an authority on political and social vision. 

                                                                                  He believed that the trust of people is crucial for a ruler in case he loses the same then he cannot sustain his power. He was for the ideals and values of ancient culture. He also supported modern education and standby for social reforms. He believed that systems are created by thinking of the people.

                                                                              He said that the divine power or soul of the dead people does not control human lives. Therefore every individual is independent and powerful to create their own destiny. 

                                                                            Besides that when there is a difference of opinions or wrongdoing among officials or a conflict for power that is totally undesirable. Confucious gave a message to establish a nonviolent society.  He had imagined the perfect ruler. He pointed out three factors for the ideal ruler. i.e. Person with good Intentions, Intelligent and Fearless.

                                                                           Confucious was for the family system in society. He wanted that elders should be respected. In short, Confucius wanted that Religion should sustain society and that society should support Religion. He wanted that everyone should be satisfied with what they had.  

                                                                         Confucious said one must live life with full confidence so that any failure in life can't come in the way of Happiness.

                                                                        We do not know that all this wisdom of Confucius has any relevance in the present context in China. 



Sunday, September 11, 2022

Why Nature is Angry? 

                                             The advancement in the field of industries, technology,  and the increase of materialism has also adversely affected nature. The magnetic vibrations in all forms have made the atmosphere warm and hostile. They are responsible for abnormal floodings, cyclonic winds, and even deadly earthquakes. The recent flooding in  Pakistan,  the Earthquakes in China, and several cyclones in different states in America are glaring examples of Angry Nature.

                                              The warming waters are making the sea more toxic which is likely to endanger marine and human life. The increase of fresh cold water in the North Atlantic( i.e, from Iceland) is changing the ocean current which is affecting the weather in Europe. Europe is becoming warm. It has also creat drought in Africa.

                                              While deep sea mining of  EV minerals in Pacific ocean could be critical to storing carbon. It can also affect the surrounding of the said ocean. Besides, the pacific waves are becoming strong in the Southern Hemisphere. It will create danger for the coastline of small island Nations. The erosion due to waves can be also dangerous for local communities.  The Coral Reef of Carabians has to be protected from offshore Drilling.

                                            The temperature of the South Atlantic sea is also rising which can adversely affect the fishing industries of Africa. It is observed that fish can not thrive in warm water. The warming water of Antarctica also melts ice sheets which destabilize glaciers. It can also raise the sea level

                                             The Indian Ocean has medows of sea grass which is to be protected because it produces twice CO2 in comparison with land forests. Besides that Mangrove forest on the sea coast has to be protected as they store lots of carbon. 

                                            It is observed that people have not taken all these development regarding nature seriously. Hence nature is now Angry.



Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Winston Churchill

                                              Winston Churchill a former prime minister of  England is considered to be the war hero of England because he was one of the leaders who made it possible to win the second world war. It was also surprising that he was thrown out of power after the war. Besides that, he was a perfect colonist and was prejudiced against India and Indians who fought for freedom. One he called Mahatma Gandhi 'Naked Fakir of India' in the context of his dress.  He was also against giving independence to India, which was considered Jewell among British colonies.

                                                Churchill said he hates Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly Religion. He once went further and commented very severely on the Bengal famine.  He said it was their own fault for breeding like rabbits. It was reported that once he also commented that  'Those  40 crores Indians (i.e. then) should not be given freedom. They will foolishly tax on everything including air'. Mahatma Gandhi reacted very severely to said comment and retorted  ' Let be Chaos but the British must leave India immediately. ' 

                                               He was very stiff regarding his colonial view.  He said if welsh are striking over hunger we must fill their bellies with lead.  We sent troops in to crush striking miners in Tonypandy. 

                                              Afghan war of 1897 he said ' There who resisted were killed. We proceeded village to village, destroyed houses, wells,  towns, trees, and burned crops.' All these views reflect that he was drunk with  Supreme English colonial power.

                                             It was Atlee a former British labor Prime Minister who gave freedom to India as by then England knew very well that it was difficult to maintain control over India.



Friday, August 19, 2022


Unknown and Forgotten Freedom Fighters- 75 Years of  Indian Independence 

                                                  There were thousands of freedom fighters of India who fought for freedom in their own way. Some believed in non-violence and others fought violently. However, their patriotism was beyond question. The British government then was using very torturous methods to control those freedom fighters.  Some of the revolutionary young people reacted violently and replied to the British regime accordingly. i.e. Killing British officers and throwing  Bombs at them.

                                                In the process, the family members of those freedom fighters suffered and had very miserable lives. India got freedom in 1947 but some of them were forgotten and their families vanished into poverty. India is now celebrating 75 years of independence.  This is a very good opportunity to rectify the error and give those unknown and forgotten freedom fighters due recognition for the sacrifice they made for the freedom of India. 

