Colombia is one of the Latin American Countries which is known for its strong drug Mafias. Besides that it is the third largest country in the Latin America.
It's GDP was 4.8% in year 2015 and considered to be good for doing business.
Meanwhile Civil War has also ended which have brought stability in its economy. It is very rich in coal reserve and stands third regarding the same in the Latin America. There are lots incentives for foreign investments and more than 200 foreign companies have entered in the last five years. Colombia is producing very large quantity palm oil and stand 4th in the world. It intends to further improve the infrastructure by spending by 50 Billion Dollars.
There is a sound fiscal management in order to further improve its economy. World Bank reported that Middle Class of Colombia has increased by 50% in the last decades. Middle class form the 27% of Colombian population. All these factors are increasing the marketability of Colombian Economy. Hence there is good market for assembly and manufacturing of vehicles, trucks, buses and automotive components. There are free trade zones which further encourages the foreign companies. Besides that the aggressive campaign against drug lords have further improve the image of the Colombia in the world.
In view of above the Colombia has become the better place for doing Business and have acquired now 34th place in the world for doing business. Therefore it is one of the rising economies in the world.
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