Friday, December 11, 2015

The Sign of " World War"
                                                                                                       The 'ISIS' has started  Terrorising the world. It will be interesting to note that 'ISIS is created by the wrong policies followed by the previous American President, George W Bush. He ordered to attack Iraq for Three reasons as follows
1) For having weapons of Mass Destruction
2) For having relations with Terrorist who made attack on World Trade Center/Pentagon
3) For having relation with Al-Qaida

                                                          Iraq was defeated and then Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein and his Son were killed.  America could not find any Weapons of Mass Destruction and it was also concluded that Iraq had nothing to do  with Terror Attack on World Trade Center/Pentagon. Besides that Iraq had no connection with Al-Qaida.
                                                         In the process America has to bare the cost of $1.7 Trillion War. Four Thousands American soldiers died and 35000 soldiers were injured. It is also reported that $500 Billion unpaid benefits to US  veterans of Iraq war will cost 40 Trillions Dollars to USA over next 40 years. The Iraq War was the most expensive and had very much damaged the American economy.
                                                        Besides that the political and military vacuum was created in Iraq.  Saddam Hussien use to control whole Iraq including Sunny, Siist, and Kurdish Rebels.  The out of chaos the'ISIS' has come up which now control the considerable territories of  Iraq and including of Syria.

                                                        The consequently whole Middle East i.e. from Pakistan to Syria is under fire of Terrorism. It has now started spreading in Europe to America and also in South East Asia. Thus the whole world is now under fear of terror and any bad thing can happen any where in the world. Therefore USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA are already involve directly or indirectly against the'ISIS'. The world consus is also developing against Terror and it may turn out to be the'World War' against Terrorism.



Monday, December 7, 2015

                                                                                                                                                                People are always seek for Happiness and avoid Unhappiness. However happiness for one is Unhappiness for other. Therefore happiness is a relative term. Some time we invite unhappiness as we do not remain happy with what we are having. It is that approach only become the root cause of all miseries. Hence how we change our way of thinking is important. In other term what is Happiness?

Happiness is within, do not go on searching it
The positive approach only, is the answer for it
People can be unreasonable why not to forgive them
They may accuse selfish then also be kind to them
One will hear fales comment if one is successful
Why to worry for, and has to be graceful
One is honest and it becomes his liability
Onee may be cheated  that does not mean to leave honesty
One is having comforts which attracts jealousy
But that should not be a factor for unhappiness in you
One do good for his own satisfaction
why to crave for returns out of those action.
The any amount of good is not enough in this world
Hence to continue once best  for happiness for all
                                Therefore happiness for all will come when all will be kind towards all regarding faults.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Global Warming
                                                                                                                                          The Global Warming conference of the world was open at Le Bourget, France on 30th november 2015 wherein 180 Countries had participated. The issue is very  urgent as Global warming has reached to such a stage where Sea level continue to rise plus Extreme Weather prevailing i.e. Drought or Storm.
                              The environment havoc is being created mostly by rich and develop countries i.e. Presently developing countries like China and India. USA has thrown 258  trillion tons carbon in last fifty years while China has thrown 158 trillion tons carbon in the same period. It is reported that China has present pollution level 25 times more then the safety level consider by World Health Organization. Thus China contributes 28% of world emission.

                             The 1997 Kyoto Protocol requires only Rich counties to cut emission but USA had not signed the said protocol. While the present world conference seeks cooperation of all countrie in order to reduce the Emission. They want to bring the warming level of 3.8 degree fahrenheit which was the warming level before Industrialization.

