Friday, December 16, 2016

 Pollution and Climate Change
                                                                       The pollution is increasing day by day and it is adversely affecting the climate. The Ozone layer is being broken by heavy pollution and it is creating hot climate from day to day.  It is very difficult to control pollution as it will adversely affects the developmental activities. Hence it has become the cold war  for wasted interest,
                                                                      The all develop countries are responsible for the present state of affairs regarding climate but they are the countries who have now realized the seriousness of the problem. It is creating damage of Billions of Dollars in the world on account of flood, storms, drought and forest fires. However the measures shown for controlling the climate change are more damaging for the developments of  undeveloped countries. China is  now verge of becoming world power by heavy industrialization which consume the highest quantities of coal in the world. Similarly even India is also in race to become world economic power through industrial developments. it is also fact that heavy industrial developments emit large quantity of  Carbon Dioxide.  All these factors are creating  adverse effect on climate change. Besides that it makes the pollution control more difficult.  However the pollution of any sort is adversely affecting the climate and it  also create the abnormalities thereof. In short non polluting energy has to be used for controlling the further deterioration in the environment.

                                                                     It is also fact that develop country can afford to change into renewable energy faster and easily than underdeveloped countries.  But developed countries also have to also face their internal wasted interest in the matter.  The scientists and enlightened politicians are also issuing warnings regarding danger of climatic change. The former American Vice President Al Gore has also written books 'Your Choice' and 'An Inconvenient' regarding danger from climatic changes.  Ian Lowe has written book titled ' Living in the Hothouse' on the said subject.  Narendra Modi, Prime Minister has also written book on climatic changes titled 'Convenient Action - Community for Change'.  But the President elect of America Donald Trump have some reservation on the subject of climatic change.
                                                                        Scientists have forecast that if present climatic change will continues than world has face its adverse effect one or other forms. For Examples as under-
-The  Great Barrier Reef of Coral,Australia will ' Mass Die Off.'

-The the Maldive Islands which  are formed from Coral will Submerge in the Sea
-The significant increasing of  Temperature in Alps has already melt the Snow and that is shortening the Winter Sports.
-The continuous rise of temperature in Rhone Valley in France and in Napa Valley,California, USA are making  environment  inhabitable for Grape Wine.
-The  Water Level at Venice, Italy is rising due to climatic changes. The Key West Resort in Florida,USA will be submerging in sea due to rising of Sea level up to 15 Inches in the  Next Thirty Years.
-In the few Decades the some of the parts of Mumbai,India may submerge in Sea due to rise of Sea level. This may be due to the continuous climatic changes
-The external changes at Amozon Forest has put the Habitat Animals in danger  and made Forest Trees Susceptible to fire.
- Alaska, USA  is already facing the erosion of Coastal Line and sea Retreat due to climatic changes.Even Perm Frost is melting due to rise of Temperature.

                                                                       In view of above some concrete steps have to be taken in order to stop the adverse effect of climatic changes. This is mainly due to the increase of temperature on account of heavy pollution. It has also broken the Ozone level in the world.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Narendra Modi
                                                                            The 'Time Magazine had previously  declared that the Narendra Modi is heading on online contest as a' Man of the Year 2016' among all World Leaders. But 'Time Magazine Management' thereafter  Chosen the American President Elect  Donald Trump as 'A Man of the Year'.
                                                                             The Daring decisions of 'Surgical Strikes' on Pakistan and  Demonetization  of  500 and 1000 Rupees notes have made him Popular and Controversial Leader.  In view of above  it is necessary to know the a Style of his functioning of Narendra Modi.

1) It is very difficult to enter in his' Inner Circle'.
2) He does not take advice from any one without appropriate and trusted references.
3) Narendra Modi likes Economists like Jagdish Bhagavati and Arvind Panagaria,
4) Narendra Modi has few  Industrialists friends like Ambani, Adani and Tata.
5)  Narendra Modi is not Exessable to Media and Rarely gives Interview.
6)  Narendra Modi had not appears to have taken part in 'Indian Freedom Struggle'.

7)  Narendra Modi has change the Model of Indian Politics.
8)  Narendra Modi  has direct contact with his Constitutes through Rallies and Programs like 'Manki Baat' / 'Namo App'
9) The Demonetization has proved that he is ready to make correction on need.
10) Narendra Modi is serious about Cashless Society.
11) Narendra Modi is ready to take Risk and Challenges.

