Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 Brain Implant

                                                 Brain implant technology will make learning about it obsolete.  It is known as a Neural implant. The device is planted on the surface of the brain thereon.

                                                 The implant device can download information and communicate with the brain's neurons. Besides that, it can report the activities of Neurons. It can also control the neurons and see that they behave orderly.

                                                One of the most common applications is to stimulate the different areas of the brain where electrodes are implanted. It reduces the symptoms of brain-based disorders. 

                                                The implant device can also control the neurons of other body parts. Doctors are already using Neural implanting in order to stimulate spiral cords. It is also used for the person suffering from paralysis so that he can walk. It also enhances people's memory capacities through stimulated neurons using the implanted device.

                                                    In short, it is the latest brain-related technology that will bring revolutionary changes in ailments related to the Brain.




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