China and India
China and India are in race for taking leadership in Asia. Besides that it is a competition between two systems i.e. Dictatorial and Democratic. However it is observed that China has progressed very well and has become Economic and Military power in the World. India has also progressed Economically and Military but its growth is Slow. The over population is one of the major problems which both countries are facing but China has been able to control the population up to large extent due to their authoritarian system while India is still suffering from over population problem and its progress is being up to large extent sollowed by increasing population.
It will be seen from following figures that how India is behind China. We have to also note that China is bigger in terms of Area.
1) Income Per Head- $800/- Per Head $ 400/- Per Head
2) Below Poverty Line 3% Population 40% Population
3) Export of China is 400 % more than India.
4) Agriculture Production of China is Doubled than India.
5) China is having 100 % Literacy Rate While India is having 50 to 60% Literacy Rate.
6) China is having 24 Crores Telephone Lines while India is having 2.7 Crores Telephone Lines.
7) China is receiving 65% of their NRI funds while India is receiving 10% of their NRI funds.
8) China is having 40 crores of TV Sets while India is having 7.5 crores TV Sets
9) China is having production of Cement 65 Tons Per Year while India is having Cement production of 9.5 Tons Per Year.
10) China produce 16 Crore Tons petroleum products per year while India produce 3 Crore Tons
per year.
11) The Increase of Population in China is One Crore Per Year while in India the increase is Double.
12) China is having about 22 Lakhs Military Forces while India is having about 7 to 8 Lakhs Military Forces. However China is having well Armed equipped Military forces than India.
This is only to show that how China has strengthen its Economical and Military Strength in order to become World power. The more is required to be done by India in this direction.
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