                                                 In this connection, we can quote an example of revolutionary freedom fighter Chandrashekhar Azad.  His mother became lonely and helpless after his death. She was rotting in poverty. She had no cloth to wear and no food to eat. She has to do some manual work for her lively hood. Such miserable was the condition of a mother whose son was a revolutionary freedom fighter and after whom 700 British force was chasing.

                                              Chandrashekhar Azad, use to say' He will face the bullet of the British Government but will go on fighting.'   Chandrasekhar Azad had also taken a promise from one of his revolutionary freedom fighter friends Sadashiv Rao to look after his mother. He fulfilled his promise and took her with him as her financial condition was not good.  

                                              Besides, that Azad's mother was not treated well in her village. They use to tell her mother of Daku.   It is very unfortunate that even after independence Azad's mother was not given any help by the government.

                                               India is now celebrating  75 years of independence and if the government searches and prepares a list of all forgotten and unknown freedom fighters all over to give due recognition for sacrifice for the freedom of the motherland. 





Friday, August 12, 2022

When Dancer Becomes Soldier

                                                                     Patriotism is such a thing that can inspire people to do anything for the country. This is a recent instance in Ukraine wherein how one lady citizen of the country sacrifices her career to defend her country. She is a role model for the world as she is a lady artist who has enrolled herself in the military to defend her country against the aggression of Russia.  

                                                        The 30 years Ms. Olesia Vorotnyk is a Ballerina with the National Opera of Ukraine. She is a professional dancer in her country. Her son and husband were killed in Russian supported conflict three years ago.  After that, she took up the soldier position at a checkpoint with an AK-47. Rifle. Olesia also helped to evacuate civilians when it was encircled by Russian troops. Even joining the Army was difficult for her because authorities wanted experienced people.

                                                      However, she found some similarities between Military service and Ballet. Ballet also requires discipline and strength of mind. i.e. To face pain. She also experienced pain staying on her toes during ballet performances which give pain. Sometimes even feet also bleed in the process.

                                                      In the beginning, she was assigned the duty of guarding a neighborhood near Kyiv. She also worked in the military for creating pride in her countrymen. She also wants the future generation of Ukraine to grow up with strong confidence.

                                                    She returns now to her profession but she knows very well that any time she can be called back to serve military at any time. Hence she regularly practices shooting every day.

                                                   In short, she is the living example of the high morale of Ukraine people who are facing the aggression of mighty Russia.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Indian Diaspora  Abroad

                                                       Indian Diaspora abroad has performed very well wherever they have gone. They had an excellent performance in Science, Technology, Politics, Trade, and Industries everywhere overseas. 

                                                      There were so many Indian origin persons who occupied very high positions in Social and Political fields of USA, Britain, Canada, Singapore, Carabian Countries, etc. India is very much proud of them. It is a time when NRI(i.e. Non-Resident Indians) have started investing in India in every field for its developmental projects.

                                                        In America Indian origin people are 1% of the population of America but its performance is very good.  The Indian origin people are having a hold over 40% of Hospitability Industries in the USA. They are very much in High-Tech,  Healthcare, Academic and Scientific Sectors of  USA. Besides that  67% of Indian origin, people have Bachelor's Degree in the USA against the 28% of the General population who has a Bachelor's Degree.

                                                       The Average Household income of the General  American population is $50000/- while the Average Household income for Indian-origin people is $90000/-. This shows how the  Indian origin people are doing in America.

                                                        Once former President of America Barrack Obama advised his American Student audience ' Please Study properly otherwise jobs will be snatched away by Indians from you. ' This is also observed that 80%of American students dropped out after school graduation.

                                Hence people of Indian origin are doing well everywhere abroad.


Sunday, July 24, 2022


The Smartphone 

                                                                                     The smartphone has made our life easier and distance communication more smooth. Sometimes it serves the purpose of a calendar or clock or entertainer or address book, and intime of emergency it serves the duty of a helper. In short, it has become our 24-hour friend philosopher, and guide.

                                                                                It has become for some people constant companion i.e. day and night. However, in the process, people ignore the damage which is being done to them by smartphones mentally and physically. They mentally become addicted to it and lose personal contact with their near ones.

                                                                                 It entertains child through poems, and cartoons, and even help them to sleep. But it affects the development of their brains and the quality of sleep also suffers. It creates greater Health issues due to radiation being thrown from the phone. Some people is having the habit to socialize on phones before going to bed but it can suppress melatonin which affects one sleep. Using technology before bed can encourage the brain to remain awake. It makes it hard to relax and makes it difficult to sleep. It is better to relieve oneself before 30 minutes of going to bed from such electronic gadgets. It will also help to get good sleep.