12) Narendra Modi has proved that he can be Emotional and Spiritual as Situation demands. He is not Dry and Crude.

                       These are some of the Characteristics of Narendra Modi which have contributed to his his Political Career.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

India After Demonetization
                                                   The India is under is under Economical Stress and Strain on account of  Exchange of old notes  and also due to the the scarcity of new notes in the Economy. There are protest by various political parties looking at the long lines of common men before the banks for Exchanging the Old Notes and for obtaining the new and small denomination notes for their day to day Expenditures. The effect of this phenomena has reach to Rural level.  It has become very good weapon for Opposition Parties to beat the government with it. Besides that wasted interest are also enjoying the fun of economic problems. However it is observed that  the common men are waiting in line but rich class is appears to be missing from the line.  It may be that influential class may be managing all their requirements through backdoor. It may be one of the reasons for long lines before  Banks.

                                                 India has very complex problem of Black Money. It is said that more than Nine Lakh Crores Rupees have been deposited with banks so far. But still the about Five Lakh Crores Rupees are out side. We hope that it may  come in banks in time to come. It is also reported that Black Money  are being deposited in 'Jan Dhan Accounts' of Poor People. Besides that Employees, Farmers and other people accounts are also used for depositing Black Money.  Moreover Black money are also invested in Gold, Diamonds and Real Estates. It is to be seen how government deal with such matter.

                                                  Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he will deal in  deterrent manner with those elements and will also chase Benami Properties including Gold, Diamond and Ornament Dealers.  We hope for the best.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Rough States
                                                                                                                                                                                                               George Bush the former President of America used the word Rough states for Iraq before American invasion.  It mean out law State in terms of international law. However the definition of Rough State varies with prevailing conditions therein. In view of above we can name two states in the  world which can be named Rough States. They are Pakistan and North Korea. They have failed  to observe and recognize International laws.

                                           Pakistan is a Islamic country with powerful army and its intelligent Agency 'ISI'. It is said that Pakistani army dominates over civilian government  while 'ISI 'dictates the Army. Pakistan have military culture and Army Generals have ruled the country several decades . Pakistan fought three wars with India but were defeated in all. Hence now Pakistan army is strengthening its grip over government by keeping Kashmir issue burning all the while. America also supported Pakistan strategic point of view but now America wants that Pakistan should clear it territory from terrorists who have become danger to not even america but all other surrounding countries. Pakistan has further armed itself with American and Chines Weapons. Pakistan made Atom Bomb with the help of China and other countries that too overlooking International law thereon. America has declared most wanted terrorist leaders with big prize on their heads. But they are freely moving in Pakistan.Pakistan has now started blackmailing America by militarily joining with China. Pakistani people are poor for wants of developments. The  most of the foreign aids are being cornered by politicians and army generals. This is why Pakistan can be considered one of the Rough States.

                                               North Korea is the another state which is Rough State  which is close allies of china. It is a poor state and its economy is dependent on China. However it spends most of the resources after military equipments. It is is also on the verge of manufacturing  Atom Bomb and is  ahead in missiles technology. This is being done in violation of International Law and Norms.  Kim Jong Un is a dictator of North Korea who is ruling the country highhandedly. The chines president Xi Jinping is also not happy with North Korea because of going ahead with destructive military equipments. China do not want to see the collapse of North Korea for stretegic reasons. Besides that collapse of North Korea economy will bring millions of refugees to China which can damage chines economy. There is little love exist between China and North Korea. China does nor respect North Korea because they equally hate China. The fact is that North Korea military preparation is not only against  America and South Korea but it is also against China. Hence North Korea can be also considered as a Rough State Accordingly.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Indian government has taken the step to cancel the high denomination currency notes of Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/- receptively. The step is very much required as parallel Black Money Economy  exceeds more then 50%%. It also become difficult to control the inflation in the country.  It amounts that government has no control over half of  the economy. Besides that the development of country also get effected thereof.  Therefore  it is a demand of the the public to bring the black money in control.

