Donald Trump - The Next Elected President of America
Donald Trump has proved to be very frank and blunt politician. He always behaved and talk in the way he felt in his heart. He is very controversial but no body can doubt about his Patriotism. He has been voted because-
1) Donald Trump talked through the heart of white and conservative Americans.
2) Donald Trump also talked about bringing back the glory and the supremacy of America in the world.
3) Donald Trump wants to fulfill the dreams of all hardworking, sincere and intelligent Americans.
4) However Donald Trump has been harsh to illegal immigrants and other immigrants who are disloyal to the value for which America stands.
5) Donald Trump promised to get back the employments to American which are passed on to the Non Americans through outsourcing and under Special Visa provisions like HIB.
6) It appears that disowning of Donald Trump candidature by his own party leadership has created very much sympathy wave for him.
7)To fight against world terrorism is a positive commitment of Donald Trump
8) America had committed political error by removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq which resulted into chaos. Therefore Donald Trump does not want to remove Syrian Dictator on the name of democratic forces in Syria. It may be the one of the reasons why he support Russian policy in Syria.
These are the apparent reasons why Donald Trump has been voted. However we have to wait and watch to see how he deals with all those problems during his term. But at present we must wish him all the best in his endevours.
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