International Women Day-8 Th March
8th March is being celebrated as 'Women Day ' in the world. We are celebrating ' Women Day' Why? i.e. In order to show that women are the equal contributors along with men. Therefore they have to be treated with equal respect with men.
This it self shows that men dominated world have not treated women equally. Besides that whichever high positions are being hold by women in the world are acquired by them due to their own capacities. Angela Markel, Chancellor of Germany, Theresa May British Prime Minister does not owes their positions because of the mercy shown by men politicians but it was achieved by themselves merely through their intelligence, hard and sincere work.
Besides that Women capacities can be seen in the family wherein mother, sister and wife plays very important roles for strengthening the family bonds. How smoothly they manage themselves against hostiles and unmanageable men folks. However it is unfortunate that some time society use them or exploit them without recognizing their contributions. Society has to amend here to give them due credit for their help.
However everything is not good for women in this world. They are frequently Assaulted, Raped and Humiliated. It is mainly due to Men's Superiority Complexes, and Pervert Mentalities. It is very unfortunate that average every minute one woman is being raped in the world. We can improve the situation only by Educating People and Respecting Women in right Spirit.
The lots of campaigns are being carried out apparently for improving the Respect and Status of Women in the Society. However some time there are more Hypocrisy and Outer show. The women are being exploited in the name of Religion, Business, Fashion and Family. The Women in Rural Areas are still living Sub- Standard life. They are also being used as a personal property for producing the child. The conservative people in Society even do not prefer the birth of girls in their family. It has brought down the men and women ratio 1000/800 which is not good. It also shows the real face of Society. The few exception does not prove the rule in this matter.
The Adult Franchise Voting System in Democracy has added one more factor to exploit Women. The politicians pampers and exploit women for their 50% votes through extending very big Concessions for women. Even Medias 'TP' also depends upon the majority viewers who may be women. They show the unrealistic things regarding women in some of the serials. This is only to raise their 'TP'.
In short Society has to bring up the Status of women in spirit and action.
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