                                                                       There are certain national policies which have to be supported by all citizens and political parties without exception.  However each and every political party will try to take advantage of the situation arising out of such step. India is a vast country with lots network of financial institutions, which are being used  by various types of people.  Hence any aspect is being overlooked then it will create  adverse chains of reactions in general public. It is being observed  that there are  shortage of currency notes which are required against exchange of cancelled notes.   It has  also created long lines in banks resulting to inconvenience to general public.  However it has to be bared by public in national interest as in long run they are only going to be benefited from this steps. Even the holders of black money and wasted int rest are also bound to incite general public against the government in this matter.  But it is a test of  nationalism and patriotism of Indian public.

                                                                       It is strange that wasted interest tried their best to convert their black money through people, Jewelers and Gold ornament dealers. The government is also striking on those illegal transactions. It is said that there is 14 Lakh Crores Black money in economy out of which government may get only 4 Lakh Crores. The remaining Currency Notes may become scrap paper. It is reported that some of the black money holders  have thrown away their cancelled currency notes in waste paper baskets or in rivers.  Even some of the cancelled currencies are being Burnt.
                                                                  It is strange that some people criticize the government for cancelling the high denominations currency notes without taking proper precaution. Besides that were also criticizing the government for not taking steps against Black Money. We can not help it in such matter.  However some advantage will reflect in economy in the time to come .
                                                                   Some time innocent general public has to go through the pain of such steps but it is also true that ' Without  Pain No Gain.'  We hope that government will take all steps to minimize such pain. Hope for the Best.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump - The Next Elected President of America
                                                                                                 Donald Trump has proved to be very frank and blunt politician. He always behaved and talk in the way he felt in his heart. He is very controversial but no body can doubt about his Patriotism.  He has been voted because-
 1) Donald Trump talked  through the heart of white and conservative Americans.
 2) Donald Trump also talked about bringing back the glory and the supremacy of America in the world.
 3) Donald Trump wants to fulfill the dreams of all hardworking, sincere and intelligent Americans.
 4) However Donald Trump has been harsh to illegal immigrants and other immigrants who are disloyal to the value for which America stands.
 5) Donald Trump promised  to get back the employments to American which are passed on to the Non Americans  through  outsourcing and under Special Visa provisions like HIB.
 6) It appears that disowning of Donald Trump candidature by his own party leadership has created very much sympathy  wave for him.
 7)To fight against world terrorism  is a positive commitment of Donald Trump
 8) America had committed political error by removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq which resulted into chaos.   Therefore Donald Trump does not want to remove Syrian Dictator on the name of democratic forces in Syria. It may be the one of the reasons why he support Russian policy in Syria.
                                                    These are the apparent reasons why Donald Trump has been voted. However we have to wait and watch to see how he deals with all those problems during his term.  But at present we must wish him all the best in his endevours.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Basic Principles of Happy and Healthy Life-

                         1)If one has Doubt than next step has to be taken Cautiously.
                         2)Nobody can gives you happiness as it is in your hand only.
                         3)What you think is important. Not what other think.
                         4)One have Nobody to hear  Complains then he can take it to God. Thy can take   anything and Everything.
                         5) It is better to deep breath  in order to control one's anger.
                         6) One has to be careful so that his past does not distrubes present.
                         7) One can built up his own life without comparing with others.

                         8) Life is very short  to waste.
                         9) One has to be positive  and to believe in miracles which may change the life.
                         10)One has to believe that his family and friends will take care of him when needed.
                         11) Always live the life your choice.
                         12) One can not agree with every one but at least Agree to Disagree.
                         13) Forgive other in order to lessen your own Burden.
                         14) It is a time which heals Everything.
                         15) Remember one thing that Good and Bad time will change.


Friday, October 14, 2016

The Experiences of the Great
                                                              It  is observed  that  few  people are always seen with smiling faces. It does not mean that those people are not facing any miseries in there lives . They simply knows how to absorb all  shocks in lives with balance mind.  Shakespeare said that '  Laughing faces do not meant that there is absence of sorrow. But it mean that  they have ability to deal with it.'
                                                Some people are mostly suffering at the hands of bad people as they are unable to get help from other good people. In this connection Napoleon was very clear. He said ' World suffers a lot not because of violence of bad people but because of the silence of good people'. Is it not true?