                             In view of above following corrective steps are being suggested.
1)To reduce the reliance on Coal, Oil, and Gas and to use renewable energy like Wind, Solar.
2)The amount of Ethanol in Gasoline has to be boosted.
3)China has also pledge to put ceiling on its Emission Twice as much around 2030
4)The developed countries need Financial and Technological support to make transition to Clean Energy.  28 Global investors have assured the support for the same including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
5)Besides that each and every country should fix the targets for controlling pollution.
                               These are the Measures to be implemented urgently in order to save our Mother Earth.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

American Presidential Election of 2016 and Issues thereon
                                                                                          America is going for Presidential election at the end of 2016.  The debate for impending political issues have already started. The main issues are 'Health Care and 'Immigration'.  The main questions regarding Health Care are the coverage for all at affordable cost and including of  ' The compulsion for Health insurance . Besides that Illegal Immigrants are also cause of debate.
                                                                                         The lack of Health Care Insurance is because of the high Premium thereon. Besides that present American Health Care system is very expensive.  The issue of  ' Illegal Immigrants 'are also due to Economical reason i.e. Wants of cheap labor. Besides that the' Illegal Immigrants' also indirectly brings pressure on 'Health Care System. In the context of above the politicians are playing their political cards discreetly in order to attract the voters. The republican also want least interference by government in health care system and pressing for private management in the same. while the democrats are for the protection of all including weaker section of society.
                                                                                          America is presently having Democrat Party President but Congress is being controlled by Republican Party.  But than also the government being run smoothly because of check and balance provisions of the American Constitution.

                                                                                                     The Republican Party wants to capture 'White House' in the next Presidential Election. Therefore campaign has already started on large scale by Republican Party. The Real Estate Tycoon Donald Trump a leading Republican candidate is for tightening the Immigration Law. He wants to drive out 11 Million Illegal Immigrants and also wants to build wall across the Border between America and Mexico. The another Republican candidate Ben Carson is also for strict Immigration Law.  Jeb Bush, the younger brother of former President George Bush and and one of the Republican Candidates is for practical approach towards Immigration Problem.

                                                                                  The top running Democratic candidate Rohdham Hillary is for further improvement of Health Care and including of the 'Veteran Health Care System'.  She also wants to give Tax Credit to Middle Class for payment made towards Health Care.  While another Democrat Candidate Sen Slander  Bernie is for ' Medical for All' i.e.for 'Universal Health Plan' by Taxing Extremely Wealthy. However Democrats are lenient on Immigration Issues' which reflect in the present policy of President Barrack Obama.
                                                                                   In the view of above let us see how American Voters react in the Presidential Election of 2016.  It is observed that sometime American Voters are unpredictable.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Recent Bihar Elections
                                                                                                             The recent election result  of Bihar are very indicative in two ways. One way you can't take it granted the voters and otherway the combination of Backward and Muslim votes are very decisive.
                                              The Bharatiya Janata Jarty which won the parliamentary elections in 2014 with  thumping majority in Bihar has recieved the defeat at the hand of same voters in recent Assembly Elections. However it is a victory of all opposition parties  whose bases are on cast and muslim votes.
the grant alliances of opposition parties secured 178 seats in assembly while national democratic alliances could get hardly 68 seats.

                                               The Rational analysis shows that the 'BJP' lost out of overconfidence. Besides that some of the communal element in BJP raised issues like Cow Slaughter which alienated Muslim voters. The Reservation agitation of 'Patidar' in Gujarat has created far reaching effect on Backward Class. The statement of Mohan Bhagwat, RSS, Chief on Revision of Reservation policy may have also created adverse effect for BJP. All these created feeling among Backward Class that their Privilege regarding Reservation may be taken away. It may be one of the reasons among Backward class who voted against BJP and voted in favor of Grand Alliance.  Nitish Kumar, CM has also proved him self  a man for developments.

