It Is To Be Noted
All do not get success because they lack some of the qualities in their lives. It is not that luck has not fevered them but they have failed to take decision in time or refused to take required risk as and when the opportunities they come across. William Arthur was of opinion that " The Opportunities are like Rising Sun. It will go away if you wait for long time.' There is no use of blaming other for once failure.
Every one has to learn how to come out of comfort zone. Some people avoid criticism and critics because they consider them to be their opponent. They are uncomfortable with their critics and lose the opportunities to get valuable advice in their lives. That become the key reasons for their failure. Einstein once said that " I am grateful to those people in life who said no for every thing. I could do so much in life because of them. " therefore critics can be a key of success.
It is not good to keep mum when something wrong is going on around. One must opposed or protest against such thing. The keeping mum creates atmospheric of fear and injustice. In the process people gets suffer. In this connection Napoleon Bonaparte said " I suffered lot in this world not because of trouble created by bad people. But suffered more at the hands of the good people who kept Mum." Therefore keeping mum on the important matter in society is also very harmful.
Some people have habit of playing with emotion of people in order to win. But it will permanently hurt persons. One may lose the good will of a persons forever. Once well known English Writer William Shakespeare said that "Do not play with the feelings of some one. You may win in the game but may pertinently lose a person from your life."
In glory people will praise you and ignore all your drawbacks but in fall they will disappear and will find fault in even small matters. Hence in good time also a person must know how to balance his mind. The falls start earlier when one lose his mantle balance. Adolf Hitler once a Supreme leader of Germany said " All will remain with you when you are in light. But once you go to darkness your own permanent shadow will desert you." Hence one should not get granted fever able things forever and should be ready for verse in difficult situation.
These are few practical things which should be noted by everyone in their lives. It is better to learn from the experiences of others then go on committing errors committed by them .
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