                                                The success comes to those who exerts themselves for the same. Nobody can help you  for your own Goal. Sometime people are not interested in your work but it should become motivations for one to work hard and sincerely. Einstein said once that ' I am thankful to all those who said no to me. Its because of them I did it myself'.

                                                Abraham Lincoln believed that '  If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strong person in the world'  It is a fact that help and guidance of good and sincere friend always helps one to make his life smooth and easy. Hence some people are ready to do anything or even to give sacrifice for the friend. It is said that one is known by the type of friends he is having.

                                                One cannot test people in good days but he will realize who are with him in his bad days. Some time God gives you opportunity  to know people in bad days. Even Hitler also felt the same in his worst days. He said 'When you are in the light everything follows you but when you enter in to dark, even shadow does not follow you.'

                                                The great comedian and Cine Star Charlie Chaplin  had said that 'Nothing is permanent in this world not even our Trouble'.  Some people who are unable to face trouble in life get frustrated and believes that they are finish without thinking that bad time and all troubles are passing face of life. It is better to remain cheerful to ease the trouble. Therefore Charlie Chaplin had further said that ' The most wasted day in life is the day in which he had not laughed.'

                                                 In view of above it is seen that all small and great people have to pass through good and bad days but one can make life more easy by sharing the experiences of others.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Surgical Strike and Controversy Thereon
                                                                               Indian Army very recently organized Surgical Strike on Kashmir border in order to destroy the base camps of Pakistani Terrorist. It was very successful army strike. It destroyed the several base camps of terrorist with killing of about 38 of them. We have to salute the Indian army for caring out the successful operation.
                                   The tactical and secret mission of the army which is now being politicized by some of the  opposition leaders by asking the proof thereon. They are also taking advantage of the fact that Pakistan will never accept the fact as it was done on their territory. Besides that the technique used in such a highly secretive mission cannot be exposed as it can benefit the enemies.
                                    It is also not advisable to question the army operation in order to preserve their high morale. It is observed that all constitutional institutions in India are victims of the dirty politics.  Army should be spared out of it as it endanger the sovereignty of India.
                                   One thing is now clearly emerged out of the 'surgical strike' controversy that politicians can go up to any extent in order to serve their purpose.  Some of the uneducated and uncultured politicians in the ruling party  ask their opponents that ' whether they can produce video of their parents honeymoon in order to produce the evidence regarding their birth?  However intelligent politician like Subramanium Swamy is very practical in stating  that some video of Blast and Dead bodies of Terrorist can be shown with the consent of army for satisfying people. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi also advised his party men to show some restrain in the controversy.
                                    However much desire is to be done when intelligence report says that Pakistan has created more launching pads for terrorist in Pak occupied Kashmir.  That mean Indian  army will have to  organize several such secret surgical strikes in near future. Therefore the present controversy regarding proof is irreverent and unwanted.
                                     In short let army do their job with full support of Indian people.  It is also advisable to stop such controversy in the national interest otherwise it will only benefit Pakistan.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Mahatma Gandhi  -Birthday 2nd October
                                                                             The name of Mahatma Gandhi a Father of the Nation has been used by wasted interest in whichever way it suits them without understanding his personality and principles. His views about Nonviolence, Partition of the Country, Principles and Values in public life and including of sex are being twisted by his so called followers and his opponents.
                                                                             Late Narayan Desai son of Mahadev Desai who played on the lap of Mahatma had tried to convey his true messages through his 'Gandhi Katha. He described true Gandhi therein. He said firmly that Gandhi was never in fevour of Partition of the Country but then Congress Working Committee overruled him. He was not happy about it and never took part in the independence  celebrations.  He spent his said  time in the Communal Riot trodden place of Noakhali in Bengal. However he has been accused by Hindu Communal section that he was fevouring Muslims. His crime was that he pleaded to give Rs 55 crores to Pakistan which was a part of Agreement during Partition. Some people also wrongly accuse him for partition the mistake which he never committed. It is very unfortunate that recently Hindu Maha Sabha unveiled bust of Nathuram Godse in Madhya Pradesh who killed Mahatma Gandhi on account of his misconception about him. The real Culprits for Partition of  India were then Congress Leadership, Mohamed Ali Zeena, and the last Viceroy Lord Mountbatten. One will be surprised to know that Nehru told that they accepted Partition as then Congress Leadership was tired due to long Independent Struggle. Lord Mountbatten expressed sorry at latter stage for the killing of one Million people during the Partition. Mohmad Ali Zeena also accepted his mistake for creating partition before his Death. However Communal Element in India made Mahatma Gandhi Scape Goat for all those problems and for which he was not responsible. It is very sad episode for which precious life of Mahatma Gandhi was lost.

