Utility of Robot
The most powerful Smaller Computer Cheaps, Sensors, Robot Related Software, and Speedy Communications have brought fast developments in Robot Industries. Besides that frequent and long LockDown due to Covid -19 which required untouched services has further accelerated Robot Manufacturing and its use thereon.
There is a shortage of labor in the Industries after the pandemic. This is because demands for labor are faster and that too is on the high side. The increase of online business during pandemic has also increased the work of picking up items from shelves and packing the same thereon. All of these have increased the utility of Robots. The Robots are also used to deliver items /food to Customers.
The loss of jobs due to Robots is overblown by certain economists on wrong assumptions. Japan and South Korea are using the highest Robots but their workforce is getting strong. The Survey of 'Yele University in Japanese manufacturing industries for a period of about four decades says that ' One Robot per 1000 workers boasted the employment by 2.2%. ' Thus the use of Robots can bring great changes in the workplace. The automation of checkout of items in the Supermarket will not result in loss of jobs for employees who are doing the same job with spending time swiping Barcodes in front of Lesser. They can attend to the customers personally to pick up their selected items from selves with suitable guidance. Those services will be more rewarding for employees and from the business point of view of employers. The change of job can also help the employees to acquire a new skill.
In short, it is high time that' Automation be introduced in order to bring change in the culture of the workplace.'
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