Monday, November 2, 2015

Sardar Patel -The Birth Anniversary 31st October

                                                                                                                                                              The Time Magazine of America had published Sardar photo on its front page after independence of India under Title 'Boss'. Sardar  could not become Prime Minister but he was really Boss in India then. Destiny had made him Deputy Prime Minister of India but his contributions were more than even Prime Minister of India. He was a man of Vision, and perfect Politician. He was a man of steel with very loving heart for the people who were working for him.  It is observed that he overpassed the Prime Minister of India several times in the best interest of the country
                                                                           He was known as Bismarck of India as he integrated 500 native states with the union of India that too carrying very high respect of all maharajas for him. It was because he appreciated their sacrifices for the newly born Nation. He sent army to Hyderabad, Kashmir, and Lax Dweep in order to protect the interest of India. He also warned people who were for Sikhistan that do not try to turn India into Pagalstan i.e. Into Insans land.
                                                                          Pandit Nehru then  considered him communal but Sardar considered Muslims of India same like Hindus Because he believed that DNA of both are not different. He only insisted the loyalties of Indian Muslims towards India. He was very generous to his political opponent. He had a difference of opinion with Jawaherlal Nehru, PM  on political level but his love and respect for him remained the same. Once he told one of his closest colleague N V Gadgil that" I am not going to live longer but see that Jawaherlal should never feel lonely."
                                                                         Some people believed Sardar was capitalist because his cordial relationship with rich people. However he told once that I have decided not to have any land or property as soon came under influence of Gandhi. Thus it is my Socialism.' He left nothing except Cooking Stove, Steel Beg, and Two Aluminium Pots. He never allowed his relatives to take advantage of his position and he stop going to his son house at Mumbai for the same reason.
                                                                           Once he was asked about his Culture.'My Culture is Agriculture.' He replied. It is known fact that he was a son of farmer.
                                                                           Such Great leader who has contributed so much and sacrificed whole life for the country was cremated at Sonapur, Mumbai without any Samadhi at Anywhere. He was also not given the highest award of the country 'Bharat Ratna' also in time. That is the greatest injustice was done to one of the greatest patriotic leaders of India.


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