                                                                       Gandhi also said that he never approves the Non Violence of Cowards. The first Indian Commander in Chief Carriappa once asked Gandhi"How can he advise his soldiers to observe  Non Violence at the time of the defending the Country?" Gandhi Smiled and never replied his question. That means he approved violence in such circumstances.
                                                                        Mahatma Gandhi believed that one can be in politics with maintaining values and principles. He wanted people in public life to be simple and without  Pomp and Show. He believed that Britishers were living with Pomp and Show in order to create fear among our people. But why our Leaders should follow them? We find lots of corruption, crime, and deterioration of values in public life as we have not followed his simple advise.
                                                                         He was aware of the weakness of human beings and also experimented in sex  field.  He knew the weaknesses of his followers in this regard but he tolerated them. He wanted to use their good qualities to achieve freedom of the country. There are instances when he was stiff when the limits are crossed. However he was not rigid as reported by some people in this regard. He frankly stated that " who is he to point out the weaknesses of other people when he himself  is also human being? "

                                                                        He made Nehru as a  First Prime Minister of India as Nehru was not ready to work under Anybody.  However he balanced him by inducting  unwilling  Sardar Patel as a Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet. Indira Gandhi splited Congress in the 1968 for power but Gandhi prevented split in the Congress at the time of Independence.
                                                                        Mahatma Gandhi was a Man of Commonsense and stated once that I am a Common man but people have made me Mahatma. That was the Greatness of Gandhi. Therefore to day also he is respected and known as a 'Father of the Nation'.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Do you Know?
                                                                                               1)Brain remains alive for about Seven Minutes after the death of a person.
2) The research papers of Marie Curie still carries Radioactivity. Therefore all precautionary measures are being taken before touching those papers.
3) The Jelly Fish carries 98% water in its body and it gets dehydrate as soon as they are expose to Sun Rays.
4) Eiffel Tower was to be constructed in Barcelona,Spain but the project was rejected and it was built in Paris,France.
5)' NASA' is spending 250 Million Dollar for building up machine which can convert Urea in to Clean Water.
6) Norway is the only country which give free education  to the student of any country in its all Universities.
7)The 70% of all  Spices consumed in the world are produce in India.
8)Steve Job of Apple had not done any work of  program writing  in his whole life.
9)Rats are destroying the 1/3 of the  Food Grains of world during one year.
10)Sweden is using   its Waste for producing the Renewal Energy which is not sufficient and it is importing the waste from other countries.
11)Trees on one Acre of land can remove the 13 Tons of Gas and Dust from its surrounding atmosphere.
12) One woman had give the birth to 69 children out of which 16 were Twins, and 7 were Triplets. and 4 were quadruplets receptively.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Health Care
                                                                                It is said that 'Health is a Wealth'. One cannot have pleasure of life with wealth if health is not good.  The poor health makes person miserable with even lots of money and  comforts. Therefore it is very much essential that we eat food with lots of nutritious values.  It is also observed that more people dies after eating unhealthy food then people who does not get food. It is essential tot know which food contains which nutritious values for one's health benefit.
                                                                                 Therefore it is better to go through following chart for health point of view-
1) Almonds and Almond Milk Contains  Calcium, Iron and Proteins
2) Amaranth Grain -                          "       "           "      "   Vitamin-C
3) Arvgal                -                          "       "         and Vitamin-A
4)Asparagus           -                          "       Iron, Vitamin -A and C
5) Avocado             -                          "       Vitamin-A, C and Lots of Fiber
6)Basil                    -                          "       Calcium, Vitamin A and K
7) Beet                    -                          "       Folate, Vitamin C and K
8)Broccoli               -                          "       Calcium, Vitamin A and C
9)Artichokes           -                          "        Vitamin C and K
10)Brussels Sprouts-                          "       Iron, Vitamin C and A
11)Buck Wheats     -                          "       Calcium, Iron and Protein
12)Cabbage            -                          "           "          Vitamin A and C
13)Carrot                -                          "            "              "         "   "    "
14) Cauli Flower     -                         "            "            Iron, and Vitamin C
15)Celery                -                           "            "          Vitamin C and A
16) Chia                   -                          "             "             "         A
17) Chives               -                           "          Vitamin A and C
18)Cilautreit            -                           "       Calcium, Iron and Vitamin C
19)Coconut              -                          "            "            "    and     "      
20)Collard                -                          "            "          Vitamin A and C
21) Cucumber          -                          "             "                "       "    "   "
22) Cumin                -                           "            "          Iron, and Vitamin A
23)Dandelion            -                          "            "          Vitamin A and C
24) Egg Plan             -                          "            "           Iron. and Vitamin C
25)Garlic                   -                          "         Vitamin C
26)Ginger                 -                           "          Potassium 8 mg
27)Goat Milk            -                           "         Calcium, Vitamin A and C
28)Grape Fruit           -                          "               "            "         C and Iron
29)Gluten Free Bread -                         Not Contributing to Acidity
30) Flex Oil and Flex Seeds                  Contains Calcium, Iron and Vitamin C




