Creators and Critics
It is very easy to criticize anything but it requires heart to appreciate the good things. One also requires to posses the positive attitude in order to have noble heart. One can be very good critic but it is very difficult to create something which benefits the Society as whole.
Writers Thinkers and Saints have described the Negative attitudes in their own words. Saint Kabir said that ' Once I went in search of bad person but could not find one. However when I introspected my own Soul, found that I was the worst one. It mean that if one suffer from negativity then he will find every thing bad in this world.
One of the glaring examples of such pervert attitudes can be found in the character of Duryodhan in Mahabharata. Duryodhan says that' I know what is good and bad but can not practice good and accustom to do bad. ' This types of people will always see everything bad in good thing. The question of attitude comes in such matters.
It is also observed for example that some people cannot write a single word or cannot dare to publish any thoughts but they will take the first opportunity to criticize the people doing so. They cannot find anything wrong therein then they will question language or material or message in order to show their superiority complex which is the reflection of their inferiority complex. However it also amounts to the reflection of their pervert mental attitude. For instance some people may say 'It would have been very good if sea is not salty or it would have been very good if Bulbul is not Black or some may say why roses grow with thorn around it? The answer of such comments can be why some people are seeing drawbacks only in those things instead of seeing their quality. It is a question of positive attitude. It is observed that several people are ready to lift the dead body for cremation but that many persons were not there to give him help when he needed. This is a question to the society for not having positive approach.
In view of above the every constructive activity is to be done in order to satisfying one self and that too for good of people. In the process if you get positive responses then accept it as God gift or otherwise be tolerant to criticism to improve further if required. The intention of critics may be anything but it is once own interest to take it in 'Positive Manner'.
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