Tuesday, May 14, 2019

                                                                                                    Biking is the most economical mode of transport in the world. It does not requires fuel, parking,  insurance, repair shop and  washer.  Besides that Biking is a good exercise to keep one body fit. Therefore Biking has become very popular among young generation.
                                                              There are few cities in the world wherein there are more Bikes then other mode of transportation. One of the the American universities i.e. UC Davis is known as Bike city of the world  as there are more Bikes are used then other mode of transportation. It has become the most popular transportation mode by the young people who use it to remain physically and mentally fit.

                                                               It is estimated that about 9 million Bikes are being used in over 190 cities in the world. Bikes  are the most popular in china and every couple need Bike as soon as they get marry. One among  three requires Bicycle in China. One will be surprise to know that in New York, Paris, and London there are 10000, 21000, and 16500 Bikes receptively. The 100 cities in USA  tried to mobilize  Bike  by 2018.

                                                               The Japan is one of the countries who  is very much innovative in  mobilizing Bike  for day today work. They have manufactured portable and folding Bike which  can be carried in hand if necessarily.  The former president George H W Bush use to Bike around the city of Beijing along with his wife when he was  American Envoy  to China in the Seventy.

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