Sunday, December 4, 2016

India After Demonetization
                                                   The India is under is under Economical Stress and Strain on account of  Exchange of old notes  and also due to the the scarcity of new notes in the Economy. There are protest by various political parties looking at the long lines of common men before the banks for Exchanging the Old Notes and for obtaining the new and small denomination notes for their day to day Expenditures. The effect of this phenomena has reach to Rural level.  It has become very good weapon for Opposition Parties to beat the government with it. Besides that wasted interest are also enjoying the fun of economic problems. However it is observed that  the common men are waiting in line but rich class is appears to be missing from the line.  It may be that influential class may be managing all their requirements through backdoor. It may be one of the reasons for long lines before  Banks.

                                                 India has very complex problem of Black Money. It is said that more than Nine Lakh Crores Rupees have been deposited with banks so far. But still the about Five Lakh Crores Rupees are out side. We hope that it may  come in banks in time to come. It is also reported that Black Money  are being deposited in 'Jan Dhan Accounts' of Poor People. Besides that Employees, Farmers and other people accounts are also used for depositing Black Money.  Moreover Black money are also invested in Gold, Diamonds and Real Estates. It is to be seen how government deal with such matter.

                                                  Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he will deal in  deterrent manner with those elements and will also chase Benami Properties including Gold, Diamond and Ornament Dealers.  We hope for the best.

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