America, China, India and Pakistan- Strategic Policies
America is friendly with Pakistan and giving considerable amount of Financial and Military Aid. The said Aid is given for fighting war against Taliban and including for development purpose. However America is also aware that Pakistan is not spending those aid to eliminate Terrorist Activities but it it is being used for terrorist activities against India. The Terrorism is a proxy war against India by Pakistan. Besides that there is lots of corruption in Civil and Military administration of Pakistan.
However America cannot afford to loose Pakistan as its ally due to its strategic Position. America can overlook India ,Russia, China, Afghanistan and Middle East Countries from its Military Facilities in Pakistan. The development of close Trade and Military relationship between China and Pakistan is a matter of grave concern for America. In short Pakistan is in position to blackmail America.
China is also interested in Pakistan for developing its Trade Rout up to Arabian Sea. It is a shortcut for China for doing Trade with Oil Rich countries of Middle East. Besides that China wants to create uneasy situation for India. The continuous conflicts between India and Pakistan is in the interest of China.
Russia was having very cordial relationship with India for several decades. Russia also sold its Military and Industrial Material to India. The recent political developments have change the scenario wherein India has developed close relationship with USA, UK, Germany, France and other Western Countries. India has started buying the latest Military Hardware and the Industrial Technology from Western Countries. Besides that the Terrorism has also created common cause of its distruction for the East and West. This developments have also compelled Russia to find its new Allies. Pakistan may be one of them. However India has to change it policies in order to face its nearest enemies Pakistan and China.
India has also started developing close relation ship with friendly Muslim Countries like Iran,Afghanistan in order to counter the China /Pakistan Axis. In view of above the political scenario in Asia and Middle East is changing. We hope it will be for Good of all.
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