                                                                                   Some people have a bad habit of keeping their mobile phones on the side of the pillow. first of all phones radiation is harmful. Besides that notifications or messages or calls can disturb one sleep. Therefore one should keep a phone far from his bed when he goes to sleep.

                                                                                    The blue light from the phones suppresses sleep and it makes it hard to sleep.  The lack of sleep makes one less focused or less energized or lazy and which leads to diseases like diabetes, and obesity. It also increases anxiety.

          Hence using phones one has to take care that it doesn't harm one mentally and physically.



Thursday, July 21, 2022


Silicon Valley In Search Of a New Device 

                                                                            Apple gave iPhone which is presented above Desktop PC for personal computing. It brought revolutionary changes in the life of people.

                                                                             However, the changes which are being brought now are extraordinary. The said versatile device will now handle Banking, Net Working, Map Reading, and Games along with so many additional features. 

                                                                            But it is observed that sales of smartphones are being on the decline for the last five years. Therefore Silicon Valley is in search of new big things. The next big idea will be on Virtual Headsets (VR). Besides further they are also developing glasses for experiencing Augmented Reality(AR) in which computer Graphics are overlaid.

                                                                         However, in this project, all big tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and ByteDance are after it.  There are efforts to see that the new Headset become wearable. The Health wearable gadgets which measure Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Sleep patterns sale have now become nearer to smartphones.

                                                                                  Hence the latest new product of Silicon Valley will come into the market very soon. 



Sunday, July 10, 2022

High Tech Eyes On Health Care

                                                          All advanced countries spend an average of 10% of their GDP while the USA is spending about 17% of its GDP on Health Care. It is observed that the American health care system is very expensive and spends 3.6 Trillion Dollars a year.   All these factors have attracted the attention of high-tech sectors. 

                                                               Amazon, Meta, (The company affiliated with Facebook), Apple, Microsoft, and Google's Alphabet are all involved in Health Care in one or another way. They see huge world market therein with lots of potentials. The above companies are spending Billions of Dollars in the healthcare sector by the way of investment to get huge returns in long term.

                                                              Amazon runs online delivery of medicines throughout America.  Apple is in a Smartwatch with periodically gives new health features thereon. Meta offers fitness-related fun through its goggles and Microsoft keeps on expanding on its health regarding cloud computing offering. The Alphabet parent of Google has invested  1.7 Billion Dollars in new health ideas. Microsoft has even higher former health regulators to advance its cause.  Alphabets have concentrated its projects along with its main objectives i.e. In Wearable, Health Records, and Artificial Intelligence related to Health. including increasing human longevity.

                                                             These shows that high tech is bringing revolutionary changes in the Health Sector which will greatly benefit the whole world and humanity thereon,



Friday, June 24, 2022

 The Realization Of  Buddha

                                                   India has very close religious relations with Nepal. It is the one and only Hindu state in the world. Ram was born in India but Sita was born in Nepal. Similarly, Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal but he realized the truth of life in India. Most of the initial disciple's Buddha was Indian.  Indian kings then also helped to spread Buddhism in the world.  Buddha realized in Buddha Gaya in India near Kashi.

                                                 Buddha said ' If you stand for  reasons be prepared to stand alone like a tree and if you fall on the ground fall like a seed that grows back to fight.' He meant one has to fight alone for reason or truth and even if you fail you should go on fighting  ' Never be to yourself if you want to be successful' That was his Mantra. One has to be humble and kind than to be Right. You are not given the right to be rude, or cruel because you are correct. That is a message of the Buddha.

                                                 In this world, Three things can't be hidden i.e. Sun, Moon, and Truth. i.e. Truth is also power full like the Sun and Moon which can't be a coverup. Buddha was for giving love instead of begging for it. He also added beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful. Besides, that successful people should also carry two things on their lips. i.e. silence and smile.

                                              Buddha believed that a relationship never dies a natural death but is destroyed by Ego, Attitude, and Ignorance.  You will feel far better if you change yourself instead of changing others. Buddha said that Faith and Prayer make impossible things possible even though they are invisible. One moment can change a day, One day can change a life, and One life can change the world.

                                               Buddha was for control over one Tongue. He said when you speak ask your self ' Is it True or Is it Necessary or Is it Kind.  The uncontrolled Tongue only creates great problems. Buddha has given a very pessimistic message ' No matter how hard past you can always begin again.' He said attachment to someone is the root cause of suffering because it leads to expectations.

                                             Buddha said' Nothing is permanent. Do not stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is it will change.  He said there's no path to happiness Happiness is the path.

                                               Buddha also gave very much importance to spiritualism. He said '   Just as candal  can not burn without fire, Men cannot live without a spiritual life.'

                    In short Buddha, messages are for the happiness of the world and peace thereon.
