Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Smart Jew From Russia                                                        

                                                            One Russian Jew was allowed immigration to Israel by the Russian Government.  Lenin's gold Statue was found in his luggage by customs authorities at Moscow Airport. The customs officer asked him 'What is this?' He replied ' This is the wrong question. You should have  asked who is he?' This is Comrade Lenin who laid the foundation of Socialism and created prosperity for the Russian People. I am taking it with me as a memory of our dear Hero.' Russian customs officer let him go.

                                                        He was asked by a customs officer at  'Tel Aviv' Airport of  Israel. 'What is this?'He replied 'Sir you should be asking 'Who is he? This is Lenin bastard who forced jew to leave Russia.' I brought this statue with me so can curse him every day. Israel's Customs officers were impressed very much with his reply and they apologized.  They said 'You are cleared to go.'

                                                            One of his friends inquired at his House' Who is this?' He replied smartly 'This is Ten Kilogram of Solid Gold that I managed to bring with me without paying Customs Duty and Tax.

                                    In short, he was one of the smartest jews from Russia. 


Wednesday, June 16, 2021


The Youngest Professor at Harvard

                                                               He is a seven-year-old Indian American Bengali boy name Suborno Isaac Bari from New York and known as the 'Einstein' of our time.

                                                              He is a genius that he started talking at the 6 Months. When he was two years he started solving the Difficult Problems of Maths, Physics, and Chemistry. Thereafter his parents started sharing his video on the Internet. 

                                                              He even received an invitation from 'Voice of America' and he was interviewed. Thus he became one of the youngest people who was interviewed by 'VOA'. Harvard recognized him as a scientist in the year 2018 and in the year 2020 he was recognized as a professor of Harvard University. He also became the visiting professor of Mumbai university too.

                                                             He also received the 'Child Prodig Award ' at the hand of Kailash Styarthi for his incredible achievements in the field of Maths, Physics, and the Anti-Terrorist Campaign.

                                                            He wrote a book title 'Love' which focuses on the topic of a 'Muslim's Child Struggle to create a world without terrorism.

                                                            In the year 2016 President of the USA, Barak Obama recognized him and congratulated him through the letter.

                                                            In short, he is a person born extraordinarily and can go beyond everything.




Thursday, June 10, 2021


The First And The Last Companion

                                                              One has Friends, Relatives, and Associates during life but they are not going to be near forever. Sometimes they become illusionary things in one's life. However, one thing in the world always remains with i.e. Own body.  Lord Krishna has said in Gita that ' Practically  Your life companion is your body only because once body stops giving response then all your worldly relations leave one there and then. It is body only remain with you from Birth to Death.'

                                                             The response of the body depends upon how much one takes care of it. The body reacts to what one eats and how much rest it receives. This is because the body is a permanent address and wealth. It cannot be shared by anyone.  Money comes and goes, while friends and relatives are not to be there forever.  Hence body has to be healthy.

                                     There are ways and means for keeping care of the body as under-

-Deep Breathing improves Lungs

-Meditation keeps the mind under control.

-Yogic Exercise keeps the body healthy

-Healthy food will improve the efficiency of the Intestines

-Regular walking is good for the Heart.

-Good thoughts are  good for the Soul

- Good work can give benefits to the world.

                 In short to live a happy one has to maintain a healthy body.


  how much rest one give.