Health Care - Inconext of Sleep
Good health has a very close relationship with sleeping habits. Some people are careless about the sleep. Those persons torture their bodies by taking insufficient sleep. They go on enjoying life up to late hours at night and then get up early on their professional call. In the process, their health starts deteriorating. It invites diseases like blood pressure, heart problems, etc. In short bad habits reduce your sleep and create adverse health problems.
Quality sleep can help one to avoid the major problems relating to Heart and Blood Pressure. It balances the hormone and strengthens the memory power. One can also reduce cholesterol with good sleep.
The insufficient and disturbs sleep can spoil once a day and make him feel lousy, tired, and drowsy at day time. Those things will affect the efficiency of the person. The continued lack of sleep can create stress and mental disease. It can also adversely affect one memory power. Reduced and disturbed sleep also increase indigestion which can be caused of major diseases.
In short healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle can only give quality sleep. it is very much necessary for happiness.
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