Charlie Chaplin
This is what Charlie Chaplin the great actor of the time said in his picture 'The Great Director'. He gave speech in the above film when the world was passing through bad time of Hitler and that too when Democracy, Independence, and Value of Equality was in Great Danger. It was a very thought provoking speech of the time. This is a extract of his speech.
. "Forgive Me. I do not want to become Emperor. That is not my job. I do not want to rule over other or do not want to conquer any one. I am suppose to help people. Yahudi , Non Yahudi, White and Black all wants to help each other. That is a usual nature of people. We want to see all happy. This world has a place for everyone and capable of giving their requirements. The normal way of life is independent and beautiful. However we are on wrong path. Our greed have filled up our souls with Poison. It has created hatred in this world. We are led to the path of bloody suffering. We have acquired speed in many field which has made us prisoner. Machines have given us many advantages but they have also increased our greed to acquire more and more. The knowledge has made us unreliable. Our intelligence have made us more heartless and cruel. We think to much but we experience the least. People are more important than machines.
We are required to develop more Mercy and Nobility in our Heart. Our life will become more violent and everything will be destroyed in the absence of good virtues. Airplane and Radio have brought us very near and they are demanding to improve ourselves. They want universal brotherhood and unity.
I appeal to people not to get dishearten. We are suffering because of Greed. We are going through bad time and some people are very much upset. However autocracy will end when hatred will disappear from this world. The strength of people will ultimately return."
The above speech was given by Charlie Chaplin when the Hitler was on the pick of his time and no body dared to speak against his regime. It also reflect the stature of the great actor who used his celebrities status for the right cause of the people.
Good article on Mahatma Gandhi