Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT
Albert Ienstine had said once that 'I am afraid that one-day technology will surpass the intelligence of men which will lead to an idiotic society in future. It appears that Chat GPT is now in a race to make Ieinstine forecast true.
We were doing Addition, Subtraction, Multiplying, and including Division manually. The most difficult arithmetic answers were always solved by human intelligence. The same thing is now being done by computers. Hence people have gradually started not giving those work to their brian. This had also affected the efficiency of the human mind.
Artificial intelligence has now been brought through Chat GTP auto solutions for various aspects of human life. Chat GPT can solve the most difficult Arithmetic problems Immediately. Besides that, it also gives the answer to the most difficult chemical solution. It can also write any difficult computer programing. Chat GPT can also write Essays, Poems, and Novels and create any literary items. Chat GTP can give immediate answers to any complicated question. In short, it can surpass Human intelligence which will lead to creating a vacuum for human minds.
The dynamite can be used to blow up in Diamond Mines but it can be also be used by terrorists to blow off innocent people and public properties. Similarly, Atomic Energy can be used to make a Bomb and can also be used to create electric energy. Similarly, Chat GPT can be also used to hike websites and can effectively spread viruses on any computer. Therefore Chat GPT can be even destructive and can become an instrument to create an idiotic society in the future.
Hence Chat GPT is one of the unique inventions of the technology. But it has to be used in a constructive manner otherwise it can become dangerous for future generations.
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