Friday, September 9, 2016

China's- Cunning and Crooked  Policies
                                                                    China is has proved that it is a country which is expansionist and can do anything to fulfill its wasted interest. Besides that it has a intention to become a world power and that too at  any cost. It is observed that it  has a border disputes with surrounding countries one or other reasons. It has also territorial disputes with disputes with Japan, India, Taiwan, Philippines,Vietnam, and including with Brunei. China with its strong military strength keeps surrounding countries on toes. China still continues to  claim its right over South China Sea ignoring the verdict of international tribunal.  Besides that China can use any rough country of the world in order to serve it s own interest.  Pakistan is one of the examples of Chines cunning diplomacy.

                                                                     China has rivalry with India on Two Accounts i.e. One on ideological point of view. India is Democratic country while China has directorial regime.  Second reason is China do not want any country to challenge on its race for world power.  China is considering India as its potential rival in that sense
                                                                    In view of above China has started encircling India in order to choke up its progress. China has started inciting and helping Pakistan to harass India.
How China has encircled India? i.e. Through  Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal etc.
                                                                    China is supporting Pakistan by investing funds on building up its Port, Industrial Corridor, Highways and including supplying of military weapons. It has recently signed the arm pact with Pakistan.  Those Chines military Assistance to Pakistan can be used directly against India.  In return Pakistan has also handed over some of the strategic areas of Akshai Chin, and Pak occupied Kashmir to China which is against the interest of Indian security. Besides that China is developing Ports in Sri Lanka. China is very much in Myanmar by obtaining drilling right of oil fields and also by giving huge financial aid. Chines present in Nepal has also increased.  China is building road from Tibet to Kathmandu, Nepal for opening the avenues for direct trade with China. This is also going against the interest of India. Incidentally now Nepal has Moist Government. China has also built up artificial island in south China Sea which is also militarily well equipped.  This is done in order to control the South China Sea. It is reported that 50% of Indian foreign trade also passes through this Rout.
                                                                   In view of above India has to form some policies in order to protect its interest. India has raised the questions of  unrest in Baluchistan and in Pak occupied Kashmir.   India has indirectly questioned the legality of highway and industrial corridor projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir  along with building up a port at Gwadar, Baluchistan,Pakistan. Besides that India has signed the defense pact with USA under 'LEMOA' for exchanging and sharing each other military  facilities. India will also get 22 high tech drones from USA for defense surveillance in Arabian and Indian oceans. India has  also offered financial and military aid to Vietnam to protect its interest in South China Sea. All these military measures and policies are not liked by China as it goes against its interest.  It appears powerful military and industrial base have made China now uncontrollable country in the world. It is said that Chines Dragon is now awakened and it is becoming dangerous for the world. Wait and watch.

