Monday, May 24, 2021


Morarji Desai- Former 'PM' of India (125th Birth Anniversary)

                                                                     He was a leader who started his political career as a Minister in 1937 (i.e. In the First Self Rule Congress Government of the Bombay Presidency ) and ended the same in the year 1979 as a Prime Minister of India.  He occupied all Constitutional Positions like Chief Minister, Central Minister,  Deputy Prime Minister, and Prime Minister during his forty years of a political career.  He was even offered the Presidential position but he refused on political grounds. Thus he had a very Bright, Honest, and Successful Career in the political fields of India.

                                                                He joined the freedom struggle in the year 1930 after resigning as a deputy collector of the then British-Ruled Government. He said then 'He served the wrong master for a long time. Once Gandhiji was having a meeting with the Viceroy of India and he inquired with Morarjibhai Whether he can talk to Viceroy about reinstalling him in the Government service?  Morarjibhai replied him ' Bapu going back to government service does not arise as we have yet to achieve freedom'.  This shows that Morarjibhai was one of the committed Gandhian freedom fighters. He was imprisoned several times by the British Government during the freedom struggle.

                                                       Even during his service under British Rule he was fearless and use to handle his British Bosses without any fear.  He had the guts to send some of the expenses Bills to his British Boss which were incurred by local people when his boss was touring the District. His contention was that the government is paying for all expenses when government officials are touring.  Why poor people are taxed and compelled to bear expenses? He compelled his British Boss to pay all those expenses from his pocket. He had lots of tussle with administration for the sake of principle.  He was Daring and Fearless. When he appeared before the interview committee of the British Government for a job he was asked ' If we do not give you this job then what you will do? ' "The whole world is before me". He replied confidently. The committee was impressed with his reply and he got a job.

                                                                         He was a leader who strictly followed principles and values.  He has to pay a heavy price for following the same. He was a good administrator and civil servants were very much scared of him. The Bombay State was one of the best-managed states of India doing his tenor as a  Chief Minister. He also managed the finance of India successfully at a very critical stage. It is recorded that he presented the Indian Budget for the highest number of times.  He never cared for cheap popularity and always acted in the best interest of the people and country.

                                                            The Rationing on Food Grains was removed and prices of essential commodities like wheat, rice, sugar prices were lowest during his tenure as Prime minister. Inflation was at its lowest and under control. He amended the constitution to see that emergency provisions are never misused in the future for political reasons. The judiciary was also given more powers to protect Democracy. He brought the 'Parashar Bharati' Bill to make TV and Radio free from government control. He also made provision that people can appear in Civil Service Examinations (i.e. IAS, IPS, IFS, etc )in any Constitutionally approved Regional Languages.  The foreign relations were at the best when Morarjibhai was Prime Minister. He is the only Prime Minister who received 'Nishane Pakistan 'the highest civilian award of Pakistan and 'Bharat Ratna' of India respectively.  

                                                                 Morarjibhai has Land, Social, Economic, and Police  Reforms to his Credit. He also introduced many reforms when he was Chief Minister of Bombay State. He made farmworkers the owners of the land under the 'Farm Land Reform Act'.( i.e. Land belongs to a farmer who actually doing farming') This law brought lots of prosperity among farmworkers. He brought a law prohibiting 'Second Marriage' when one wife is alive. This protects the Women's Right'. He nationalized the Bus Transport so that rural areas get transportation facilities. Small weavers and  Handicrafts were his priorities. His concept of gold control is now being accepted and implemented by subsequent governments. He founded the' 'Home Guard' which has now become the second line of police services in time of emergency. He brought police reforms which brought law and order under control. This shows that he was a good administrator along with a reformist leader. 

                                                              The year 2021 is Morarjibhai's 125 th Birth Anniversary Year. But it is passing without any Celebrations. He believed not to give his name to anything. The Well-Known Gujarati Thinker and Prominent Writer Gunvant Shah Writes about Morarjibhai as under-

"Morarjibhai had a Shining and Gorgeous personality which use to fills up the room when one enters therein. He lived his life Shining until the end of his life. He further writes that there is no  Bridge or University or Park or Stadium or National Award or Airport or Hospital or Auditorium after his name. When we will get another such efficient and honest Statman? Prime Minister Narendra Modi had given me a promise to name the 'Surat International Airport' as 'Morarji Desai  InternationalAirport' which he has still not fulfilled."

                       We hope Suitable and Prominent Memorials will be created in the name of Morarjibhai as desired by the people.




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