Happy and Healthy Life
There are some measures which keeps one hearty and healthy. it is said that good health is one of the first signs of happiness.
Besides that some of the organs of body which are very important and vital for the health. i.e. Eyes,Kidney, Heart Brain etc.
Eyes are to be gated checked regularly and preferably every year. This is required strict check up as failure of eyes will affects one health and happiness.
One must drink about 65 ounce of water per day because it clean your kidney and system. the body is made of 3/4 of water which is very important for body. the sufficient input of water also keep kidney healthy.
The excess input of salt and sugar are harmful for the heart. Besides that fatty substances can easily block the delicate vain of heart which is very harmful for the healthy functioning of heart.
The brain is the organ which continuously requires sharpening otherwise it will become weak. It can be sharpened by playing game and solving puzzle. Beside that one has to develop hobby of writing, reading and dancing which keeps brain active. These are all measures which are required for keeping the main organs healthy but one has to also keep the over all body in tact.
The input of Dairy products along with Vitamins-D can also help to build up once Bones. The sleep is also very important for keeping over all health good. Besides that one must winding up with Music, TV, and Mobile one hour before going to bed. It will take one to sleep quickly. The regular Yoga, Mediation and physical Exercise helps to build up healthy body. one has to improve food habit by taking fresh food.
All above measures can keep one happy, healthy and life worth living.
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