Tuesday, May 2, 2017

 Hundred Days Of Donald Trump
                                                          American President Donald Trump has completed the Hundred Days as American President.  It is possible that American media and his opponents may have drawn his adverse picture in Exaggeration. One of the entertainment journalists Liz Krokin has said that ' Donald Trump does not drink Alcohol, or Doing Drug and Hard working Businessman'. He quoted so many instances of his noble Nature. He reported  that Donald Trump had prevented the foreclosure of the Farmhouse which belonged to Anna Bell Hills. She was in  very bad shape then as her husband had committed suicide.
                                                         Donald Trump administration took following major decisions during the first hundred days in the office.
1) They imposed Visa restrictions on  Muslim Travel.
2) They  also brought reform in H1B Visa regulations.
3) Donald Trump gave order to Bombed on Assad's Air Base in Syria immediately after Chemical attacks on Village  full of  Civilians and including Children. It reflects the degree of restrain and judgment on the part of Donald Trump.
4) The Aircraft Carrier 'Carl Vinson' is deployed near the water of North Korea  which is defying the International law regarding Nuclear Arms.
5) Donald Trump has changed his view on 'NATO i.e.' It is Obsolete'. Donald Trump now insist that 'NATO' to pay Fees'
6) Donald Trump got it confirmed Neil Gorsuch, a Conservative as a Judge of Supreme Court.
7) The American Economy is Injected with Renewal Confidence.
8) Donald Trump scraped the 'Trans Pacific  Trade Deal' which will help American Companies and will create more Jobs
9) Donald Trump  is on the way to introduce Tax Reforms.
10) China use to reduce the value of it Currency frequently in order to get Trade Advantage. However it is now stop  due to the efforts of Donald Trump.
                                                              It can be seen that Donald Trump has already taken some of the  aggressive Steps as per his Election Promise. However the Constitutional and  Judiciary Control have also prevented him in some of cases like 'Obama Care' and 'Muslim Travel Ban'.  It is to be seen How he adjust and finds the way out of many complex issues.

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