Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day as on 05/28/2012
The fifth Monday of May is celebrated as the Memorial day in America. It is a national Holiday. The memorial day is being celebrated in the memory of soldiers who laid down their lives for the America and its people. The concept came from the time of American Civil War wherein thousands of soldiers died. Thereafter millions of American soldiers laid down their lives in world War Two including in Korean, Vietnamese, Kuwaiti, Iraqi, and Afghan  Wars.
                                                      The American Government created Arlington National cemetery for war hiro near Washington,DC and other places. The president of America is the Commander in Chief of American Army. Therefore he give special importance to the war victims. It is noteworthy that American President Barack Obama remained present when  the dead bodies of American soldiers arrived at midnight from Iraqi war. That is respect Americans are giving to their sons who sacrifice their lives for their country. Even wounded soldiers are looked after by American Government and given proper livelihood and care after they recovers. The retired veterans are also given  suitable facilities including medical care. Therefore America is great and the Super Power.                                            
                                                 They bring down the flag at half staff by noon on memorial day in the memory and honor of dead soldiers of America and by the evening flag again made to fly full staff. It signify that sacrifice given by American soldiers will not go waste and in future also American soldiers will sacrifice their lives to keep American flag flying high. This  is a spirit of American patriotic culture.
                                                   Americans are very much proud of their Armed forces because they even helped  European countries to liberate them from the clutches of German aggression  in the world war two. Gen De Gaulle then the president of france once asked America to remove it bases from france after Second World War. The American Diplomat then asked him very sarcastically “ whether we are supposed  to remove the cemetery also of American soldiers who sacrificed their lives for liberation of france?” General could not reply him. Therefore it is said the Headquarters of American Army i.e.’ The  Pentagon is a power within power’.
                                                   The other countrie also respect their soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country. As per example in India also  there is Ever lighted torch at India Gate, New Delhi which is burning in the memory of Indian soldiers who sacrificed their lives during wars. They are paid special tribute after Republic Day in the presence of prime minister, president and other dignitaries. thus it is a memorial day of india.

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