Thursday, December 19, 2024


Self-Introspection Is Key To All Problems

                                                                      People have many problems in their lives, which can lead to feelings of success and failure or happiness and unhappiness. In the process, people start blaming others without searching for their own faults. That means one problem is creating another problem in relationships with others.  It is a very vicious circle that leads to unpleasantness in the lives of so many people.

                                                                      Therefore the introspection of each and every person can show the solution or lessen the pain in life. However, the process of introspection is not easy and requires lots of effort and courage from within.

                                                                     In other words, it starts with genuine self-development of a person which is not easy for everyone. The person is required to dedicate himself in that direction. Besides that one has to proceed with great confidence and motivation to achieve the result. one has to ignore adverse factors and obstructions and discipline oneself to achieve the result. In short, one has to study oneself within to find his own weaknesses, faults, and prejudicial outlook.

                                                                       It is also necessary to see that one does not give more importance to self-respect which can indirectly pampered the once ego. One has to make efforts to control bad emotions which are the root cause of problems and evils. There is a very thin line between good and bad emotions which are to be recognized to improve within.

                                                                     The criticism has to be based on proper analysis which is based on merits and not on a prejudicial outlook.  The problems arise in life out of unnecessary criticism on various subjects. Hence criticism should be balanced and logical. The best approach is to appreciate more than overlook the adverse things. The appreciation of others can solve most of the problems in the world.

                                                                    All these efforts through introspection can also lead to self-realization which can make life smoother, happy, and peaceful.


Monday, December 9, 2024


Artificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence

                                                                                The latest hot subject nowadays is Artificial Intelligence.  It has become very controversial. All learned and high-tech people have different views on the subject. 

                                                                            The controversies are on merit and demerits and useful or harmful to humanity. This is because artificial intelligence appears to be in conflict with human control. Some people believe that it may overcome human intelligence and will dictate humanity. That is instead of serving humanity it may suppress the human creativities in many fields. Besides that, it may create unemployment in the world as it will take over human work from people.

                                                                          This feeling is not new to the world. Every new invention has been always presumed that it will deprive the work of humanity or create a problem in the existing system. But it is the wrong presumption because people are always adjustable to time and situation. In short, jobs were diversified or work was changed.

                                                                         However, one thing is that Artificial intelligence may replace human jobs, but it is still imperfect in many fields. There's a clear difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is based on code and data which are fed therein while human intelligence has life, its own creativities, emotions, powerful memory power, etc. Human intelligence can rectify errors while artificial intelligence has to be fed to rectify the error.  Human intelligence can create something along with finding a controlling power thereon. 

                                                                      The process has already started to control artificial intelligence. Besides that, every invention's use and misuse depend upon human beings. There are bad and good people in the world who take advantage of inventions, but there are a few bad people who may exploit the system. Hence, it is people who are to be controlled in order to stop its misuse.  There is more danger from human intelligence than artificial intelligence.

                                                                    Therefore we have to educate people regarding' How to make the best use of Artificial Intelligence'.



Tuesday, December 3, 2024


The Bad Memories Of The Past

                                            This is an Extraordinary subject, but it is very important in the process of self-development. It is a mind that is a very active and superior machine that stores many things like bad Events, Quarrels, Conflicts, Anger, etc which take place throughout life. 

                                           Sometimes the mind acts like a dustbin of bad and neurotic problems where a person becomes sick, and depressed leading to madness. I mean some of the events and their memories are unpleasant,  or sometimes useless which do not require any importance in life. 

                                         The mental Memory of useless things becomes a burden for life. It destroys one self-development and creativity. Osho had advised to leave memories other than the true reality of life events. He further stated that a true creator brings knowledge from unknown things.' that shows that memories of wrong things create a distortion in life and stop the progress of a person.

                                       Besides that wrong memories always become hurdles to one independent thinking and it diminish your life within. Even Lord Buddha said 'Person may change. He may not be the same as yesterday. Therefore what is the use of remembering a bad incident that happened with one person long back.

                                The computers are trustworthy because it has nothing like mental memories. The computer always tells the 'Truth, Nothing Than Truth.' In short, one must give rest to the mind so that it can truly reflect the one capacity.  The useless remembrances are the greatest enemy of human beings.
