Monday, September 14, 2015

Seniors Health Care-'The Incidental falls'
The Seniors above 65 are commonly facing the problems of falling because of the undetected Illness. Such accidents goes on increasing due to the advancing Age. It is not local but worldwide phenomena  among Senior Community. The  20% to 30%  mobility and independence of Seniors are affected due to the injuries of accidental falls. In some of the cases it also leads to death on account of weak body condition of  concerned Seniors.
                                                                     Each year 65 and above Seniors falls and gets injured in Millions.  Even such falls and injuries are also increasing in developed countries. i.e. In Europe, USA and Canada. It is reported recently that 2.5 million Seniors meet with accident of Non fatal falls in USA, out of which 734000 were put in Emergency. In the year 2013 Thirty four Billion dollar was costed  to Health Care Sector in USA due to injuries caused to seniors out of accidental falls. Besides that' In the year 2013, Twenty five thousand five hundred Seniors died due to injuries incurred on account of falls. It is also observed  that  95% Hip fractures are caused due to falls.  Therefore more preventive measures have to be taken regarding the above matter.

                                                                         The Seniors are becoming more  immobile, and disable due to the injuries of such falls. It is also observed that majority cases the falls take place in the Bathroom where  Seniors are alone. However Seniors themselves have to take some precautions in order to avoid such fatal falls.

                                                                          Seniors should do Balance  and Muscle strengthening exercises. They should also develop proper walking System in order to avoid such falls. It is better to check with pharmacist regarding the  dizziness effect of all medication they are taking. Besides that Seniors must get it check  their vision every year. The  removal of  potential fall hazard is absolutely necessary.
                                                          It appears that Seniors are still not much educated in this regard. Meanwhile it is very unfortunate that ' Every Year Thousands of Seniors are becoming immobile or dying due to  the injuries of accidental falls .


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