Steve Job -His Realization.
All realize on death bed that nothing can help before the impending death. However every one has to face the death and it does not make any difference whether he is a World conqueror or Celebrity or Rich or Poor.
The world conqueror Alexander the great instructed his people to keep his two hands out of his coffin to show the world that he carries nothing with him on his death. He must have accepted the truth looking at his impending death and his helplessness thereof.
Similarly it is very interesting to note the last words of Steve Jobs from his death bed. He was founder of 'Apple' and one of the Richest celebrities of Modern world. He said' I realize that all recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in have paled and become meaning less in the face of impending death. You can employ someone to drive the car but you cannot have some one to bear the sickness.
He further discovered the truth on his death bed that' You will realize that your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of the world. Therefore I hope you realize when you have Mates, Buddies, and Old Friends, Brothers and Sisters who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, with have sing songs, talk about North -South-East- West or Haven and Earth. That is a true Happiness. '
Hence it shows that one must recognize the truth that death is the ultimate destination of the person. Hence one may not entirely waste his time in acquiring material things while happiness lies some where else.
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