Friday, August 12, 2016

American Presidential Election- November 2016
                                                                                  It is now clear that American people has to choose new president from Hillary Clinton, Democrat or Donald Trump republication.   These both candidates  faced lots of opposition from their leadership of the party within. It is also reported that Hillary Clinton is ahead of few points from Donald Trump in public rating. However one can not predict now about the actual position at the election time.
                                                                                 It is very interesting election because the elected candidate will be the most powerful person in the world. This is because America is a super power Militarily and Economically. America also control all world organizations including military financial, i.e. IMF, World Bank, WTO, UNO etc and including the most powerful world military organization' NATO'. Besides that Dollar is a  internationally recognized Currency in which all the Countries of the world are suppose to keep Accounts. These all makes America and its President most powerful person on the Earth.
                                                                                Hillary Clinton have some positive advantage as she is a intelligent and experience lady candidate. She can catch majority votes from 50% women voters of America. She also represent more or less the continuation of  present policy. she is liberal with a view to carry all sections of America together.  Some people also accused her as unreliable because of her cordial relations with wall street and vested interest.
                                                                               While on other hand Donald Trump is very aggressive in his speeches. He talk about the present lower image of America i.e. Internally and Internationally. He says illegal immigrants have increased the crimes. Therefore they should be deported and also suggested to built wall on the American /Mexican border. He is also against out sourcing of the jobs as it creates unemployment for Americans.  Donald Trump is for curtailing the HIB Visa for improving the job market for Americans. Besides that he wants the  strict screening of Muslims immigrants in America in order to prevent terrorism in America. He  blames Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton policy in middle east for creating ISIS and chaos thereon. He speaks the language of conservative Americans. Therefore he has become popular among them.
                                                                              In view of above lets see how it turns out to be in the ultimate result of Presidential Election.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

  Prime Minister Visits- Abroad
                                                                            Our Prime Minster Narendra Mody have traveled 52 Countries and spent Crores of Rupees for creating goodwill for our country. The International Politics and diplomacy are very tricky and complicated. The Military and Financial powers are very much needed in order to mange some of the rough countries.

                                                                            In that context lets see some of the strange things are happening  in the world. Our Prime Minister was visiting Pakistan and at the same time Pakistan  was encouraging the Terror attack on India. Chines army was  in Indian border when Chines President was enjoying the hospitality in India. America knows very well that most wanted Terrorist leader is freely moving in Pakistan and they cannot do anything. These are the few examples which shows that the friendly gestures have no meaning with some rough nations. They only understand language of rough diplomacy wherein they are cornered.

                                                                           Pakistan only understand that type of language. America has  retaliated recently by stopping the flow of Military and Financial aid to Pakistan for not taking appropriate actions against Terrorist leaders. China is trying to corner India by creating financial and diplomatic influences in Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, etc.  We have to also act accordingly by understanding the moves.

                                                                          It clearly shows that goodwill visit only will not make much difference on some of  countries. We have to act firmly and tough manner in order to block the interest of those nations.

                                                                         Narendra Mody must have broken the record for travelling so many counties in such short time but ultimately the beneficial out come of such travel is more important. It is to be  very well understood that any country friendly with us are for their best interest rather then our  interest. Therefore  it is for us to see that we get maximum out of it.  We fail to get best out of it than it is our failure of diplomacy in international politics.

