Heath is Wealth
One has to give the first priority to health to enjoy wealth. It is said that wealth has no meaning without good health. Therefore it is very much necessary to give due attention to some of the aspects related to life.
first of all, one must fix aim or ambition in life for which one can actively work. The basic principle in once life should be to remain active with healthy, positive, and constructive activities. However, for doing those activities once all faculties should be healthy and fit.
Therefore one must take care of eyesight by getting it checked periodically. Eyes are the most essential organs of the body. Besides that drinking of adequate water is also the most important as the majority part of the body consist of water. The dehydration of the body can harm the most important parts of the body and it can be the reason for bad medical conditions. Therefore quench of once thirst of water should be satisfied and to drink at least 65 ounces of water per day.
one must take sufficient sleep and make effort to get good sleep. Good sleep reduces the stress and strain of life problems. It is an art to get sleep smoothly and gracefully. It is a good habit to get a bath before going to sleep. The hearing of soft music is also advisable before going to sleep. It is better to cut TV one hour before one goes for sleep. Besides that rest in dark before going to sleep.
The brain is also very important organs of the body and it has to be kept active, sharp, and healthy with various types of activities. Playing games and solving puzzles can make once mind active.
One can cheer up oneself by chatting with friends, relatives, and Associates. Yoga and meditation can be best to make one tension-free.
However, food input should be healthy to keep the body healthy. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables. The milk products and Vitamins -D are good for making bones strong. The input of Whole grain food and food of Rich Fiber keeps one healthy. It is better to avoid high-fat food.
The most important thing is to do work which gives one inner satisfaction. Age should not restrict once activities. The regular body exercise and at least half an hour walk per day can keep one healthy and happy. Wealth can be enjoyed but Good Health can be a Wealthy experience.
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