                                                The Election Result of Bihar more reflects on the working of  the Bharatiya Janata Party who have failed to control the mischievous and irresponsible elements in the party. Besides that Prime Minister Narendra Mody has to be more responsive to condemn such elements in the party. He has to also spend more time in order to control the party then frequent foreign Tours. Otherwise we do not know when Indian voters will change there  minds.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sardar Patel -The Birth Anniversary 31st October

                                                                                                                                                              The Time Magazine of America had published Sardar photo on its front page after independence of India under Title 'Boss'. Sardar  could not become Prime Minister but he was really Boss in India then. Destiny had made him Deputy Prime Minister of India but his contributions were more than even Prime Minister of India. He was a man of Vision, and perfect Politician. He was a man of steel with very loving heart for the people who were working for him.  It is observed that he overpassed the Prime Minister of India several times in the best interest of the country
                                                                           He was known as Bismarck of India as he integrated 500 native states with the union of India that too carrying very high respect of all maharajas for him. It was because he appreciated their sacrifices for the newly born Nation. He sent army to Hyderabad, Kashmir, and Lax Dweep in order to protect the interest of India. He also warned people who were for Sikhistan that do not try to turn India into Pagalstan i.e. Into Insans land.
                                                                          Pandit Nehru then  considered him communal but Sardar considered Muslims of India same like Hindus Because he believed that DNA of both are not different. He only insisted the loyalties of Indian Muslims towards India. He was very generous to his political opponent. He had a difference of opinion with Jawaherlal Nehru, PM  on political level but his love and respect for him remained the same. Once he told one of his closest colleague N V Gadgil that" I am not going to live longer but see that Jawaherlal should never feel lonely."
                                                                         Some people believed Sardar was capitalist because his cordial relationship with rich people. However he told once that I have decided not to have any land or property as soon came under influence of Gandhi. Thus it is my Socialism.' He left nothing except Cooking Stove, Steel Beg, and Two Aluminium Pots. He never allowed his relatives to take advantage of his position and he stop going to his son house at Mumbai for the same reason.
                                                                           Once he was asked about his Culture.'My Culture is Agriculture.' He replied. It is known fact that he was a son of farmer.
                                                                           Such Great leader who has contributed so much and sacrificed whole life for the country was cremated at Sonapur, Mumbai without any Samadhi at Anywhere. He was also not given the highest award of the country 'Bharat Ratna' also in time. That is the greatest injustice was done to one of the greatest patriotic leaders of India.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

                                                                                                                                                           Some people are gifted with the art of creating 'Humor'. However humor is created out of happiness and as well as out of tragedy in one's life. But the humor which is created out of cutting  jokes on himself is the best one. It is also considered to be very cruel to create humor by cutting jokes on others.
                                     One of the humorist writers stated that he always wants to look young. Hence he avoids to see through mirror for hiding his age.  In other case one of the writers jocularly described  his thin, tall body with pale face while  making attempt to fight with well built wrestler. These are such examples of humor of high qualities.

                                      However  tragedy is always peeping behind the face of humor. Socrates was very humorous man, but his wife was very crude and quarrelsome. He survived only because of his jolly nature. One of the well known Gujarati humorist  Dhansukhlal Mehta was always ill and was taking lots of medications. He remarried after the sad demise of his first wife. His second wife Sarlaben also became insane and was shifted to mental asylum. She use to throw anything comes in her hands targeting anybody. Dhansukhlal was also targeted by her. Someone asked him whether his wife recognize him or not? He use to reply with  big smile," Of Course she do recognize me. she throws the things accurately on me." but the tragedy was reflecting behind his humor.