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Price for Kashmir
                                         The kashmir means kashmir valley excluding Jammu and  Ladakh. We have to exclude  Jammu and Ladakh because they are not much disturbed areas as dominated by Hindu and Buddhist communities receptively. Besides that Article 370  has given the special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir which is creating more trouble in the valley. Every day Pro Pakistani Slogans are being shouted along with flying Pakistani flag. This is very painful for India who is pouring thousands of crores for helping the people of kashmir.  In addition to that thousands of Indian soldiers are being killed in defending the Kashmir.
                                          Kashmir is a burning problem between India and Pakistan. It is a question of survival for Pakistan and for India it is a question of success of  secularism. The day on which Pakistan realize that it cannot have Kashmir it may further brake for ultimate disintegration thereon. Therefore Kashmir is life and death question for Pakistan. Even Pakistani Army will also loose its control over Pakistani people and government as soon as Kashmir issue is solved.Therefore there has to be amicable solution of the problem which can maintain dignity of both.
                                          However it is  better for India to think twice regarding spending heavily on valley by looking at divided trends among people i.e. which goes for  independent Kashmir or to join with Pakistan or to remain with India. Besides that no Muslim can rationally vote for India as it is not Muslim country.
                                           The anti Indian sentiments are prevailing in Kashmir in spite of spending Thousands of Crore Rupees and sacrificing thousands our security personnel. It can be seen from the figures given as as under how much India has paid for the Kashmir in terms of men, money and energy.
1) 4961 security personal died between 1990 to 2015
2) Rs 4735 Crores were spent for the security of Kashmir between 1990 to 2015.
3) Rupees 70000 Crores aid were given to Kashmir for one or other projects.
4) 13921 innocent persons were killed between 1990 to 2015
5)Average 198 security persons and 556 people are being killed per year
6) 49 persons are  killed so far in the present disturbances.
7) 7610 violent incidents have taken place in Kashmir during the last ten year.
8) Besides that 115000 Kashmir's Pundits have been displaced due to Terrorism.
                                                  In view of above it is better for India and Pakistan to come some  settlement by accepting the present position with adjustments here and there. Otherwise Kashmir is going to come in the way of progress i.e. Of India and Pakistan both.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Indonesia- A Colorful Country
                                                     Indonesia a country consist of 18307 islands situated in the the south east Asia with majority population Muslims. It was a colony of Dutch but was liberated  from the  colonial power same period when India got freedom. The president  Sukarno of Indonesia was  internationally well known then along with Nehru  for the Non Aligned Blog and for the propagation of principles regarding 'Panchsheel'.  Indonesia had lots of influence of Hindu culture before Islam spreaded over it. However one of the islands Bali is still  well known for its natural beauty and Hindu culture. The majority people of Bali still observe the Hindu Religion and Culture.  Indonesia had very close trade relationship with India since centuries to gather. There are so many Hindu  names and traditions are connected with Indonesia including names of Sukarno and his famous daughter Megavati. It is said that still Hindu traditional dresses has to be wared when one visit Hindu temples in Bali.
                                                     Indonesia is a multi language country wherein 742 languages are being spoken i.e.More languages are spoken than in India. It is democratic country and predicted that it is going to be seventh largest economy in the world by 2030. Its GDP is 5.8% over last one decades. Besides that Indonesia has opened up its economy for rapid developments. Besides that Indonesia has one great advantage that its work force is very young i.e. The 50%workforce is below 30 years of Age.
                                                     Indonesia is very very rich in natural resources such as Petroleum, Gas, Coal, Nickel, Gold, Cocoa, Iron,Tin, Timber, Spices and including fisheries. Indonesia is the largest exporter of Coal and Palm Oil including  the largest producer of Cocoa and Tin. The nature is very generous to Indonesia by giving tremendous natural resources. In view of above indonesia is bound to become one of  the powerful economies of the world with the time to come.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Kashmir and  Terrorism
                                       The Kashmir is on fire as Burhan Vani was shot dead by Indian security forces in an encounter. He was a commander of Hizbul Terror organization in Kashmir. There are 21 death and 200 persons are being injured  in the clashes irrupted  after Burhan's Death.  Kashmir has become the battleground between India and Pakistan wherein innocent people are also being killed.
                                      The Terrorism not the problem of Kashmir  but it has spreader through out the World.  No country in the world is secured against the Terrorism. Therefore one has to go in to the root cause of the said problem.
                                       There are many reasons for the rise of Terrorism in the world but main reasons are poverty and lack of education in the Muslim world. However religious fanaticism is on the increasing side due to above reasons. The Terrorism should not be identified against all Muslims. The Terrorist are the small part of Muslim world. Therefore the problem of Terrorism has to be tackled rationally and collectively in the world.

                                    Some of the countries are tackling the Terrorism in their own way. USA has started tackling the said problem by screening  Muslims. However some of the countries like Angola has banned Muslim. Cuba is not ready to have Mosque  on their territory. Norway has deported 2000 Muslims with bad records in order to reduce the crime. It is reported that 72% crimes are reduced in the Norway due to said stiff action.  China had sent 22 Imams to long term prison for spreading Religious Poison. UK is in the process of formulating stiff law against Jihadi Elements. Japan is also very strict regarding entry of Muslims. Netherlands wants to close the all Mosques where religious fanaticism is being spreaded. However  'UNO' should take specific and positive steps against Terrorism for the guidance of the World. Meanwhile  India has to tackle the terrorism with suitable stiff actions.