Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mount Kailas And Mansarover
                                                        Mount Kailas and Mansarover are situated in the  Tibet. The height of Kailas is 22028 feet high with the Parikramaa of 48 kilometers. It is the biggest source of water from where four major Rivers Indus, Brahmaputra , Sutlej and Karnali are  originated.
                                                        The big lake Mansarover near Mount Kailas is at the height 15060 feets with circumference of  88 kilometers. Its maximum depth is  300 feets. It is spreaded in  in the area of 320 kilometers.

                                                        One can reach Kailas from six routs from India i.e.Through
 Ladakh, Gangotri, Badrinath, Jyotimath, Almora and Nepal.
                                                        One of the Russian Doctors Earnest Mulkasike had  claimed that 'Kailas is men made Pyramids and it is surrounded  by other small Pyramids. it has roots with pyramids of Giza and mexico.
                                                         Kailas is a very pious place for three Religions of the World. Hindu believes that Lord Shiva lives on Kailas. While Buddhist also believes that  Buddha also lives thereon. Jain believes that it is a  last resting place of their first Tirthanker Rushabhdev. Chines government has prohibited the climbing of Mount Kailas in view of its religious importance.

                                                         It is said that whoever tried to climb Kailas were killed or in process of climbing at some point suddenly they felt sign of oldness with lots of weakness.
                                                         There are lots of exceptional spiritual power are generated around Kailas through which Saints are communicating with their Gurus. The  famous Russian Painter  Nicolas Rerimane said that 'There is a city named' Kyanaam' around Kailas wherein all Saints, Sadhus,  Monks, Tapasvi and Sidhdh people Stays. Some people have heard strange type of murmuring sound  from within Mount Kailas at the Night time.  Therefore it is believed that Kailas is the center of all spiritual activities in this world and of  outer world.It has also deep relation with the creation of this world.

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