                                        One of the another Gujarati humorist Jyotindra Dave was was once attending the meeting wherein the topic of 'Widow Remarriage' was being discussed very hotly. The members were very much agitated over the subject. He got up and told members that 'We are here to discuss widow remarriage and not to create more widows.'
                                        Even great politicians are also some time very sporty and humorous. During the second world war Franklin Roosevelt, President of America, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were holding high level meetings at London. Once early morning the American President  got one good idea how to face the war?  He hurriedly rushed to the British Prime Minister's room. Winston Churchill was just coming out of his bathroom with towel around . It was a very embarrassing moment for American President and he was just going back, Then Churchill jocularly said ' The British Prime Minister has nothing to hide from the President of America.' This is very sophisticated way of creating humor.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Recession in China
                                                                                                         China economy is slowing down but it may also affect on other countries economies i.e. In positive and negative Sense. The world stock market has also declined in negative affect. The world wide people have lost money who have invested in Chines companies.  Besides that developing countries like India has chance to strengthen its economy through better performance. This is a positive side of it.
                                       China is a close country which is being ruled  by authoritarian regime wherein conflict of ideology is going on between reformers and hardliners. The present Chines President Xi Jinping  is progressive and especially he is against Corruption. He has taken strict action against Corrupt Officials and the Office Bears of party which has created stiff resistance against him. This is a political situation prevailing in China. The lower class and middle class has come up economically in the Chines Society which is demanding now higher wages. It is also creating unrest in the Chines Society. Besides that vast production of Chines goods are creating problems in the absence of sufficient local consumptions and decrease in Export. China has also started to look at the country like Vietnam wherein labour is cheap. Besides that China has devalue its currency in order to encourage its export.
                                         In view of above Chinese economy is slowing down and stock market has gone down by 30%. Its GDP has come down to 7% from high as 10.5%. The 64 Million Housing is vacant and the Biggest Mall of China is occupied  1% only. China has one another disadvantage that young people median age in 2013 was  35.4. In the race of industrialization 500  largest Chines city maintains the quality air standard of 1%. only. The 1/3 of surface water and 60%of under water is unfit for human consumption. It adversely affecting the health of the people. The defective Birth rate of Babies in China is increasing by 40%.
                                       Besides that about 500 million people in China are still earning less then$2/- per day i.e. They are still living below poverty line. Even 35 million people are still living in caves in the interior China. China also has also strict censorship on communications and on the account of that Social medias like 'Facebook' and 'Twitters' are being blocked.
                                            In short China is in difficulties due to all  adverse points mentioned as  above. However it can also make negative impacts on the world economy.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Unknown Things about Mahatma Gandhi
                                                                                                            Mahatma Gandhi who was born on 2nd October 1869 is a world figure but some of his and thoughts and actions are very controversial.  However his name is being highly exploited for political and social reasons.   He is remembered generally on his Birthday or Death Anniversary in order to get Political Mileage.
                                                                   He had a strange way to manage himself  which were considered as unpractical fads.  On the eve of Indian independence he told Congress Ministers not to take salary more then 500/- per month and to stay in very small house. However it was ignored.
                                                                   He was dead against partition of the Country.  He advised top congress leaders to hand over the Prime Ministership India to Mohamedali Jinnah in order to avoid partition of the India. He knew the miseries and consequences of partition but congress leaders were not ready to hear him. Therefore he never took part in the celebration of Indian Independence and went to Noakhali, Bengal which was disturbed badly with Communal Riots.
                                                                   Gandhi was always sympathetic to the weaknesses of the people as he was well aware of his own  drawbacks  Therefore he recruited all short of people to strengthen the independence struggle. He knew very well that some his followers  were not agreeable to his ideology or thinking. He selected Pandit Nehru as prime minister but show that Sardar Patel also included in cabinet to balance the situation prevailing then.
                                                                    Gandhiji was very humble and once he said that 'He is a common man but some people have made him 'Mahatma' out of it'. He believed that if once conscious is clear he should not worry about  public criticism. However he also believed that' if one realize his his mistake any time then he should not hesitate to accept it. Once one of his followers draw his attention to the fact that some of his Ashram Residents are  behaving loosely pointing out his style of walking i.e. Putting his two hands on the shoulders of two young girls. He ignored it telling that ' He does not care as his conscious is clear.' However thereafter he started observing  the movements of Ashram's people and he wrote publicly in the 'Harijan' that the comment of said follower had truth in it. Therefore he was Mahatma in real sense.
                                                                  He did experiments on him self on many controversial subjects but he never hide it from public. His rebellion son Hiralal use to bow down to his mother in public meeting of Gandhi and use to declare that 'He has become Mahatma at the cost of his mother.' Gandhiji was very sorry for his son. He said ' I  gave culture to whole country but fail to give my own son'
                                                                 However he was a mass leader because he represented common man of India by thought, action and practice.  Such man born one in thousands of year.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Seniors Health Care-'The Incidental falls'
The Seniors above 65 are commonly facing the problems of falling because of the undetected Illness. Such accidents goes on increasing due to the advancing Age. It is not local but worldwide phenomena  among Senior Community. The  20% to 30%  mobility and independence of Seniors are affected due to the injuries of accidental falls. In some of the cases it also leads to death on account of weak body condition of  concerned Seniors.
                                                                     Each year 65 and above Seniors falls and gets injured in Millions.  Even such falls and injuries are also increasing in developed countries. i.e. In Europe, USA and Canada. It is reported recently that 2.5 million Seniors meet with accident of Non fatal falls in USA, out of which 734000 were put in Emergency. In the year 2013 Thirty four Billion dollar was costed  to Health Care Sector in USA due to injuries caused to seniors out of accidental falls. Besides that' In the year 2013, Twenty five thousand five hundred Seniors died due to injuries incurred on account of falls. It is also observed  that  95% Hip fractures are caused due to falls.  Therefore more preventive measures have to be taken regarding the above matter.

