Sunday, January 19, 2020

Leadership and Its Success
                                                                    The Leadership comes through Democratic process or through Revolution which sometime turns out to be Autocratic. However in all the cases the qualities of leadership is required for success.   Sir Winston  Churchill was a great democratic leader who led England to victory in  a very difficult time while there are leader like Adolf Hitler and Maotse Tung who lead their countries in dictatorial ways.  However one can finds some qualities behind them for their success.

                                                The successful leader is  direct, clear and firm in his Communications.  He is honest in his actions. Besides that he is ready to take more share in blame and less in credit. He has open mind and who understand their followers very well.  Good leader does not promote him self but stands as a problem solver. He has a vision and can see the things whatever invisible to others. He does not ask  but earn the respect of followers. The successful leader is always positive in the the difficult time and become a role model for his followers. Leader should not be afraid of the success achieved by their subordinates.  In short a Good Leader always delegate and distribute the work among subordinates and  stand behind them as a problem solver. 
                            These are the qualities which create successful leadership.

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