The Home Land of Christopher Columbus- Spain
Spain is very much in News because of the Catalonia demanding Independence. Catalina is one of the richest provinces of Spain who is struggling for independence since long time. However Spain has its maritime history wherein person like Christopher Columbus traveled lot and discovered the continent of America then. He was in search of India then on the entirely new Route but accidentally he came across America. Therefore he called the natives of America Indian thinking that he had reached to India. However Spain Monarchy then established many colonies in Latin America. American people wants to remove the Statue of Christopher Columbus from their land treating him as one of the Exploiters.
However even to day Spain is very important Country in the South Western part of Europe. It is a member of European Union. Even European Union does not want the the division of Spain on the economical reason. The Spain is a develop Country with Services being main sector in its economic development. Its GDP is increasing and it is expected to reach 3.1% in 2017. It has mixed Capitalist Economy and it is is open for the foreign investments. It has also booming Tourism Industry. It has highly skilled worker to Boom its Industrial Base. There are about 9000 Foreign Companies in Spain.
The focus areas for investment are in Aerospace, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals and Automotive components. It also produce the Highest i.e. 44% of world Olive Oil. Spain is also highest manufacturer of Industrial Vehicles in Europe. It has highest speed Rail Lines. Spain has become Entry Route to Latin American Countries as Spanish language is mostly spoken language in Latin America. However English is accepted as a Business language in the Spain. Spain is a very promising country with 64000 KM Fiber Optic Cable Network. Catalonia or without Catalonia Spain will remain promising Country in the world to Come.
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