                                                                         The Seniors are becoming more  immobile, and disable due to the injuries of such falls. It is also observed that majority cases the falls take place in the Bathroom where  Seniors are alone. However Seniors themselves have to take some precautions in order to avoid such fatal falls.

                                                                          Seniors should do Balance  and Muscle strengthening exercises. They should also develop proper walking System in order to avoid such falls. It is better to check with pharmacist regarding the  dizziness effect of all medication they are taking. Besides that Seniors must get it check  their vision every year. The  removal of  potential fall hazard is absolutely necessary.
                                                          It appears that Seniors are still not much educated in this regard. Meanwhile it is very unfortunate that ' Every Year Thousands of Seniors are becoming immobile or dying due to  the injuries of accidental falls .


Saturday, September 5, 2015

 'US' Super Economy-How?                                                        

                                                                              Japan has higher saving power and spend less.They export more and import less.They have trade surplus of $100 Billion per year and have invested $One Trillion in US Securities.The rate of saving has become painful for Japanese Economy.

                                                                             China is considered to be the Second biggest Economy of the World. It has invested 100 Billion Dollars in US Securities. China has trade surplus with USA. Besides that it has comfortable Foreign Reserve in Dollars . China's GDP is higher than 'US'.

                                                                             India is fourth Economical power but its Import is more than Export. However India has comfortable Foreign Reserve in Dollars.  Besides that India has invested $50 Billion in US Securities. India's GDP is also higher than 'US'.

                                                                             It is surprising that  America is Spending more and Saves little. 'US' Imports are more and Export less. Its Trade deficit is 400 Billion  Per Year. However all Savings of the World are invested in Dollars.
                                                                             The Japanese Economy is at present considered to be Weak. Chines Economy is also going slow. India is craving for Foreign Investments. However 'US' Economy is at present considered to be strong as world is dependent on its Consumption and Purchasing power. That is how 'US' is having Super Economy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Role Model - Indian Leaders
                                                       India's reputation is being tarnished by certain leaders of dubious characters and various scandals thereon. However we can be proud of certain Indian  leaders who had also lived a lives which can be seen as ideal for Role Models.
                                             The first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad was a true Gandhian and lived very simple life. He was a man of high character and dedicated to the public service. Nobody can point the finger towards him. The high  and glamorous life of Rashtrapati Bhavan had also not affected his life style.  The late president APJ Abdul Kalam was another President whose simple and dignified life style has impressed the people and inspired millions of youngsters.
                                             There were even few Prime Ministers who lived simple lives and were of high characters and values. They had dedicated their whole lives including their wealth and properties etc. Among them were Lal Bahadur Shastri and Morarji Desai.It will be very easy to find out about them i.e. From what they left behind. There are similarities among  them i.e. Simple living with high thinking.

                                              Lalbahadur Shastri was a simple man with powerful will power. It was reflected the same during his short but effective tenor as Prime Minister. He had not left much bank balance. Besides that he had no House and no  Motor Car. He gave due importance to Indian Farmers and Soldiers.

                                              Similarly Morarji Desai was a first and last Gandhian Prime Minister of India. He dedicated his Small Saving, Books, Personal belonging including his awards 'Bharat Ratna', and 'Nishane Pakistan 'to Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad. He had no House.  His family ancestral house was also given away for public services. He never believed in Image Building for public services. Therefore he refused to receive  highest National Awards. However Indian and Pakistani government made arrangements to  hand over those highest national award at his residence. He was a man of character with high values in public life. Besides that he was a man of high administrative ability.  The inflation Rate was the lowest in the history of india during his tenor as PM. He was in politics but was not politician.

                                                 The late president APJ Abdul Kalam was one who inspired Millions of Indians with his high secular ideals. He left behind 2500 Books, few Shirts,Pants and Suits.  He owned one flat which is also donated. He left Small Bank Account but left no Jewellery, no Car, and no ACor no Shares / Investments.
                                                It will seen from above that there are very few star leaders which are still shining in the cloudy political atmosphere of scandals and corruption.  They can inspires indians for creating the India of  their Dream.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Devaluation of'Yuan'by China
                                                                                                                                                             This is another Chines move  to devalue its currency Yuan in spite of that other developed countries including USA are repeatedly requesting it to  revalue Yuan on upper side. Besides that China  is the second Economical and Industrial power in the world. However China is very clever in extending its two important Agendas i.e. The expansion of its Territory and Trade. China also knows how to built up wall before the problems start.
                                                         China has already claim the several segments of  Indian territories. Besides that China claims Taiwan, Some of the Islands from Japan. Its also claims  sovereignty over South China Sea. It implies that there are territorial deputes with Thailand, Vietnam and Several other countries.It is to be noted that China claims territorial rights over the lands wherein its strategic economic intrest are involved. China puts to much weight in the power struggle because of its powerful military power with the largest military forces in the world.

                                                      Besides that China has invested its vast financial resources on the all continents of world for political and financial advantages.   China is the biggest manufacturing Hub of the world. Hence it goes on doing hungry search for selling its products at very low rate in the world.
                                                       Hence  we must analyse the present economic condition of the China. China is at present passing through very sluggish Economy. Its GDP has come down to 7% with Lebour is becoming Costly. Therefore China has searched country like Vietnam wherein Lebour  is cheap for manufacturing Goods. Besides that Unemployment and Social Unrest is increasing on account of bad economical conditions.

                                                     All these conditions have compel China to devalue it currency so that its export are made cheaper for maintaining the export level. In the process the export from European Union and USA etc are going to become costly.
                                                     In view of what stated above  the Chines move of devaluing its  currency appears to be very smart move. China is implementing its Agendas  of  expansions of Territories and Trades  very Smartly and Cunning manner.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The future Car
                                    We will be able to see High Tech car in future. We have seen the amazing Mobiles are running on High Tech. Similarly there will be very amazing cars running on High Tech
 in future. Those days are not very far away.

                                     The future cars  will get 103 million bite second's  lessor information which will protect them from vehicles running in the traffic. Some of the cars will be built up by  some of the car manufacturing companies within five years which will be fixed with computers and they will give auto instructions to the drivers. Mr Gohson, Chief of the  Nisan Motors have said that by 1920 cars will be running without drivers.

                                      Honda Motors says that in near future cars will show speed limits and addresses. Besides that the camera installed in the car will keep watch on the drivers and in case of error the warning will be issued to  erring drivers. This will reduce the road accidents. The additional screen will be given and by touching it one will get information regarding  Traffic, Weather, and News. In addition to that on the basis of the clouds of  surrounding areas the weather will be also given of those areas.

                                      The Google  is now making efforts to produce driver less cars. They have made considerable progress  in  that direction.  However the Christopher Uramson who is Chief Engineer of Google's car project said lightly that ' The journey under driver less car  will be not interesting then the Bus Journey.'

                                     However the manufacturing of High Tech cars will be very expensive and those high expenses will have to be shared by buyers and car manufacturing companies.
                                     Some of the manufactures of the cars are also after manufacturing the cars which can fly and  sails on the water if needed. In view of above it will be difficult to forecast the future shapes of High Tech cars. But it will be pleasure and safe to ride in such car.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Indian Cricket in Mess


 It was the time when cricket was a game of  real sportsmanship. Even five days Test Matches were very exiting and interesting. All most all payers use to play the game sincerely and remaining loyal to the game of cricket.  The Cricket Boards were also not so rich and players not use to get considerable amounts in the Test Matches. However Cricket was played in the true spirit of game and that too remaining loyal to all ethics of the game. People also use to enjoy games accordingly.  C K Nayedu,  Ammarnth, Vijay Hazare, Vijay Merchant, Hemu Adhikari, Vinu Mankad, Polli Umerigar, Nawab of Patodi and Dattu Phadkar, were some of the Stalwarts of the Cricket then.

  The nature of game change slowly as some of the wasted interest entered in the management of Cricket Associations. The Politicians, Industrialist and Business  people  started controlling the Cricket Associations.  They also brought the culture of Money by managing cricket like a corporate companies. They started making money out of the cricket and in turn the remunerations of the cricketers were also increased gradually. The feasibility for managing the game financially is  necessary but in the process it  became business oriented.  That made the Cricket vulgar money spinning machine.
                                                      It has now become very difficult to find difference between fixed or genuine Cricket Games. Several  cricketers have been accused of match fixing and also found involved therein.
The Formation of  Indian Premier  Leaugh  Tournaments has further increased the Match Fixing Process.  Besides that the bad elements which entered in the Tournament  devalued the prestige of the game. The Supreme Court formed Mudgal Commission Report and Lodha Committee Findings(i.e.Regarding Spot Fixing)  have brought  the prestige of the  Cricket and some of the Cricketers thereon  the lowest level. It will now take considerable time to bring back the prestige of the Cricket.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

                                                                      Celebrities are always surrounded by glamour and fans. However their greatest problem is insecurity regarding maintaining their position on the top. Besides that  they are also surrounded by flatterers, and sometime they lose their balances between good and bad. They intentionally or unintentionally overshoot the line of law that brings them into trouble. It also incidentally create impression right or wrong  that ' They think themselves to be above law' . It is not correct because before law every one is equal.

                                                           In America also several celebrities have come into trouble before law and they have to under go under judicial punishments.  The heir of 'Hilton Empire' Paris Hilton was sentence  for 45 days jail for traffic violation. She was not happy but she has surrender before law. Recently  Famous Hollywood comedian Bill Crosby has come in to trouble due  to alleged accusation of sexual offences.He is considered  to be fatherly figure and Moralist on Soap Box.  But it very dangerous to come in clutch of law.

                            In India also  famous and well known actor Sanjay Dutt is undergoing imprisonment of five years imposed by Supreme Court of India under 'Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act for possessing the prohibited arms during 'Mumbai Blasts Case of 1993. Similarly  Super Star Salman Khan was sentence to five year prison in' Hit and Run Case 'of 2002. He was driving recklessly under the influence of alcohol whereby his car clash on footpath and some of the people are injured and killed. He is on  bail at present.

                             It shows that the law of the land is the only thing which bring the defaulting celebrities to face  ground realities.